
Using the multiverse theory, could there be a universe where multiverses don't exist? If not, then are multiverses finite?

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A universe exists within a multiverse, a multiverse doesn't exist within a universe.

Multiverses are infinite.

Which multiverse theory?

The only one (I think) that requires infinite possibilities is the Many-Worlds interpretation of QM.

They are infinite, and it's basically like a loaf of bread. Sure there are empty places inbetween the slices and there are air bubbles. You can think of those as membranes.

M String theory is basically talking out your ass though.

>M String theory is basically talking out your ass though.

M-Theory is not String Theory, and neither require a multiverse.

Confused about your loaf of bread explanation. Please elaborate.

>M-Theory is not String Theory
>M-theory is a theory in physics that unifies all consistent versions of superstring theory.

This is why string theory is talking out your ass, because most people are.

>M-theory is a theory in physics that unifies all consistent versions of superstring theory

That is true. But M-Theory is not String Theory. String theories are effective limits of M-theory. M-theory doesn't even involve strings.

think of each universe as a slice of bread with jam on it, we are the jam spread across the slice. That's why we can't perceive the other slices.

Another analogy is a soap bubble but I always found that one retarded.

Are you mentally retarded pal? The membrane is a string stretched across the entire universe.

yeah but it's just sci-fi bullshit

M-theory doesn't involve strings, it involve higher branes.

The superstring theories are 10 dimensional theories. M-theory is an 11-dimensional theory.

String theories don't "see" this 11th dimension. What they "see" as a string is actually a 2-brane wrapped around that 11th dimension.

And what are the branes? Strings maybe?

Strings are by definition 1-branes. There are no 1-branes in M-theory.

I don't understand why you are having trouble with this. Take a string and spine it really fast, it's now a 3-d sphere.

Branes do "vibrate" and can enclose higher dimensional volumes. This is called their world-volume (world-sheet for a string). But the objects themselves cannot just change dimension.

It is like saying you can make a particle (0-brane) into a string.


you should vibrate onto my string with your loose anus.

read a book retard

You are the fucking retard, being wrong 2/3 times isn't very promising. I suggest you read one.

>this type of string theory isn't string theory even though there are 20 different string theories
>strings can't act like particles

You are literally DUM

All my information on M-theory is from Ch.8 of BBS.

>this type of string theory

M-theory is not a type of String Theory and never was.

>strings can't act like particles

I said particles can't act like strings.

It's ok sweety, we can all be wrong sometimes, Atleast you can admit it!

Consider the set (n) for n belonging to the naturals.

There's an infinite amount of elements in the set right?

But this set doesn't include 0 or an infinite amount of other numbers.

>There's an infinite amount of elements in the set right?
>infinite sets


i dont think thats how multiverse works. i mean there can be a universe that doesnt have access to the rest of the multiverse, questioning the existence of such thing but the multiverse would still exist

Only according to actual retards who dismiss countless claims of famed physicists because it doesn't vibe well with their own dogma

what do multiverses exist in/on?

It's the totality of existence. Asking this question is no different from asking what the fields that make up our own universe "are". They are just patterns. That's all there is. The multiverse, therefore, is just the infinite breadth of possibility for such patterns.

cop-out answer

do the multiverses connect or is there "space" between them?

There's not "space" between them, that doesn't make any sense. In most models, they don't connect, they're just their own separate things. It's hard to make an analogy to it, but the closest I can come up with is different books with different stories. The stories (the information contained within the books, not the books themselves) aren't separated by any space, but they don't connect either.

To find those multi verses you must establish your understanding of destructive interference and the numbers
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -9 -10 etc
Where all the multi verses on the plus side of the scale are variable and lively where as the minus ones always end up as a product of the zero point.



This gets significantly more complex as you begin to add and subtract variables in order to find a frequency to said universes.
Namely, time.
Some of the dead universes are actually just products of the live universe at a particular point in time where a catastrophic event forced it to turn into zero.

The equivalent of dividing by zero in mathematics in physics is *redacted*

Take the numbers A and B where A = 4 and B = 4
Dimension A is matter
Dimension B is Time

4 x 4 = 16
However if at any point you should multiply by zero 4 x 4 x 0 = 0

If you really wanna fuck up your mind watch this.

>tfw you learn physics, linear algebra, graphics processing, and programming. all so that you can get that last star on mario 64

I have to say though, that was one of the most incredible feats of autism i have seen in my life.

>claims of famed physicists

i'm not sure you understand how science works, nigga

that was amazing

Multiverse is just an ass-pulled fantasy. Why even waste time on that bullshit

>dark universes

And even there, it is limited to what is POSSIBLE.

A multiverse is unfalsifiable, therefore I am not inclined to believe that it exists. If we existed within a multiverse, then interaction or even acknowledgement between universes would necessarily be impossible. For if it were possible, then there would need to be multiple multiverses to account for all the different possibilities of inter-universal interaction. And in this way, there would need to be multiple "multiple multiverses" (not quite sure what you would call that) for the same reason, until you had infinite recursive sets of universes within multiverses within who knows what else.


It's actually a fairly sensibly result of trying to interpret quantum mechanics. What do you prefer? Don't say copenhagen

Wherever there aren't any patterns, there is chaos.

this is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen in my shit life

Is it possible to connect the books? Or create a new book?