>not a single active math thread
>not a single active physics thread
>all /adv/ tier threads
Since when is Veeky Forums shit?
Not a single active math thread
Bumping with some math
I came up with a cheap little trinary xor crypto-primitive
Will it still easily be broken by binary quantum machines?
please feel free to contribute to the quality of discussion at any time
> Background
Quantum computers are set to destroy integer factorization and discrete log, which takes out most if not all public key crypto [diffie hellman, rsa, elliptic curve was mentioned too in the 2 of 3 articles i checked], and this is expected to be fairly imminent, 10-30 years, hence the current vacuuming of data
It also hits (i'm assuming binary) symmetric ciphers with a sqrt(n) attack, though most are already dead if they relied on public key methods
>Want thread
>Don't make the thread
>Instead make a thread bitching about how the thread I want isn't up
>wtf why is this board so sh it
AES is from 1998, non-transparently doctored by the NSA, and specifically based on bits in the low end
There's also the fact that we likely won't know when the/a government does have a working quantum machine until long after...
I don't know since when. It's been shit for a while. Having a hard time justifying to myself why I still post here. Force of habit I guess.
It's not about the particular threads you pathetic brainlet, it's about the overall quality.
We should have math problems as captchas. Like an integration hard enough to deter undergrads but still easy enough so we can do them by head.
Science should be open to all. Learn some damn ethics.
The blockheads can still read, but they won't be allowed to post
It'll be better for everyone; retards won't occupy the attention of retards, and retards will learn
This. Although I'll admit that sometimes uneducated people should be able to ask questions.
we need a math thread :(
Which is determined by the constituents
>there aren't any Integral calculators online
I say it should be trivia questions with a timer like what causes the seasons
I made one, but everyone else is apparently too busy shitposting: I guess that blows your argument out of the metaphorical water. :)
"A physicist slaps your gf's ass" counts as an /adv/ thread now?
>Since when is Veeky Forums shit
>does nothing to change it by not talking about Veeky Forums related topics
you did good OP
Of course he does. the only way to save /sci is either through strong rules and moderation, or difficult captchas. Posting good content will not prevent the spread of the cancer.
>global rule 6
you're opinion is trashed
Nuclear tsunami.
Veeky Forums was never good.