Hello friends

Hello friends,

I'm looking for the most comfy philosophy/ideology to subscribe to.

Which one should I chose?

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Hello, friends?

Common-sense realism, pragmatism, neopragmatism, Witty.

Intellectual life on easy mode, plenty of modern proponents.

Not sure if that's the comfy you're looking for though.

>Which one should I chose?
You should just read and come to your own conclusions desu.
Or you could read my dairy desu: full of pure ideology!



snuggle up with your bible and remember how much he loves you


[email protected]

This is the correct answer

plato def is the comfiest, not to demanding and a beautiful prose.

You are already subscribed to an ideology.

How much layers of ideology is that picture on my dude?

Like 5, man.

Epicureanism. No contest.

Sounds very good.

Any recommendations as to where to start?

Being a Platonist in this day and age causes cognitive dissonance which is uncomfortable.


Which one?

There's such a ridiculous amount of people who've never read Plato who have a Platonic view of mathematics tho.

Spacetime substantivalism. literally changed my life


I'm not a Christian anymore but it's hard to deny that's it was cozy as fuck (even though that coziness comes with denying life itself)

I had a philosophy class with a bunch of fleece wearing arch linux using computer scientists once, they literally couldn't understand that numbers are merely conceptual.

>Common-sense realism, pragmatism, neopragmatism, Witty.
>we're all forever alone, certainty is impossible, your life is meaningless, you will die and be forgotten

I hardly consider that comfy

Kierkegaard. Truly the comfiest.

that pic KEK

anyone who is a moral realist or direct realist in regards to epistemology.

michael huemer is a professor at my dept. and has written a couple of books on the matter.


hes also an anarcho-capitalist, so keep that in mind while also not discrediting his work because of it.

Holy... I want more

New-testemant oriented Christianity.

Minus Revelations, and you not only have a comfy ideology but a more correct one as well.

>hes also an anarcho-capitalist, so keep that in mind while also not discrediting his work because of it.

Not bloody likely

yeah, i know.


Your capability of conditioning your own tastes to a certain extent means that, through sheer, absolutely dank force of will, can force yourself to like at least a bit what naturally happens to you. Couple that with some common sense and the ability to go towards things you already like and you've pretty much reached max comfy.

>common sense realism
>look it up
>it's actually a real school of philosophy

Why are anglos so fucking bad at philosophy, y mean holy shit....

>Also looks it up
Holy shit they just made a philosophy wih no memes like what the hell


Christianity; I defiantly feel comfy. Socialism though, that's on a whole different level.

Antidisestablishmentarianism, enough said.

I don't like this image since I assume Nietzsche is supposed to already be represented by the guy watching the sun

I sincerely wish that I could be Christian again. I had so much conviction and meaning before. I'm too empty now. However, this is all just symptomatic of my depression rather than the cause.