.999... is equal to 1
prove me wrong
>protip you cant
Prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
.999.... = x
10x = 9.999...
10x - x = 9.999... - 999...
9x = 9
x = 1
op is right
I don't think anyone would disagree...
x = .000....1
1 - x != 1
1-0.999...=0.111...=/= 0
>actual retard
lol wat
Here's a subtraction table. Subtract the
decimals like you would in preschool.
>hint .11111 isn't the answer
but 1-0.999...=/=0.111... idiot
Another simple proof
numbers like .000...1 don't exist.
to all the retards,
think of it like this.
You cut a pie into thirds.
Each slice is .333... of a pie.
All three slices = .333...+.333...+.333... = .999...
It's still a whole pie.
therefore .999...=1
0.000...1 would be like the inverse of infinity, so it tends to 0.
the 1 on the end makes it impossible for it to be zero
Let 's say I have a jar and that jar has to be filled 100% with marbles for it to be heavy enough to move the piston down where it stands on.
The jar can be filled with 50000 marbles.
In the process I lose 1 marble to an user who is walking by and thinks it is funny to steal 1 marble.
I will never move the piston.
0.99999 is not 1, you are short a tiny fraction.
except 1/50000 is a countable fraction
1/∞ makes it impossible to not move the piston
the infinite zeros quite obviously overpower the one. do you really think that [math]\infty[/math] and 0 are less powerful than an infinitesimal 1?
There can't be a 1 on the end because there is no end.
Okay, so that jar has to be completely full.
as in 9/9 full.
1/9 is .111...
2/9 is .222...
9/9 is .999...
9/9 = 1
props for using a cia meme
Bassically when wikileaks released Vault 7,
included in the conversations between CIA
employees were memes. A fuck ton of them.
every documented meme (that I know of) can be found:
Nope, if the marbles used each have a weight of 1000 kg, 1 missing would make difference big enough.
yeah ding dong but there's only 50k marbles in your theoretical example. If we're talking about a relationship between .999... and 1, it would be more like ∞ marbles and you take away one.
give me an algebreic proof faggot. words let you make shit up.
an infinitesimal 1 is still an infinitesimal 1.
It doesn't change the fact that it's not completely
by the logic you are using
9/9 is not even 1.
no, retard, 10/9 = 1.1111...
try not being retarded
I did. And you can't have it.
0.9 = 9/10
(9(10^(-a-1) - 1)) / (10(10^(-1) - 1)) // 10^1 * 10^(-1) = 10^0 = 1
= (-9(10^(-a-1) - 1)) / (9) // (9)s cancel out
= -(10^(-a-1) - 1)
= 1 - 10^(-a-1)
Lim a->infinity, substitute infinity to get the value
= 1 - 10^(-i-1)
= 1 - 10^(-i) // negative infinity subtract a number is negative infinity
= 1 - (10 / i)
= 1 - (1 / i)
Can we agree that
Lim a->infinity = 1 - (1 / i)
All I did was simplify the equation by elimination, so there's nothing changed.
0.9r = 1
(I write 0.9 repeated as 0.9r)
The use of geometric progression is the only way to write 0.9r.
1 - (1 / i) = .9r
Agree? Ok.
.9r = 1
.9r = 1 - (1 / i)
1 - (1 / i) = 1
1 / i = 0
FALSE. Division by infinity DOES NOT EQUAL ZERO. It's an infintesimally small number, NOT ZERO.