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Science #87
Black holes exist
Explain this meme to me
Can there be more than two genders? (Based on what we know and understand as the definition of "gender")
How doctors keep themselves up to date?
Imperial vs. Metric
Can you solve Ted's given problem sets?
Anyone else get the feeling that you should just kill yourself when you see how great all the best scientists were?
What makes people laugh?
Has it been proven that
Veeky Forums, disprove this
Need advice
Where's the cure for baldness? They said it was only 5 years away
What kind of medical condition does this man's legs have?
When you study the PUREST and MOST COMPLEX field ever, PHILOSOPHY
How do I get the honor of working with this man?
Well Veeky Forums?
Which boards do you browse other than Veeky Forums?
Is there any reason at all to be forced to take subjects wholly unrelated to your degree...
Have sci ever experienced gender dysphoria? Many of you are pretty vocal about transpersons...
Any biologists here? How would you go about checking to see if a gene is under selection WITHOUT using genetics...
What jobs can i actually get w/ a physics degree?
Why do so many people unironically believe a nuclear war could destroy all of mankind?
How did you engineers make it through trig? Anything you remember that helped you get through it...
Post something which led to you majoring in that field
Why do people keep going to universities when pretty much anything you'd like to learn is available on the internet...
Geosciences are the most superior sciences
Are paradoxes only created by self-reference? Do non-self-referencing paradoxes exist?
Is anyone else here really excited for the implementation of this project...
Without using meme, incommensurable numbers like [math]pi[/math] or other irrationals...
Believing that an AI is possible implies accepting consciousness can be produced through an algorithm
If we do live in a simulation, how can irrational numbers like pi and sqrt(2) exists?
0.999~ ≠ 1
Post beautiful Equations
What's the trick to solving this?
/agdg/ here
Hey how did you dick heads avoid a board merge
Post cambrian monsters and WTF creatures
Should /g/ and Veeky Forums be merged? I honestly feel left out of the fun right now right now
Which one do I choose Veeky Forums? Probably doing Mathematics
IQ racial disparity and percentage of DNA attributed to Neanderthal hybridisation:
All these board mergers
What's your favorite element? Mine is manga-nese
Hey Veeky Forums i never come here...
How can one man get BTFOd so hard?
So we've pretty much hit the point where we cannot stop a positive feedback loop from occurring and the Earth is going...
What Is Your Style of Rationality?
Is this a meme?
Only brainlets fall for the conservation of energy Mem, pic related
Are you taking your anti-cancer supplements Veeky Forums
How do I start learning algebraic geometry? Like, what the fuck is a sheaf...
This thing is a spillway right?
What's Veeky Forums's experience with meditation? Have you done it long enough to get any benefits?
What proves the most basic math axioms? I'm talking about simple things like 1 = 1, 1 + 2 = 3, 0 is a number, etc
Do humans have subspecies?
Which one is it?
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread: Milnor Edition
I'm shit at abstract thinking
Serious question
The superior programming language
My nervous system has learned to orgasm without pleasure, or before it gets very pleasurable
What's the best way to avoid GM food as a britbong and what are the health implications of consuming GMO food?
Zeus is real, and your imagination has a logical limit
Why can't we just attach two airplane engines on both sides of a rocket and have it fly to space or better yet an...
Hey fags, /b/tard here
Why there are so many women in medicine? Every class is like 75% females...
Off-Earth Colonies Discussion
I can't cope with the fact that there are people much smarter than me...
.999999 = 1
Global Waming.... FAKE
Am I autistic? I can't fucking comprehend highschool math. I know this is bad, and I need to in like a year...
How could such a smart scientific mind
Is it better to masturbate BEFORE studying or AFTER?
Science-respectful sci-fi
Sexuality of feet
Just a reminder that if you succeed 99% of the time, the chance that you succeed 100 times in a row is only pathetic 36%
How do I become smarter? I'm already struggling with a prerequisite classes. I'm a black girl...
We always talk about great mathematicians and physicists, but what about chemists...
Terraforming Australia
Whats the scariest equation you know?
Is autism the next step in human evolution?
What is Veeky Forums doing this summer?
Is it worth to do a PhD if you can't get accepted into a top-10 university?
White Sclera
UNSW-Harvard scientists unveil a giant leap for anti-ageing
Should we fear death?
Can someone explain the definition of epimorphism to me?
Why do governments put fluoride into the water supply if we get enough fluoride from toothpaste? Is it necessary? Also...
What's this board opinions on his fundamental math course video series?
How do asians score higher on IQ tests and are in general better in science than most white people...
Why do people talk about terraforming like it would ever become a thing?
In a circunference of any radius...
Whats the most respectable social/human science ?
How many other brainlets are here just to pretend to be smart?
ITT: We write a review in theoretical physics one word at a time
GMO foods
IQ stuck at 120
I want to be able to do these
Final Exit
Linear Algebra book for comp sci
Launch Tread? Launch Tread
Billions of stars
If all humans died off from a virus do you think that dolphins and chimps would eventually evolve into life forms...
Daily reminder that Neil Degrasse Tyson is a fucking televangelist
Is sugar bad for you becides the calories
What is on the forefront of reversing the aging process?
Why don't STEM majors smoke?
What scientific field is the equivalent of a gender studies degree?
How can I make toxic gasses with house hold cleaning chemicals?
Maybe nothing can go faster than the speed of light because that's the tick-rate of the server our simulation is...
"I'm an electrical engineer."
If one is unable to make a reproducible experiment, and thus unable to follow the scientific method...
This a good book for a beginner to start getting good at Algebra and its branches?
Why do people with a low IQ enjoy rap music so much?
Nothing can be infinite
What careers aren't going to be replaced by robots in the near future...
You know, forget about the Mars end for a minute. The gravity, the travel distance, the magnetosphere, etc
Biology Majors
Has mathematical theorem ever been found wrong after it has been accepted by the mathematical community...
Can we make the "SuperFood" ?
Disregarding terrorists and so on, can we do anything practical with African deserts? They are fucking yuge
I fucking hate normies
Asking why you can't travel faster than the speed of light is like asking why no human can run faster than usain bolt
Veeky Forums bedtime reading
Why are africans poor?
Sexual monomorphism
Sit down, user, please
The speed of light is cons-
Scientifically speaking, how many cigarettes/ day can you smoke safely? That is...
Simulation Hypothesis
Here's an equation they never taught you in school
Why is zero raised to zero undefined but every other number raised to zero equals 1?
Is it true that some people just can't do math well...
If a superinteligent AI was created, a lighting bolt would strike it and wouldn't turn it off...
Why is global warming a problem?
What is the average chemical composition of a fart? Can farts be toxic?
Never studied higher math. Can I start with Munkres?
I want to try the ketogenic diet
P-value is not a criterion for deciding whether a hypothesis is true
What's the largest object in the universe?
Existence & Zero
Which cone is less affected by drag?
I'm writing a fantasy story where a character (willingly) disappears into another dimension
How do wings generate lift?
Be retard
Prove your intelligence Veeky Forums
You may have enjoyed my recent post about the Riemann hypothesis. If you did not see it...
Hey Veeky Forums, what's 1/0?
What does Veeky Forums think of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine?
If the production of antiretrovirals was halted now, the west be HIV free in 10 years
First human head transplant set 8 months from now!
Terry Davis is the mascot of g. Who is the mascot of sci?
If there is a mirror molecule, why can't you just flip it?
Makes you think
Why haven't you taken the red pill yet Veeky Forums? Science supports Racism and Eugenics...
Explain to me why your field/major is the coolest, and I mean genuinely; why did you choose it, like the real reason...
For the past few weeks I have been 'raising' an ant colony at work...
Why should I bother memorizing this shit
Alright ya noobs, I'm settling this time travel hoax once and for all
Veeky Forums cringe thread
Myself and a fellow graduate student have been developing a prosthetic penis with feedback as a side venture...
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread: Urschel Edition
NoFap/ AntiPorn people claim watching porn causes impotence
Why dont fox news anchors just cut to the chase and explain that poor people (minorities) have (on avg) much lower iqs...
Alright Veeky Forums
I want to be Dr. House
What makes a race more or less attractive?
Is this guy the biggest dipshit in science?
Consider the following
Brainlet here
ITT: diseases that are actual memes
Alright guys. So I started learning to code a while ago. I am still learning. However...
Absolute Madman did it again!
Pseuds Sperg at the Smithsonian
If I shoot a rubber bullet (a=60m/s) up into the air, do I calculate that as 9.8 - 60 to account for gravity...
Hypersonic Vehicles
Why are so many straight men attracted to traps and/or want to be traps?
Didn't start programming as a kid
What's the fastest form of space propulsion we can achieve right now?
What is the best resource for learning Python Veeky Forums?
Tfw you realize if scientists ever discover immortality it would be possible to brutally torture people for all...
Does the Game Theory prove morals exist?
You should be able to solve this
Among engineers, which subfield is regarded as the gayest?
Prove 1 + 1 ≠ 2
Political "science"
Politicans keep forcing everyone to learn math and science in highschool
Nobody can read his theories
What are the chances of this?
It's another MBTI thread again
Cognitive Improvement General, Brain Boost Thread
Have super huge closed metal cube with about 20% of internal space(iimpenetrable)
Do men and women smell different?
Human body design flaws
Why aren't you studying medicine? Literally no excuse, unless you're a brainlet that can't handle the workload
ITT: Is / will space mining ever be a thing?
What is the superior engineering degree and why is it electrical?
So was the smartest man ever?
Does Poland have a point here?
How do sound waves really propagate through a medium...
Ariane 6
Reversed Aging in Mice
So, I gotta impress my computing teacher or im off the course. I want to use scrarch to simulate orbital mechanics...
Graduate School Thread
Post pictures/instructions that will trick people into hurting themselves
Why women have more ass than tits and vice versa?
I hate gravity. How do we kick its ass?
Reminder that if you haven't already started studying for finals then you are a brainlet
Do you consider distance learning degrees to be comparable to those earned on a campus (assuming they're from...
/mg/ - Math General: Elliptic Edition
Research scientists with a Masters degree or PhD can look forward to earning 30k to 45k a year
American """education"""
Symbolic algebra program
Which one, Veeky Forums?
Why don't recruiters use IQ to hire employees...
Hi everyone. I'm Timothy, I'm 6 years old but I already know how to read very well...
/FEG/ - Flat Earth General
What do you guys think of Tri Alpha? Is it just a meme company or are they the real deal?
Is Physics a meme degree? Why is it often considered a top degree on here on par with engineering...
Autism increasing more and more
WHY do you want to advance science?
Explain the logic behind this calculation
What do you think of the Mandelbrot set...
Pocket dimensions
Hey Veeky Forums, this is a problem I found on another forum which stumped me, here it is:
Redhead Math
What is wisdom? how do i cultivate it?
Finally we can all die
BEST Language
Did you fall for the basic income meme...
What are snails even trying to do?
Is economics a meme?*
Is there any good reason why this wouldn't work?
Is free will a lie?
Artificial Gravity in space
What are the best poisons and ways to go about killing someone...
I don't know where I can take this
Is there any evidence to suggest that nuclear energy and fission is impossible?
Why is reproduction desired?
Can someone explain the Bogdanoff affair to me...
PISA 2015 Veeky Forums Edition
How do you think people interpret math differently? Some people get it, some people don't. Pic not related
What are some good scientific youtube channels I can productively procrastinate on by watching hours and hours and...
Would humanity survive if the sun died?
When did you take the simulated reality pill?
Are you ready for “Inter-universal Mellin transform”?
The STEM shortage meme
What is the field of mathematics that goes deep in foundations of mathematics like this book does?
It's almost 2018
I feel like at some point in humanity's future history we're going to find a way to alter and manipulate all 23...
IUTeich Verification Report 12/2014
So the public radio in my country is talking about cellphones giving you cancer...
Intelligence & knowledge =/= creativity
How does someone turn into a top student in a STEM degree?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
What does this shit even mean
Why aren't more of you scientist becoming entrepreneurs? Is it secretly because you have weak hearts...
Doesn't this BTFO Quantum Mechanics? It disproves the Pauli Exclusion Principle...
Who are the most intelligent mathematicians?
Any employed engineers on this board?
Can Veeky Forums pass the Cambridge maths entrance exam?
Why aren't you taking Medicine?
Dixiefag here. How do we make the South less retarded...
Veeky Forumsentist march to washington
Generational STEM
Time vravel HOAX
Why is Haskell a mathematicians language?
What would happen if you jerked off in space
Shit brainlets say:
*blocks your path integral*
Maths and physics books for beginners?
Life originated in the sea
Daily remember that IQ is a meme and is not an accurate measure for intelligence. Stop posting about your IQ
Daily reminder that this pathetic excuse for a human being has NEVER actually been a scientist
[math]text{Reminder that if you are not fluent in }LaTeXtext{ , then you're a failure and will never be a scientist...
I just thought of a clever way to solve P vs NP... and it could change everything, including quantum computers
Mfw realizing in my degree plan that I stop taking math after differential equations and linear algebra
What are some jobs for programmers...
How plausible is the idea of terraforming the sahara or any other desert
Why is it not more likely that mathematicians need to reexamine their previous assumptions and proofs than that thus...
Eating cellulose?
Collatz conjecture
How did mathcucks decide that zero is a positive number?
Panic Disorder and Anxiety General
How smart are women in academia?
ITT: Lab Stories / Fuck-Ups
Will mankind ever develop the technology to terraform Texas and make it fit for human habitation?
No bullshit. Physic's PhD, is it worth it?
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread: Linguistics Edition
Half of America trusts Breitbart more than they trust NASA
I still feel fucking stupid. Does this mean I can survive college? I'm taking physics now. I know IQ is stupid...
What is the pattern here?
When I show you a picture of a cat, this certain area of your brain lights up
Do people honestly delude themselves into thinking they'll ever get batteries with the same energy density as a...
Hey Veeky Forums, I'm 21 and just dropped out for the second time due to disinterest
Ok so I have looked heavily in liquid fluoride thorium ractors and i have yet really to see a down side...
What does this board think of veganism?
Interesting Probability Problem
What went wrong?
What kind of experiments and investigations would you conduct if you could use the facilities at CERN?
DNA repair discovery could lead to drugs to reverse ageing, fight cancer and help space travel
Why do I lose all interest in females right after orgasm?
Signs that someone is a brainlet
Space Colonization
Question about proof of Halting Problem
Why is this idiot pushing for battery-fueled E-cars, instead of hydrogen fueled E-cars?
Is any math beyond calculus even useful?
If CS is so easy why didn't you solve this yet you bloody brainlet math majors?
Is there a math formula which rounds down(floors) a number by simply using the number itself and basic math...
Embarrassing uni stories thread?
So how did everyone's finals go?
Veeky Forums BTFO
Somebody want to explain to me how mammals evolved to fly? How the fuck does that work?
My dumb fucking wife keeps waking me up by flopping around in bed like a dumb retarded piece of shit...
Meme classes you had to take
If we sterilized people who commit petty crimes, could we drastically reduce crime rates after some 5-10 generations?
Free will is not real
Does hot water have calories
Trees of knowledge
/pol/ is going crazy over this
What kind of music do you listen when you code or program on your computer ?
Therapy Scams?
Tarantulas own pets. They take frogs, and bring them back to their hovels to keep as pets. They take their legs...
What shape is Earth?
Wanting kids
Every day on Veeky Forums:
Canada passing Genetic Non-Discrimination Act
Post your best R/mathematica/matlab/python graphs
Is there anything you've recently learned that you should've known from a young age?
How will science ever recover?
College is such a fucking scam
What would happen if P=PN?
Your IQ
Calculus for beginners, including god apostol
Would a plant with perfect chlorophyll be black or white?
Is the IQ meme finally over?
Veeky Forums and Medicine
I did some independent research these past couple months Veeky Forums
How do you go from this
/pol/ has been forcing this thing as a sign of the apocalypse. But what is it really?
If money wasn't an issue what would your life look like? What would you do?
How do I do this?
Is chemistry the worst science field?
ITT: Dumb pseudo-science terms that let you know someone is a brainlet
I'm a failure
What do you think of aquatic ape hypothesis?
Is showering daily bad for your health?
How do i know if i want to major in math, physics, engineering, or CS?
Scientific mystery: why do men and woman compete separately in pool/billiard...
Ching chong brains can't adapt to changing situations...
Multivariable Calculus
Mental Health Thread
What are the biggest science buzzwords/memes/catchphrases for your chosen field of study?
Einstein showed that gravity was not actually a force but merely a result of curvature in spacetime caused by objects...
Question on Facial Shape in relation to IQ
How to get more girls into STEM?
Which was NASA's best accomplishment? The 350ft Saturn V or the reusable 25 year Shuttle Project?
Does a transgender women (male to female) have a physical advantage
Are you going to tune in Veeky Forums?
Sup Veeky Forums
Drumpf hates scien-
Why are French people so good at mathematics?
Mars is a meme
What exactly is so controversial about race differences in intelligence?
Could someone explain why American universities teach first year content that would usually be taught in European...
Physics major here. How do I make the point to a medfag friend who thinks he's god that his area isn't hard?
That's good, I hope people on all sides don't turn it into a political debate. It's about scientific exploration...
I don't know why people hate this book list...
Proving the Collatz Conjecture: It can't be this easy
The fastest speed possible is the speed of light
Which cup fills fastest?
Why do people have their brains turn off when confronted by math above arithmetic? It's so consistent, too
What lab goggles does Veeky Forums wear
Hey Veeky Forums, user here. the opposite of addition is subtraction. the opposite of multiplication is division...
How do we know and define what life is when the only life that we've ever known is carbon based?
Logic Puzzle
Decreasing fertility
If we really went to the moon in 1969 how do you explain this?
Would the circular runway concept actually work or is it a pipe dream...
• Arctic Sea Ice Extent
If evolution is random and does not "care" about the outcome then why do the strong survive over the weak?
Tfw will always be a ghost trapped inside a meatcage...
Normies think this shit number is actually found in nature
What kind of rash is this
As engineers, how accurate do you think this image is?
If heat riser why is the freezer at the top?
What's with the influx of shitposting on Veeky Forums?
/Mars/ General
Why haven't we already invented a reliable, safe, multi-usable way of stimulating breast growth...
Why have I not met any chem majors that love Chemistry?
JWST superstar Terry Tao explains the 3 levels of math you need
What exactly do anthropocentric climate-change deniers believe is the reason a decently-sized majority of the world's...
Big bang happened without a creator
Get wrecked Veeky Forums
Just read about Nikodem Poplawski and his "in every black hole is a universe and universes are nested in each other...
Brainlet here, is this an example of a monomorphism?
Secondary Science and Math Education
Do not reply to brainlets
How much does GPA matter for going into industry for engineering?
Give me your best reason for not believing in God
Hey, guys. I'm a guy from Latin America and I'm getting my Masters in Philosophy...
Why do men have so much armpit smell? it's the body part where 90% of my body odor comes from...
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread: Truth Edition
People actually think this shitbox can survive lunar reentry
Design an aerostat that is small enough to be used to personal transport
[math] sqrt{-1} = (-1)^{frac{1}{2}} = (-1)^{frac{2}{4}} = sqrt[4]{(-1)^{2}} = sqrt[4]{1} = 1 [/math]
So you know the whole deal with that because the digits of pi are infinite and never repeat they contain every single...
To anyone who didn't get a degree in mathematics, remind me, what was your excuse?
Would someone here explain the purpose of mosquitoes within an ecosystem?
Why did evolution make it so hard for us to kill ourselves?
Lets say you had to give someone books that will best teach them to be as close a math/physics whiz as possible...
Imaginary numbers
Build wall that extends into bedrock
The Earth is Flat
Question about programming
What does it mean to "observe" a quantum process?
Win math contest out of 2000 high school students
Who /quadraticformula/ here?
Why are people such brainlets?
I'm really sick of being a brainlet...
Is it worth learning to program in C if I want to get into hacking?
Education isn't free in murica
Cellular Automata
Why is a negative number multiplied by a negative number positive?
I'm a neet with lots of free time and i want to solve one of the millennium prize problems for the million dollar...
Will we ever be able to download food?
How was this picture taken?
When did you get redpilled on the career prospects in science?
What is the mathematical formula to generate a random number?
Biology majors consider themselves scientists
I thought this was a meme
Stories about other people getting caught cheating on exams/projects? Epic cheating schemes?
Math General
How long would one need to study chemistry on their own to be able to synthesize LSD-25...
Ho do I convert pic related into a closed-form expression?
A few (too many) basketball players genuinely believe the Earth is flat:
Anyone care to explain to me what dx (or any other variable besides x) is in an integral...
/gsg/ Graduate Student General: Gas the grade grubbing premeds edition
What documentaries are good to learn shit from?
Dont fap for 3 days
Is black science man really this dense?
What is this?
Why does time feel like its speeding up?
What is the wave function?
ITT: We shit on Complex Numbers
Itt we tell describe how we study, and what the best methods are for optimal learning in quantity
Can engineers get their own board?
We have a modern version of Einstein, get an autograph of this madman while you can
If I'm being honest, this shit genuinely scares me
Mfw after all my lecturing to various undergrads in 5 uk unis i have only seen 3 black students, and no female blacks
R8 my philosophy on suicide
Effective Altruism
WGS-9 Launch Imminent
Who here ISTP-A ?
Whats the scientific definition of consciousness?
One shot at life
Would Veeky Forums turn down a million dollars?
Disappearing Sun
How the hell is it possible to shrink everything in the universe to a single point? That makes no sense...
Are all mathematically true statements provable?
I'm convinced algebra is a scam
What does /sci / think of philosophy ?
I want to start smoking, but I want to find scientific evidence to justify it. What do?
Share your handwritting, also notes and what they are about
4th year of uni
Logic and Mathematics
5-Sided Die
What do you think of women in stem Veeky Forums? Have they ruined your field?
Is there a reason that one can reliably predict someone's personality just by
Reaching near-c speeds
Is biology really just memorizing stuff ?
Hey guys, I'm in my final year of undergrad in CS...
Create a stick several light years long
Lol @ atheist brainlet kiddies on their high horse
Why are quantum physicists so fucking brainlet ?
Anyone else here who has studied mathematics/physics/chemistry at a university level...
My polynomial time integer factoriser is done... the solution ended up being surprisingly straightforward...
Hard Problem of Consciousness
Prove you aren't a brainlet in math
Hi /sci
Prove me wrong
Sit in on signal processing class to see how much of a joke engineering classes are
Are MDs brainlets according to Veeky Forums standards?
If I wanted to destroy the earth, and I mean fucking shatter it, what is the minimum size...
Veeky Forums what do you honestly believe the fate of the universe will be? Pic related
Why are math professors universally horrible?
Has a black person ever been the top student
Computer Science is for brainlets they said
Free will
What is time?
Does this really make you think?
Based geologist reporting in
Is racialism based in any sort of reality whatsoever or is it a dead hypothesis that keeps being used by brainlets so...
How important is to learn algebra I II and trigonometry to deal with college math?
Can this be solved?
Is it possible for "citizen scientists" to launch an object into low earth orbit for a relatively cheap amount?
Negative mass
It's time to put this debate to rest
What is the things that brainlets do that triggers (You)
Anti-gravity hatred
Do CT scans cause cancer?
110 IQ brainlet here
Book list thread
Refute this, brainlets
What is the most advanced, futuristic, technological music you know of?
If life starts in the ocean, why didn't civilization also start there?
I am a Calc 2 tutor and I wanna give my tutees an obnoxiously hard problem to work on. We are doing Infinite series now...
What are you studying for fun?
ChemE General
Brainlets will defend this
What scientific theories scare you about the reality we possibly inhabit?
Is CS a high IQ degree?
Post some times you fucked up experiments please lads so i don't feel like a total retard
There are about several thousand active posters on Veeky Forums, with a (supposed) average IQ of 130...
Prove that a*b = b*a
X^2 - 5x + 6 = 0
Trump science funding cuts
Geoengineering/climate mitigation thread
RIP Europa lander mission:
Trump budget to cut science funding
Early morning brain fog
How corrupt is academia?
I'm a brainlet
Well, Veeky Forums?
Can Veeky Forums explain why homosexual pedophiles outnumber heterosexual pedophiles at a rate of 11:1?
Intelligence of the population
Stop watching anime and hentai
What is the universe expanding into?
Doesn't CRISPR imply less that we will all be super healthy super smart overmen in a generation and more that the...
Can the entire universe be explained with math?
Trump’s budget calls for seismic disruption in medical and science research
Why does Wikipedia get so much shit talked about it? Why don't people consider it a legitimate educational tool?
Can you solve this 9x+8y+15z=121
Mmm integrals
A new puzzle by Cicada 3301 has appeared
Why is the Veeky Forums mod such a fucking pussy?
How do I cope with the fact that my grades are too horrible to ever become a worth anything?
Alright physics and chemistry nerds, it's game time
Is there any reason to believe God exist ? :/
Physics vs chemistry vs biology
What are the limits in one's capacity to learn?
Guys and "grills"
Number Theory, easy research?
Quantum mechanics
That undergrad kid who's always interested, always bringing up stuff he read outside of class...
I want to be a engineer
Climate change denial is >>>/x/
How long would it take me to count to Grahams number?
Was he an alien Veeky Forums?
Mathematics wasn't discovered or invented
Why Does This Look Like A 3D Model
Can we destroy our own planet?
Is anyone working to prevent this from happening?
What is the most difficult area of mathematics?
Yo what the fuck
Scientifically speaking, what is objectivey the best ramen flavor
I've been watching some giant monster films lately...
Weekly reminder that race is a factor of intelligence
Human Physiology
Does semen really have nutritional benefits? If so, why and how?
Arctic ice loss driven by natural swings, not just mankind: study
Time is racist
What's the next step in human evolution?
What is 'Time'?
Why is trigonometry so complicated?
Does anyone on here know some ressources explaining the synthesis of mind-altering substances and the way they work...
I'm confused
New Study Confirms That the Future of Data Storage Is in DNA
Math general
Stupid questions thread - sqt
Only 1 country in the world argues about climate change
What is the most popular STEM undergraduate degree?
We often talk about how dumb the brainlets are because it makes us feel better...
Lung cancer fag here...
Adderall in the morning
Intermittent Fasting/One meal a day
Can you be to smart for The Big Bang Theory?
Why must a philosopher know geometry and physics ?
Is cooking with microwave ovens safe?
In order to cleanse this board of brainlets and pop sci faggots, everyone post your favorite non-trivial formula for pi
Earth is not flat
Scientific Effects of the Choking Game
Is deep learning and neural networks a meme?
Google ruined learning
My brain doesn't want me to think
Crash Course Sociology
Best major for an alien enthusiast?
Modern university education:
Redpill me on Grothendieck
Engineering the dankest meme of our generation
Any CRISPR fags here...
Climate Change they said
How do i deal with being a brainlet Veeky Forums?
I just thought of a way to make mercury (partially) habitable
Pen autism thread
Annual Reminder That Pi is Bullshit
(((Dark))) """""""""Matter"""""""""""""""""""
In this thread we discuss The Fermi paradox
ITT: This fucker right here
Nazi Human Experimentation
Happy Uranus Day!
A scientific look at women (and how to get laid) V2
Crack This Algorithm
If you guys are SOOOO smart, then explain this
Okay, scientists. I am tired of your bullshit. Every time I talk with one of you, you insist that I use "standard form"
A scientific look at women (and how to get laid)
What's the present day equivalent of nonsense like miasma, flogiston or aether?
Algebra II has to go
Tfw you are such a brainlet that your math tutor actually refuses to tutor you even at double the rate
Theory has a different meaning in science than it does in every day usage
Why are science programs better off led by for-profit companies instead of the government or non-profit organizations...
Who Veeky Forums mischief here?
James Webb
Blizzard in mid-march
Imagine an Earth where there is NO gold. Absolutely zero grams. Reason? Just chance. For some spectacular reason...
Potassium in Bananas
Who is the meme scientist you hate the most and what would the world be like if there none of them?
Launch Tread? Launch Tread
Is Evolution and Natural Selection still a theory? Even with all the evidence supporting it?
Carnivorous plants are proof that the theory of evolution is either wrong or greatly flawed...
Who are lesser known geniuses/prodigies
How do "0.999... equals 1" fags can explain the following?
Do you think we have reached the point at which non-geniuses are incapable of making meaningful contributions to the...
How does this molecule contain all the information about how to construct a human...
[ALERT] China Gene Edits Viable Human Embryo
Is agnostic atheism a valid belief, mathematically debunked, or just wishful imagination?
Most poisonous substances
Is linguistics a science?
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Why does Testosterone continue to plummit in every generation?
What happens if i eat mcdonalds everyday /sci? Would i die at the age of 30? Is cholesterol a myth?
Hey Veeky Forums, is the quantum theory in this Chinese cartoon legit?
Hello Veeky Forums
Dragon manned mission scheduled for May 2018
How bad is grade inflation in America? You always hear about Americans having a 4.0 GPA like it's fairly common...
What are your thoughts on this moon from Saturn called Methone?
The criteria is intelligence needed for it, and usefulness for technology. Dont fuck with pharmacy please...
Pi Day π
What's your IQ?
Linear Algebra thread
Why isn't there a vaccaine for acne? Surely this would be a billion dollar industry
How useful is learning German if I plan to go into a STEM field?
Prime Formula
I always hear people describe themselves "smart but lazy", especially on the internet...
Silly question:
Expanding Universe vs finite universe
Depression, anxiety, energy, focus
Alright Veeky Forums, let's attempt something constructive
Can't fucking use my mind
ΔT P→∞
Daylight savings
Is out there any strong theory that supports the idea of Time Traveling?
Faggots and Dykes
Hello Veeky Forums
Isn't inequality between races basically a scientific inevitability?
Light Math Challenge Thread #1
Your timeline reverts to day one. Your memories remain intact
Why does it seem like no group is actively trying to save bees? Any biologists here care to explain why nobody cares...
Category Theory
One of these threads
Gives off as much ionizing radiation in ten seconds as you naturally receive in years'
I do not understand how stuff like psychology or sociology can be considered a science...
Using FH boosters to launch SLS
Thought experiment
Is architecture science, engineering, or art?
So Veeky Forums what do you think about the 4th dimension?
Libb Thims
Neanderthal General
If the weight of a star or planet curves space-time, what is it curving into...
I want to get good at and understand physics without needing to learn any math. Help
Why does the average person hate nuclear power?
1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells
If mathematics is true because it is derived from axioms...
Please find a relation between these pics
What are some Veeky Forums approved self help books?
How do we go from this
The EU is planning to give robots rights and a kill switch just incase
Is math invented or discovered Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums writes a letter to Neil Degrasse Tyson one word at a time
Solve n=np
This physicist slaps your gf's ass in the club what do u do?
Integration tips
Not a single active math thread
Two objects attract each other and you can't explain why
I suspect the IQ of this board has changed as of lately...
Am I suppose to call Caitlyn Jenner a women because it's the polite thing to do or because she is actually a female?
Do math undergrad
Debunk this please
Why does pouring a liquid with a compressed gas into it cause fizz to form...
Computer science
So how long would we last if the sun dissapeared....Let the responses begin
I need to learn all of trigonometry in one weekend
What's it like to have a good memory?
How do you compare yourself to people like my friend?
Tfw more inteligent than everyone here
Do astronauts fuck in space?
Pic related is a triangle with two 90 degree angles
People still think free will exists
What are Veeky Forums thoughs on medicine and the medical career?
Is it known why different races have varying brain structure and development...
Scientists accept the big bang happened faster than the speed of light and the universe is expanding faster than the...
Is there any ongoing research to create genetically modified trees that grow fast and absorb more carbon...
What motivates a high IQ and intelligent individual to come to the conclusion that a permanent solution is necessary...
If CS research is for brainlets, why isn't Veeky Forums revolutionizing the field?
Building A Universe Competition #BAUniC
What is the maximum number of pieces of pizza one can get by making n straight cuts through?
So how do we solve Somali famine,/sci?
Tesla turbine
IQ vs. Grit. Who wins?
If any number multiplied by 0 is 0 and dividing by a number gives you the original number you multiplied...
Is he right, Veeky Forums?
Holy shit Veeky Forums come here Veeky Forums pros. (Sorry for my weird "English"...
ITT: science but not really
Sci, when I pet my cat in his consciousness does he feel as if a giant dry tongue is licking him? Just wondering
How does one know if they are low IQ(Brainlet)
Academic cancer general
The new head of the EPA disputes the idea that humans are contributing to rising global temperatures
Its World War 3
What's the best online resource for learning? Is it pic related or are there better resources?
Doing Khan Academy module for past 5 hours straight
Why should a person slave away prime youth years of his one and only life in hope that at best he'll move up to the...
London Hammer, watchu think Veeky Forums?
Disproving a Miracle
Why couldn't you pass the light speed limit using simple mathematical mechanics like this?
Why is it hard for you to understand that everything is magic? You are a magical being. You exist...
Anyone here fall for the medicine meme?
Where did all that water come from?
Will humans evolve to metabolize sugar better, considering we eat so much of it?
Please discuss
Would Veeky Forums go to Edinburgh or Glasgow university to study physics, and why?
I'm bored and am humbly seeking a little entertainment...
Why is virus not considered life?
Let's say I don't believe the world is round. How can you prove the world is round to me?
Who is the smartest person alive?
Can anyone here who has seen the great global warming swindle explain to me if its legit or not and how it affects us...
When will we establish colonies/mines/anything on the Moon?
What are some YouTube science channels
How do you tell how much innate mathematical abilty you have?
What are must own books?
When will Veeky Forums address this question? why do the mods delete it every time it gets posted
How smart Veeky Forums truly is?
Well Veeky Forums?
Why are x-rays allowed when it's been proven that they will cause cancer and more than likely shorten your lifespan by...
Redpill me on transhumanism
That khan academy video where sal suddenly began to go on a slur-filled drunken rant about how the new world order is...
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games