I like Hemingway, Faulkner, and Steinbeck

I like Hemingway, Faulkner, and Steinbeck.

Call me pleb or whatever idgaf.

Rec me some authors.

For what it is worth...I think highly of Nabokov, but oftentimes his stuff is just too eccentric for me.

Cormac McCarthy if you haven't read his stuff already. Start with The Road, work your way up to Blood Meridian.

Flannery O'Connor

Thanks brother.

Do not start with the Road, this is terrible advice. Start with Blood Meridian. You do not need to "work your way up."

Hardy. Somewhat similar to Steinbeck.

Dickens is somewhat similar to the authors you like.

I dont understand Veeky Forumss obsession w working your way up. I agree blood meridian is the best place to start. I loved Lolita but some of his work has been so bad I couldn't get through it at all, like Pale Fire. One of the worst things I've ever tried to read.

seconding McCarthy. Also read Dashiell Hammett, Red Harvest

Seconding this. Check out her collected short stories.

I gotta say, this is a great thread.

You could maybe check out Richard Wright? He's commonly grouped with these three, and I think he offers a unique perspective.

Also, if you're wanting a playwright maybe Eugene O'Neil.

John Williams

Both of these are wrong. Start with Suttree. We have a "I'm too pleb for Blood Meridian" thread in its various iterations like every week.

Although I'd consider Blood Meridian an essential masterpiece I would still say that it's a difficult read. I'd consider The Road to be McCarthy's most accessible work, hence my advising him to work his way up.

The guys reading Faulkner, he's not gonna find BM difficult ya tards

Even if you did need to work your way up to it you recommend you read his worst book first. He guy reads Faulkner, does he really needs to be patronised? He can read whatever McCarthy he wants.


Not because he's like what you like, but because he is not.

If you've already read him, Cervantes.

Zhu Ziqing's My Father's Back.

Carver. Hempel. Salter. DeLillo. Salinger.

Seconding Raymond Carver I think he's up OPs alley. Also whats delilo like? Im really intrigued but i wanna hear some perspectives.

Do you niggers seriously believe you need some kind of "skill" to read some pleb crap such as blood meridian? That shit is entry level lit such as Harry poker, not saying it's bad, just that it's easy.


>harry poker

If that book existed, I'd fucking read it. The history of a magician who gets expelled from Hogwarts, so he starts cheating at the casino.