Fair enough
Discount pizza
that sounds counterintuitive.
>living somewhere where you have to tip drivers
Or just wait for a coupon, most pizza places give out coupons like every other week.
were I live there's an automatic $3 delivery surcharge. Well it depends on each place.
Are you actually implying that the delivery guy is gonna steal pizzas and deliver them to you on the down low for a small cut? I don't know where to start with this.
>google x restaurant coupons
>order over phone because the pizza site runs non free JavaScript
>pick up pizza
>pay cash
why aren't you doing this?
Better yet. just ask on the phone when you call, most places always have specials, after they tell you the specials ask if there's any more because(at least with Dominos) we have like 10 specials at any one time, but we just read out the top two.
Always tip even if its a couple bucks
That delivery charge doesn't go to the driver btw
>ask for his number and tell him the next time you want to make an order you will call him *wink* *nudge* *spank*
I'm really not sure getting a discount on pizza. is worth blowing the delivery guy
I do tip the proper amount, it's just the surcharge why can they charge the customer when it doesn't go to the driver, why is there a surcharge and where does the money go?