ITT: literary characters that are literally you

ITT: literary characters that are literally you

i'll start

Other urls found in this thread:

Charles Tansley from To the Lighthouse

Basil Hallward from Dorian Gray.

I do art and I get cucked a lot. One day, I will be cucked to death.

That one weird ginger autistic kid from Cannery Row that helps Doc clumsily and nobody likes.

I liked that kid.

Thanks user :)
I love you.

Great book here OP.

Folio Edition of Richard III: England's Black Legend




You gay?


The eponymous character of pic related.


The main character of this book is how I acted for the first 20 years of my life.

one homeless dude said i am like young dostoevsky.


what an erudite homeless dude

This book didn't have faggots

well it does now.

he keeps saying he doesnt know anything, just like socrates, and he also kinda looks like socrates. or leo tolstoy, who knows?...

I'm nihilistic with a wicked sense of humour.

Gregor Samsa


>not intelligent too

I feel the same way a lot.

No but seriously, sometimes I feel like him (and I really don't want to), so I'm not Gary Stu'ing here.

why, my peenus weanus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: literary characters that are literally you - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D


Bernardo Soares. I've only just started it, but everything he's said so far is hitting home.

20 years? Shot many arabs then?


don quixote

>make post about how I Identify with Mizoguchi, the stuttering autist whose first attempt to communicate with the world has always failed
>post gets misunderstood
>mfw (the fw is implied)

'Sup, homeslice.

(Hint: we are all Iago)

fuggin this

>take trouble over having pc, turning pc on, opening browser, get on lit, get in thread, post picture in thread
that does not add up. too much activity for a molloy

The goal in life is literally to be Iago, except not to get caught.
You're either the cuck or the one doing the cucking.

me from "my diary desu"

Esther Greenwood, the main character of the Bell Jar is pretty relatable.

When I was reading Sound and the Fury I was in a really Quentin frame of mind, so I pretty much was him when I read it, except without a sister.

That's another thing. Do any of you reliably find depictions of precocious-ish students in literature scarily mirroring your own though patterns? I'm thinking Stephen Dedalus and, of course, Quentin. (Maybe Pierre from War and Peace, but I don't remember what age he was)

sup, Veeky Forums

There were some chapters where I could really relate to the protagonist of my diary desu



I keep having dreams about a man who looks exactly like this except he has nothing to do with the character or the novel.

It's really starting to scare me.

Peter Walsh


Disregard the other posts. This is literally the entire board.

I'm surprised no one has posted this yet. I mean, it's not me, I'm not that autistic, I'm just surprised nobody is yet

nah not really, thought there are a lot of them around.

I've recently noticed that Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums are the only boards with actual variety in viewpoints, no matter how slim.

D. Quixote is actually the embodiment of the typographic trance as Cervantes saw it, the man who reads so much he loses common sense.
I felt more like Benjy...

I'm surprised nobody has posted this yet. I can't be the only sociopathic tranny that mutilates small animals on this board.


i fuck butts and eat poop

No Underground Man?

isnt that from the zelda cdi


This. Sad thing is I'm being 100% genuine, unlike all of Veeky Forums when they shit post and larp about these kind of things. It's quite sad.

i'm more like moran before he goes all crazy

do you have your own kid to be cold towards and abuse?


can't be the only one around here

I am Susan Sontag's description of C. in her journals.

I expected this to be the first response.

Bob Slocum, Something Happened.


Aragorn from LOTR.
The average person sees me as a no good vagrant, when in reality I'm destined for greatness.

no but i kick my dog when he whines

The MC from Dostoïevski's White Nights.


I'm intelligent, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor.

Antoine Roquentin - Sartre, Nausea

Kill yourself


hearty kek

>csq relating more and more to Julien Sorel

Nice quads, for a shitpost

Orin Incandenza, I really wish I was meming.

which team do you punt for and hows it feel courting a tranny?

I'm basically Hamlet+Montaigne somehow

Him and Joseph K. If you have any other answer is fooling themselves. They are the embodiment of the modern man.

I'm honestly Peter or Thomas

I am Heathcliff desu

antony (of course)

Alaska from searching for alaska

please please PLEASE be my relatable gf


Intellectual but aimless college dropout living in a shitty overpriced studio, love my family but hate their life choices, intermittent bouts of extremely violent thoughts/narcissism, fallen in love with a troubled girl who I would probably find obnoxious if I weren't so lonely...