Holy shit Veeky Forums come here Veeky Forums pros. (Sorry for my weird "English", I somewhat copied her English for some reason ) Also I'm gonna post what she told me after. lol.
Holy shit Veeky Forums come here Veeky Forums pros. (Sorry for my weird "English"...
stupid nigger
half this shit is unreadable but staring at a pc all day does damage your eyes because you blink less
yes i completely believe this is how the conversation went after you poorly photoshopped it.
yea why the fuck did you do that OP?
is this some sort of stream of consciousness or something
why is no one else in this thread acting like op is fucking isane
you are insane or autistic
also, "correlation does not imply causation" is a non-argument and just makes you look like an insane faggot
Why is Veeky Forums swamped with minorities and autists today? Wtf is happening?
Because the language is different. I'm pretty sure y'all understand Chinese.
Is it normal in china to mix chinese and english in the same sentence? Never seen something like that before with any language.
Here's the original
It's not Chinese, but you get the point.
Of course it's a non-argument I'm stating that "Most people wear eye glasses when using computer, therefore computers cause eye damage" is wrong. Correlation does not imply Causation.
Ok, because paint is so mainstream.
What a terrible language, having to use so many loan words just to speak about modern topics.
I guess it really sucks to have been primal tribal people up until the rush of Enlightenment?
Pretty much. I blame Spain though. 300+ years and we still can't even have a decent conversation in Spanish. Sucks to be a colony.
You'd have done better under English rule, a shame.
I'm glad there is someone who understands that Empire and Imperialism was crucial for modernisation outside of the Western sphere.
They (The British Empire) actually ruled ((Philippines)) for a short time during the Seven Years war but "The British failure to extend lasting control beyond Manila and Cavite and the revolt of their soldiers as their situation deteriorated left the weakened British force vulnerable. Captain Thomas Backhouse reported to the Secretary of War in London that "the enemy is in full possession of the country"". You could say, "We wunt tu be uh tribul nation, we don't want modurrnization"
But Pacific Islanders, and Negroid have undeveloped brains compared to Caucasians, and Mongoloids (Asians). They would never survive the modernizing future if they don't have the capacity of logical reasoning though.
And I think they do, I've seen it quite often when I look up something and the only result is some poorly designed indo-asian forum.
Tell her that she has failed to provide any proof of computer use being correlated with bad eyesight besides her own confirmation biased observations about people who use the computer a lot tending to need glasses. Hell, how could she even tell how much a person uses a computer in the first place? Did she go up to like 20 people and ask them about their computer habits or what? Not to mention that most twenty-somethings I know who wear glasses wore them since like fucking fifth grade, and most kids that young don't use the computer that much.
She won't listen. You can't argue with stupid people, because they would drag you to their level and beat you with experience - some dude I forgot
Why do asian and pacific islanders constantly use "..." and variations EVERY FUCKING WHERE.
It makes me vomit blood in rage.
No, I'm both Asian and a Pacific Islander. Some Female Asians/Pacific Islanders do, it's like an "emoji" for them.