ITT: science but not really


>implying any other path than the left one exists

whats he doing in the third one

what about the world where he changes genders


That's the path to the right

Yfw all the paths lead to death.


user I'm a PHD graduate from MIT
I'm not here to debate, just let you know that the multiple universe theory may very well be true and isn't something someone just dreamed up out of nowhere.

In QM there are two schools of thought: those who believe the collapse of the wave function during measurements is not explained by SE (Schrodinger's Equation) and those who believe it is explained by SE. This may seem confusing at first because SE has no factor which would cause the wave function to become unstable and collapse. However they believe it's possible if you were to use SE on an extremely large number of particles at once (like in the double slit experiment) that it WOULD in fact explain the collapse of the wave function upon measurement. However because our computers are not strong enough we cannot test this theory and that's why we need better computers to settle this once and for all.

However something very interesting happens if the latter school of thought is true. Because there is no independent mechanism for causing collapse it becomes a MATHEMATICAL INEVITABILITY that wave functions of particles will separate and you'll have "this section" of the wave function which will have minimal interaction with the other "section" of the wave function. It is as if they are in two different worlds, but the same particle is shared between both of those worlds.

The point I'm making is that the support for the multiple universe theory comes from SE (a very important and trusted equation) and the possibility that SE explains the collapse seen when measurements are made.

This thread will fail, just like OPs career

All of that is fine and well, the problem is that the picture says something about a fifth dimensional perspective. As if 3 dimensions equal space, the 4th is time, and any other dimensions are just deeper and deeper methods of timeline observing capabilities.

What is even going on in the 3rd end?

What are your thoughts on Brogile-Bohm Pilot wave theory

his girl's ded

In QM SE is deterministic. The only thing that is indeterministic in QM is the collapse of the wave function. Interestingly enough if it's true there's no independent mechanism for collapse apart from SE QM becomes deterministic.

Einstein was in favor of a more deterministic theory like the Brogile-Bohm theory, but it ran into serious problems due to non-locality which was, ironically, discovered by Einstein himself. Maybe it's possible, but I think it's more likely something along the lines of the Copenhagen interpretation is correct.

5 days remaining.

I feel like things are starting up again.

Following the logic of OP's pic

What if nobody experiences death, or better yet, no one's life is 'interrupted' with a 'premature' death, but only when you ultimately die of old age?

I mean, before a death event ocurrs, whatever the timeline your soul is in at a given time, timeline diverges into two new ones in which one of your vessel (souless you) dies and in the other new timeline your soul is "transfered" into a new vessel; the same process happens over and over again for you to experience life to it's maximum length until all of your remaining 'vessels' end up dying and the last vessel, which contains your soul, dies of old age and then your freed ethereal soul now travels freely through the infinite of the universe?

It surely sounds like an old idea and not all things have an explaination limited to human logic, but it still intrigues me.

(Sorry if I write in broken english, not my native)

Left through n through

the only way to find out would be to perform a series of experiments, if you'd be willing?

This. that retard has no idea what he's talking about. If you read Fenymans book about QE he talks about this in first 10 pages of the book and about the 3 possible things that can happen

Thats called quantum sucide. Its not an original thought. You can test it out yourself by playing Russian roulette with 5/6 full chambers. If you make it through 6 rounds or more, spinning after every trigger pull, its highly likely quantum suicide theory is correct.

Needs a loss.jpg edit.