What's Veeky Forums's stimulant of choice ?

What powers you through the day?

I tried noopept after reading that it's "the closest thing to NZT-48 xD" and that it gives you the drive and energy to effortlessly do whatever task you were procrastinating but it just does nothing for me

>inb4 "op is a brainlet who needs stimulants haha"

>inb4 "op is a brainlet who needs stimulants haha"

well, aren't you?


My heart pumping oxygen to my brain and body.

bath salts

benzedrex inhalers

9 shots espresso per day, cut with sheer willpower

OMG no

2 cups of turkish coffee every morning so i could be awake as hell during the lecture

32-48oz of coffee. Theanine to take the edge off.

I actually want to stop but I can't. If I have less than 400mgof caffeine a day, I get vertigo, neck pain, migraines and anxiety to the point that I can't function.

I'm a high achieving student so I can't afford to try and quit until the academic year is done. I honestly hate it. I wish I didn't fall for the "scientists live on coffee" meme

My girlfriend

dexedrine is god tier.
>only lasts a few hours so you don't tweak and stay up all night
>don't experience appetite loss
>can take em throughout the day

yeah, just sparingly cause theyre expensive and cardiotoxic

Smoking a pipe is pretty good way to relax and let your mind settle when your working memory starts getting muddled after working on something tough.

Nicotine for when I'm studying late.

Alcohol and string cheese.

Adderall(do not enjoy, been taking since 6 years old, completly dependent baka kms)
Coca leaf
Mircodose LSD

Have fun in the pokey, faggot


Meth is the drug you are looking for. No joke.

Which is why ideally you should learn how to motivate yourself.

>completly a victem sympathise with me thanks

>>completly a victem sympathise with me thanks
What did you mean by this?

you/him is just a puss who loves the idea that addiction is a disease. that they actually cant stop, or that if they do something bad will happen they cant overcome. the list of excuses is endless which is why people just give up and call it a disease now, nobody has time to deal with that pity party unless you are willing to pay them.

t. ex iv heroin/meth user

But I'm not addicted to adderall at all. I do not like taking it, and can readily stop if I have the opportunity. My problem is I cannot purposefully direct my attention for more than 30 seconds without it. I have severe ADHD and it fucking sucks. And I've been addicted to plenty of things but never adderall. Take your edgy sperg-tirade and kill yourself.

oh damn sorry dude i didn't realize you had a real condition with real problems comparable to picking up dogshit with a plastic bag.
I'll be sure to recognize your condition as soon as i recognize my "ADHD" diagnosis i too received when i was 7 and started on Dexedrine.

I stopped when i was 18 because i realized it was just a crutch like how energy drinks become if you make a habit out of them. Sure it was difficult for a few years and it still is but it's way better than taking a psychostimulant every day because i "need" to.

Nascent Iodine

Last year I microdosed lsd every morning for a month, most productive month of my life in every aspect.

>mind felt really fresh all day
>I wouldn't stress over any task be it school work, social interactions and such
>passed 2 exams I was stuck on failure
>developed good confidence in myself
>started talking more openly with people from my groups in classes
>felt good just listening to them and joking around, giving them advice
>feel like they actually enjoy being around me since they talked to me about anything about their lives
>realized I can turn time into an ally so to speak, not being scary of the future nor dwelling on the past
>organized my ideas and thoughts for the future and meditated about my plans every night before sleep

Then I run out of lsd, but I'm trying to maintain my routine during that time and reassuring i'm on the way I chose and I'll always be working on develping my skills and my mind until I die. It's been like six months since I did that microdose experience and so far I'm doing better than ever.
If you are experienced on psychedelics and know how to handle them without getting addicted, I'd reccomend it to you.

How much should you take to microdose? I got a bunch of 100ug blotters and I'm considering trying this out.

LSD is just an SSRI. You're increasing your serotonin levels which is why you feel so friendly, productive and less anxious.

Not saying you're someone who criticizes anti-depressants, but I think it's worth mentioning since I've been seeing more and more people bringing up micro-dosing on the web, as well as an increase in criticism in the effectiveness of SSRI's, despite the two being virtually the same.


Tap water with ice cubes (made of frozen tap water)

Plain white rice with onion

Adequate sleep beginning at ten o'clock at night

Sitting outside in the sunlight for about half an hour a day, weather permitting