Huh... So this is the kind of shit stupid people tell themselves is at fault for their bad grades

Huh... So this is the kind of shit stupid people tell themselves is at fault for their bad grades

>criticizing the school system
back to

Main point of the video:
Art and dance should be as important as maths.

Most up voted comment :
Almost 90% of things we learn in school doesn't help us in real life and isn't useful at all.

Are brainlets even self conscious? How do they not forget to breath ?

I went to a public school and most minorities think like that.
> omg we've been cheated
> math class won't help us in life, mr. pang
> english class is so stoopid, all of us spek it
My school was like 40% blacks, and only 4 black kids took any AP classes. SAD.

Faggot. Even those of us with perfect As throughout pleb school agree with this shit. If I wanted to do all this homework and attend every class in college to get that perfect A instead of just paying some tuition mill the dues so I can get a piece of paper with my name on it, fuck I feel like a dumbass shekel's favorite for even considering it.

Public education, particularly k-12 is beyond shit.
Kids think iphones are magic and fat (landmoon status) is acceptable.

I stopped when he misquoted Einstein.


Yeah, we should all be satisfied with what we have forever and never change anything ever.

>brainlets blame the school for themselves being brainlets

>viewers have different opinions than the ones presented in the video
>they must be retarded

also their conclusion is true. most of the stuff that school teaches you is useless for the majority of people because the majority of people are brainlets that want to be actors, youtube vloggers, and models and become baristas, waitresses and HR drones

>I stopped when he misquoted Einstein.
>hey guys check out how elitist i am lol aren't i the coolest on the board? :D

Failure to do proper research shows that he's just skewing opinions. Nothing he said should be taken seriously.

well it's not their fault they're not academically inclined and not very sharp. what's the point of going through all the maths and shit when their little brain will never comprehend it but it may be better suited for dance or painting or whatever

I agree with this kid. I spent 5 years of schooling in k-12 learning how to fill out a resume, not call someone a non-politically correct pronoun, how white people are the cause of the problem, how america is the world saviors (but not the white guys, fuck those guys in particular), to not compete but instead give up and let the retarded or ugly win, women are the opressed and should be overlords or worshipped depending who you ask. . .

It was all called English and Social Studies.

Capacity to speak english and write a paper was achieved outside these environments.

Or like how a tardy in a class required you to pay 10$ per tardy if you wanted a grade from your class per quarter.

>Failure to do proper research
umm, you can do your research (or use common sense) and be aware that's not an einstein quote, and still use it as an opener for stylistic reasons (and """establishing ethos"""") because it doesn't really matter whether einstein actually said or not when for most viewers einstein is some pop icon that means smart crazy man. what i'm trying to say is that you have autism

Basically nobody thinks fat studies is acceptable. Get your head out of your ass.

>brainlets blame the school system for trying to lift them out of brainlet status

Not him, but fuck you. Truth matters.
You must be a fan of Michael Moore.

Maybe it does, but the point (iirc) was that just because he said that it doesn't mean it was a "failure to do proper research"

>smug nigger on thumbnail
no thanks

Fuck that. What is true and real is always more important.

The truth always has precedent over rhetoric.

Go fuck yourself truth is for autists

Parents are responsible for their children's education, not the government.

Actually they both are given that we're paying taxes for education you retarded fuckhole

>Art and dance should be as important as maths.

That's because the 3 of them are mentally linked. Including music.

I legitimately can't tell if this is pretending or actually stupid, since both sound the same.

Everything is """""mentally linked""""" you pseudointellectual garbage human

>haha DAE cant tell if TROLL OR STUPID *crying laughing emoji* *crying laughing emoji*

It's like you came out of idiocracy.

i don't watch pleb movies *stuck out tongue emoji*

not everyone wants or needs not to be a brainlet

Do you really want our future children (and hence, elements of future society) being solely educated by some of the parents you see walking around in the street?

muh ancaps

>other people should raise my children
>people I have no control over because the government says so and I allow it
>people who themselves don't actually know what they are teaching

>i am stupid

op copied the top comment on the video, kek