Is he /our guy/?

Is he /our guy/?

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he is a qttttttt
i love his accent and stuff

I know a way better guy who does book reviews on youtube whom I stumbled across and has double digit views mostly. I'm not going to tell though because you guys will spoil it

you can tell me, user, I'll keep it a secret

No, Orph is /our guy/. Or he would be if he made more videos.

he's certainly better than clifford le reddit

He has such a high school tier taste in lit it's dissapointing

Is a retard.


Though he has read every book you can think of. Maybe he's just gone through all the classics and has nothing else to tick off so he reads obscure/shitty po-mo now.

>Though he has read every book you can think of.

tell me you aren't being serious when you say this.

Absolutely /our guy/
>no, I don't agree with all of his opinions
It's his humor and style, not his taste (which is good) that makes him entertaining.
His passion is apparent, he uploads regularly, isn't a pseud, and his qtness and accent makes me question my sexuality.
Above everything, his videos are just really easy to watch.

Most of us would have similar taste to him if we were more sincere in our tastes tbqhds.


Maybe it doesn't apply to you but I think a lot of people on this board only read what is discussed here without any real understanding of their own interests, so they have no criterion outside of literary fiction.

Yeah, they won't even accept things even slightly outside their usual meme like JG Ballard.

lmao, what a loser

Looks like just another hipster faggot who treats books like a consumer item used to build an image, so naturally he fits perfectly on this board

so he's Veeky Forums's pewdiepie?

I haven't watched that specific video because I haven't read all of those books yet but I've watched a lot of his other content and he is pretty respectable. I believe he wrote his dissertation on post-postmodern literature


Cliff is better and also hotter.

I like his videos considering he is young and he seems really genuine with his reviews. He is not trying to look smart. You are just a bunch of nerdy jealous guys. Plus, I like that Italian accent.