
Is it possible to control lust?

Most great philosophical and religious literature seems to criticize lust or insist we control our lust because it leads us to use women as a means to an end.

The Bible

But I simply can't control my lust. I do fine for a like a day or so and then the need to have sex or masturbate is so furious I just have to do it. I'm filled with that sort of demonic energy and I'll stop at nothing. It's so easy to be full of high-minded ideals for your life and big plans for the future until nature calls. For example I think I would be less inclined to pursue a difficult, high-paying career if it weren't for the desire for beautiful women.

So is it

1) possible
2) desirable

to overcome lust?

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Lust is natural dawg, s'all good. Literally no reason to try and kill part of yourself.

You learn not to shit your pants every time you just feel like it, it's not about killing shit

It's possible to control some of your natural impulses and your behavior, yes.

It's desirable to control them to some degree, assuming you live in a civilized society and whatnot. But there's no need to kill it altogether.

I dunno, if you can't keep your dick in your pants at the slightest horniness then you have a problem. Lust isn't a problem, you just need to have enough self control not to let it fuck you over, I feel life without lust would be like life without happiness, sadness, joy our despair. It would lack something fundamental.

You don't have "demonic energy" lmao you just lack discipline. I'm a confirmed high test high libido alpha male and I went nofap for 50 days before. Everything is possible.

>I went nofap for 50 days

Why though? Was it just to test your self-discipline or are you one of those nutters who think it gives them superpowers or some silly shit like that?

>Everything is possible.
no alpha says that

I guess my problem is that it is easy to sagely nod my head and say, "Yea, lust in moderation is no problem. I should just go about my business and only accommodate sexual desires when I want to." But then I'm doing my homework or at my job and it fucking hits me and suddenly I'm on Tinder or chatting up random co-workers at my job, spending valuable time trying to seduce some bitch. If I succeed then I end up having to spend even more time with her and if I don't I end up watching porn and feeling like a failure and a tool.

Idk I just feel like it's more trouble than it's worth. Maybe I have an unhealthy relationship with sex and jerking off because I used to be a pretty serious Catholic.

Definitely sounds like there's something weird about your attitude towards lust, sex and women. I'd suggest not trying to solely control your lust but rather focusing on coming to terms with that stuff. Trying to deny a natural and acceptable part of your being is rarely healthy.

This is satan tempting you. Do not reply.

Shame is Pride’s cloak.
>I used to be a pretty serious Catholic.
Prisons are built with stones of Law, brothels with bricks of Religion.

Lust is natural. Don't try to control it as long as it allows you to live a socially acceptable life. If you molest your coworkers, you might want to stop. If you're just flirting and don't force anything, it's alright.

And no, striving for a high-paying job to be more desirable to women is not wrong in any way. Everyone does that, everyone wants to be desirable. Money is desirable. So is good looks, so we spend time in front of the mirror, we go to the barber, we pay attention to how we dress, etc.

Lust controls our lives, and it's okay. It's normal.

You should control your passions, or your passions will control you. Your will gets interrupted when you let temporal desires drag you around back and forth.

Religious people fast, not because food is bad, but to exercise their ability to have control over even the most base, primal, integral human desires. This gives them strength to resist what they see as moral temptations like deviant sexual desire or to act selfishly to get their way or something. For a nonreligious person you want to control your passions so that you can be in more complete control of your own being, so that you can relegate the satisfaction of these desires to when you want. For instance, if you're working on writing and suddenly you get the urge to fap, you want to be able to resist it and keep going without stopping, fapping to porn and then feeling tired and burnt out.

Sounds like you need to read more Whitman and Nietzsche.

>Was it just to test your self-discipline
You are misguided bro. Self-discipline is something that either develops or atrophies each day. Every time you "test" yourself, you are already increasing your self-discipline.

that's not natural though. Natural would be to prioritize lust over everything else.

Someone didn't read their ethology because animals don't follow the pleasure principle or a literal version of "survival of the fittest" all the time at all. Darwin himself knew this.

1. Start following the Orthodox fast days

2. Use the method the monk in this cartoon does to fight temptation:

3. If you give in, then make the next Wednesday or Friday a day of no food whatsoever, and no drink save water. If fall again, then make both the next Wednesday and Friday days of no food at all, just water. Keep following this if you keep falling, eventually you will overcome.

This will definitely work if you apply it.

No sexual release definitely gives you superpowers but I can't prove it so I won't try. Self control is like a muscle in the long term having used it helps it be stronger and more capable in the short term having used it reduces your ability to use it for something else. If you feel sexually compulsive it may be that you are living a high stress life or have not found a more healthy way to relax.

Alpha's do whatever they want.

>Most great philosophical and religious literature seems to criticize lust or insist we control our lust because it leads us to use women as a means to an end.

Hegel didn't.

>Most great philosophical and religious literature seems to criticize lust or insist we control our lust because it leads us to use women as a means to an end.

No, most great philosophical and religious literature says to control your lust so as to not be a woman.

>The Bible

So slave moralists?

It's not that complicated. They condemn lust and praise virginity because they can't achieve sex. Textbook slave morality.

Why do you think that?

> No sexual release definitely gives you superpowers but I can't prove it so I won't try.

Oh boy. What kind of "superpowers" are we talking about?

>If you feel sexually compulsive it may be that you are living a high stress life or have not found a more healthy way to relax.

Well, that would certainly be a problem. Precising self-discipline is certainly good and whatnot, especially if jacking off is compulsive or otherwise problematic, I just don't see the reason to abstain from it completely.

>I can stop when I want to
>Can stop when I wish.
>I can stop, stop, stop any time.
>And what a good feeling to feel like this
>And know that the feeling is really mine.
>Know that there's something deep inside
>That helps us become what we can.
>For a girl can be someday a woman
>And a boy can be someday a man.

The first statement I only make because sir Isaac Newton was a virgin and invented Newtonian physics and the calculus needed to describe it, it is mostly a joke.

As regards the second I agree abstinence is only one step better than compulsion. Moderation is my ideal.

thank you based Rogers

Fuck, you is right

Abstinence, self-control etc. is just how old men troll young men from a position of knowing full well its just a phase and not a permanent part of your character anyway.

I guarantee you Marcus Aurelius had more sex than Nietzsche. You can't psychologize that easily

Nietzsche condemned both slave moralists and master moralists, just saying.

You control it by becoming spiritually attuning and being, so to say, of the heart and mind, not of the body. There are plenty of ways to do this, this isn't meant to be religious advice. You don't have to fight it, it will only stay stuck in your mind since you're not replacing it with something much more overriding and infinite.

Only young girls can be attractive


moron. before any of that, ask yourself

what is the end to lust? you said it leads us to use women as a means to an end... well what's the fucking end?

1) castration or some kind of hormone inhibitor
2) it will reduce your suffering but it will also reduce your capacity for pleasure

i find that my lust is curbed when i don't encounter any girls or see any images of them. but that's nearly impossible. i think the muslims are onto something there... otherwise you're going to need surgery / heavy medication because sex is deeply embedded in our genetic programming. also, if you castrate yourself, kiss your genetic legacy goodbye. unless you freeze your sperm in a lab, which is weird, but then you've already come this far...

Depends what degree of control you're talking about.
Can you stop yourself from always acting purely on your bases instincts of lust?
yes. Or else there would be just rape. Note that a big factor for that control are consequences. It REALLY sucks getting caught raping over here. In shithole countries with pretty much non-existent laws there's typically a lot of rape.

Is it possible to not even show signs of lust? Not showing signs of wanting, showing no interest in the opposite sex and not going after it at all?
Sure, with lots of training. It's what many kinds of Monks and such have done for years. Surely the lust is still there, they just do not act upon it, they don't flirt and they don't seek out satisfaction.

Is it possible to completely turn off lust at will?

>Is it possible to control list

This is what people who cannot control themselves ask.

just do the Alan Turing approach

1) Yes
2) Yes

Buddhism actually has three major approaches to this issue, that of renunciation, that of transformation, and that of spontaneous liberation.

Based off what you wrote, you are a person that has a particularly strong degree of lust. As such the transformation approach is the best for someone like you. This approach is most common in tantric traditions and doesn't entail renunciation in order to control lust.

In essence this involves edging and actually trying to inflame as much arousal and lust as possible during your sexual sessions. You combine this with reverse kegals, breath control, and trying to spread the pleasure throughout your body. The really important thing here is to transition from an end-seeking approach to lust and sexual pleasure, to a sustained-pleasure approach. You do not try to ejaculate because the sexual bliss caused by the inflamed sexual tension is then lost and rather you simply try to fully enjoy each moment of sexual pleasure as if it was the peak. However, eventually you can learn to have ejaculation free orgasms where you have contractions but you feel as if you are cumming into yourself (full body spasmodic pleasure).

In overcoming the end-seeking tendency, the uncontrolled fire of lust gradually diminishes and becomes reflexive and under your control. You eventually no longer desire it, and in essence will yourself to engage in a sexual session. You eventually have a lingering pleasure throughout the day, and a warmth and a sense of open intimacy in the heart area that carries over into your social interactions. If you don't abandon the breath control during the sessions, then eventually even breathing throughout the day sustains a pleasurable sensation near the perineum area.

However, the first few weeks to months can be difficult because you may not have the muscle control and discipline to stop when you simply are too close to ejaculation. In the beginning you must mindfully end the sessions once you reach the edge a few times. If you try to continue for too long when too close to ejaculation, then you can experience a full blown sexual mania until you cum. Breath control and spreading the pleasure throughout the body does wonders to mitigate the causes leading to this sexual mania. I cannot emphasize enough how importance the shift in perspective regarding end-seeking to sustained pleasure, it is the critical shift that acts as a basis for eventually conquering lust.

sexual release brings physical pleasure, but not Joy

>Note that a big factor for that control are consequences. It REALLY sucks getting caught raping over here. In shithole countries with pretty much non-existent laws there's typically a lot of rape.

Our low incidence of rape couldn't have anything to do with the success of the New Testament in Western Europe, obviously.

quit porn and fapping. you CAN do it. dont listen to the "biologically hardwired for sex" bullshit. your body can self regulate via nocturnal emission.

Catholic guilt is a real thing, but that doesnt mean theyre not right.

>If you molest your coworkers, you might want to stop.
wow, great advice from the local hedonist

good post but now take note of the fact that by applying church doctrine in a secular manner youre recognizing the church as a source of wisdom and maybe theyre right about more than just jacking off

>Most great philosophical and religious literature seems to criticize lust or insist we control our lust because it leads us to use women as a means to an end.
No, it's because it gives women power over us that it is bad.

This is because you live in a terrible society where hyper-sexualization has overridden a sane, healthy understanding of desire and pleasure. Do you remember when you went to this class trip as a teen for a week and you never felt the need to masturbate? That's how it is supposed to be every day.

Some people have more libido and sexual desires than others. If you have it, there's no shame in indulging it.

>no drive to masturbate as a teen
t. the latest bloomer

what the living fuck lol

im a serb and seeing this orthodox bullshit triggers me

Fasting is great, it's a shame Christians gave up on it.

Yes it's possible, you are just weak or a teenager.

It's not really desirable though. Sex and masturbation are healthy.

>Our low incidence of rape couldn't have anything to do with the success of the New Testament in Western Europe, obviously.
At this date? No. Most people these days are "holliday religious" and only show up to a service when it is a special occasion. and while some places of prayer still relatively well visited, the numbers compared to total populace is (in most cities) rather negligible.

Anyhow, your point doesn't even change my argument that a big deterrent of rape is punishment for rape in the slightest. You can either be afraid of the long arm of the law striking you down, or the fear of committing a sin and spending your eternity suffering in hell for raping someone's wife.
It's basically the same thing: Being afraid of what will happen to you after you rape.

Christianity is so thoroughly ingrained into our culture that you probably overlook its multitudinous effects.

You might think that people don't rape out of fear of punishment, just like some think most people vote purely out of financial interest, but it's just not true. Without searching for a source, I assure you that most people don't rape because they think its morally wrong. Where do those morals come from, and what gives them force? The Christian tradition.

Or maybe the renaissance and enlightenment.

Plenty of Orthodox Christians fast.

I meant here in the decadent West to be frank.

which came first lmfao, also what would the renaissaince have to do with anything?

It's called nutting/masturbation. Although the clarity you get from it disappears after an hour.

>For a nonreligious person you want to control your passions so that you can be in more complete control of your own being, so that you can relegate the satisfaction of these desires to when you want. For instance, if you're working on writing and suddenly you get the urge to fap, you want to be able to resist it and keep going without stopping, fapping to porn and then feeling tired and burnt out.
you are never in control. you do not even choose what food you like and you do not even have the ability, without great effort, to get the food you like when you want it

It's still popular here. I only fast from meat on fridays tho.

Lust is as easy to control as hunger.

Nope I can fast for 3+ days no problem, lust is a different story altogether

explain Hegel


Basically, trying to 'control' lust is only the confirmation of its importance, and the vanity of standing above it. The way to proceed, is to give in to the (necessary) desires, since they are self-defeating, and they immediately give birth to a different, higher shape of consciousness by the very acting out of them, e.g. by reducing the other to something to be used by you to express your own individuality, at the same time you also stop being an isolated individual, you're now the union of yourself and the other.

You can't stop masturbating for 3 days?

Most people, not that long ago really, probably didn't eat meat most days of the year anyway. That's hardly a fast. The only thing the Orthodox have like a fast which is just "no meat" is Cheesefare Week, which isn't really a fast at all, since there is a lot of partying and merrymaking, things that are no-nos on regular fast days. I guess the only reason to say no meat for that week, is because it is the week right before Lent, when everyone is going to want to have one last good time, and they don't want people eating meat right before Lent.

Sexual gratification?

>text book made up concept

>Is it possible to control lust?

Since everyone alive does it all day long, with very few exceptions, I'd say so. I spend my days surrounded by hot college girls in yoga pants, and I have yet to drag any into the bushes and sodomize them, This is also true of 99.99% of the other men around campus every day, or on the street, or anywhere else.