Post your favourite non-fiction

Post your favourite non-fiction
Pic highly related, pretty much my favourite book period

>Reddit, the book

>my favorite book is one that doesn't even need text to be fully disproven

Possibly one of the best-written books ever. I'm always surprised Levi doesn't get more love on Veeky Forums, his prose is fantastic.

>Kikes enacting victim hood narrative on the holocaust for profit
No thanks


My personal favorite.

Reddit totally hates this book and goes on and on how its badhistory/wrong/racist, what are you even talking about.

How is it racist? I thought it was an anti-racist apologetic




Its garbage, and has been overthrown like 3 times now. Its bad history, bad geography, bad analysis. Huntington, Acemoglu , Robinson, Fukuyama etc. His examples do not stand up to serious inquiry.

Google "Fuck Jared Diamond", the scholarly article.

This, the fate of humans is not abitray, but mainly genetic. The best books were written by europeans, because they have the highest iq. The best buildings and invetions were made by europeans, because...

All the books crushing him focus on the power of human institutions over race or geography, hence why Botswana and Costa Rica have been democratic and stable over the long term as opposed to the shitholes that surround them.

Because you can't talk about genes. Huntigton and others use culture/instuitutions as a proxy.

Its this book I learned about from Sam Hyde about Jungian archetypes. It postulates how these four, if out of balance, can fall into destructive tendencies which ruin mens lives. It focuses on men and how they over compensate for their perceived shortcomings, and how to distinguish your spirit animal. Really kooky stuff, if I do say so.

>200k years of human development
>only 3000 or so of them had any sort of 'institutions'

that sounds like astrology for cucks

You're flat out wrong. Human development didn't really begin until institutions were born.

Some sociollogists try to claim, that everything is an institution, which makes the term meaningless. No Institution is created ex nihilo, there is always a society, which invents and implements them.

Periodic Table was dope as fuck.

Can I post this without getting meme'd on?

Thoreau is based. I recommend this book to everybody.

only if you really read the german original

Shout out for being there for me Senior year in college


I'm German and i've read it, any questions.

decline and fall of the roman empire
montaigne's essays
borges' essays
do general histories count as non-fiction? if so, herodotus, thucydides, 'a short history of ireland' and the likes of that as well.
hitchcock's notebooks