Sports, politics, and religion are the three passions of the badly educated

>Sports, politics, and religion are the three passions of the badly educated.

Was he right?

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Pretty much.

but is this not also a passion of the educated?

I suppose he's talking about day-to-day political discourse and not political philosophy.

You mean liberals, the alt-right and the ''leftists'' on reddit?

all politics suck man shut up


Politics is Art.

>politics and religion

sorry but how? there is so much interesting political ideology writing and various metaphysical/religious philosophy and thought to read on created through history. if he's trying to criticize modern yell-over-each-other political discourse and megachurch dogmatism, i can see his point, but if he's dismissing these interests in their entirety, i don't like that

>posting dude just don't will lmao: the philosopher
what did he mean by this?

Most of the highly-educated people I know are really into sports


Surely there are educated people that have those as a passion. But simply having those as a passion doesn't make you uneducated. Correlation does not imply causation.

futurism is the passion of the badly educated

Naw man, politics are quite serious I'd say. Sports is just entertainment.

Now, religion sometimes i find to be just an extension of politics, or actually the counter way.

But religion also works for getting people blue pilled. Which I guess is nice for them. I mean, you just need an excuse, and although it's a shitty explanation of the world, of obedience, happiness, etc. Itt works perfectly, like christianity.

So that people can sit in their asses or do anything, as long as it is: For God, or By God, they'll be okay even if someone just raped them, cause they must learn to "forgive" and "love" their neighboor. So, yeah, it's kinda nice as a happiness supressor. Or rather, as a partial remedy of the

le no find point in life meme.

Works for 'em. Wish it did for me tho.

No, because you eventually realize that no matter what economic and public policy you have in place, it will always be terrible if everyone isn't white.

Hey man I like how you just assumed you knew what you were talking about and figured if you were assertive enough about it then people wouldn't question it

meant sadness supressor"

Would have been perfect for that

>create sayings that sound deep but are totally spurious

thread we had a few days ago

A great sports game might be the height of performance art

how could I be so dense all this time?


He's just angry because he always got picked last for teams in gym class, got cucked the captain of the football team, and parents were probably puritans who sragmatized creativity.



Fuck, I meant stigmatized

Have you met an average ltin americanlow class soccer fan?

Was this something WF Kohler said or something he actually said because I think I remember him saying this in The Tunnel.

>religion is for dummies not le smarties like me i like le secks

well then, question it? It's not even about questioning it's about sharing ideas, brrruh.

Political philosophy is a contradiction in terms. Fuck off with this trash.

Politics is an affair of the rabble. Doesn't matter what level of discourse it occupies. Politics is a vulgar conceit of intellectuals, demagogues and parasites. A healthy, thriving, well governed society has no need of politics or politicians.


Guys, but... Come on! Just in what the hell do you think your countries are based on?
How the hell do you think they came to be powerful, agriculture, economics, tourism, many of those things are somehow related with politics. Little enterprises use politics to manage their people, it is another form o administration, a country, needs a lot of work, are you idiots?

Even families, damn, you guys are dumb brous. You like it or not you're based on it. I believe it's really stupid to just pretend nothing is happening or try to play indifferent while you are a big part of a whole.

Plus knowing it, at least understanding makes you know wether you're being fucked or not. It's a basic branch that everyone should at least know a glimpse about.

redpill me on slippery wet dog poop

>he doesn't watch Anerican Football

Missing out man

The guys watching a game of rugby are probably enjoying themselves way more than this bitter old faggot. His mind is unhealthy.

Pop religion sucks, but there is some interesting shit on religion out there.

Is that photo from an LL. Bean catalog?

Post on, meme man

Tell that to Aristotle or John Locke.

>fat guy hates on sport

>this just in: Fat ugly manlet dismisses sports fans as "le dumb dumbs" to feel superior

>denim sweater

Is this one of those quote-misattribution-maymay threads?
Cause The Tunnel just arrived in the mail, and I don't want to throw it in the trash right away.

This. If anyone is anything other than anti-political, I stop listening to them in the politest way possible.

Good thing you're not old enough to vote yet faggot.

Are you a fucking retard?

It's cashmere and suede you absolute mong

found the trumplet

>people who like things i don't like are dumb

No he forgot social justice and journalism.

>everyone's uneducated except me :)

this desu

You see, he has to say "badly educated" because to claim that religious people are "uneducated" would require him to ignore the fact that universities were developed by Catholics in the middle ages and the fact that theologians and political philosophers are just as educated as him. Instead he'd probably say "well that kind of education is bad" along with the rest of Reddit.

Also anyone who says "politics is just so below me" is being stupid. I don't know why you'd say that. I literally don't believe that politics should exist, yet I understand that political discourse is necessary and that if you don't have political convictions, you're either lying or you're very lazy. You're either saying that you don't adhere to any political theories at all, which would require you to be neutral on every issue (which you aren't), or you're so lazy that you'd rather convince yourself that politics isn't worthwhile and that pretending you're "apolitical" is a good excuse for not learning anything. You are political. Everybody is political. If you believe that their should be a death penalty, you're political. If you believe that the death penalty should be abolished, you're political. Even if you believe that the government shouldn't exist and that politics should be replaced by voluntary exchange, you're political.

eh ill stick to dragontails

politics is for poor people

a lie told by the rich to keep the poor under the blanket I SEE YOU CAPITALIST SCUM

>they think you get to opt out of class struggle

class struggle isn't much of a struggle for the rich

not personally.

Proof that incestuous philosophy breeds inferior thoughts.

it's just business

Post in this thread, while there's still time.
(OP) #

Post in this thread, while there's still time.

He's only wrong about sports, I suppose.

Sports can act as a good and harmless way to release emotions, and often do so. Many a war has been prevented by soccer.

Religion is for uneducated, but often good people.

Politics is for pretentious idiots.

>social factors do not influence social behavior

He's only wrong about sports, I suppose.

Sports can act as a good and harmless way to release emotions, and often do so. Many a war has been prevented by soccer.

Religion is for uneducated, but often good people.

Politics is for uneducated and evil people.

Also, political philosophy (virtue ethics vs. deontological ethics; monarchy vs. democracy) is different from politics (Trump vs. Hillary; Podesta vs. pussy grabing).

No, because he conflates education with mere de-masculinization.
No real genius has ever discounted all of those three.

The only issue I have with sports is it can be a wasteful time occupation. If a big happening happened in a sport would my life be affected? If a big happening happened in one of the world religions there's a possibility of it affecting me, if there's a big happening in politics there's a likely chance it could affect me.

Holy shit your head must be so far up your ass that you get to eat your breakfast twice. How, might I ask, does a "healthy, thriving, well governed society" come into being? Without politics or politicians? Who BY DEFINITION are those individuals that undertake the goal of forming and maintaining a GOVERNED SOCIETY?

Your comment suggests you think a "well governed society" is possible without individuals to govern it. Seems to me that you're so beset on reveling in your own pseudo-intellectual personality that you weren't able to see such a fundamental error in your thinking.

> Making fun of the average Joe while claiming to fight for class liberation, attacking religion while being essentially religious in their atheistic beliefs, and being overweight and dying from loneliness are the passions of the well educated.

If there were a trolley and I had to save either one average Joe or the entire humanities department of my school, I'd save the average Joe and then spit on the other track.