Debunk this please
Debunk this please
They didn't mention the effects a condom would have. That alone is enough for me to debunk this study as incompetent.
Suddenly occurring to you why civilization is built upon a virgin male and a virgin female mating for life and raising children together, and that is the ideal?
That anything else has serious repercussions to it, including sickness and death and infertility?
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Absorbing mitochondria with different DNA is very different than what is being described in the article on the right or being implied on the OP.
Just go ask poltards, they're the ones hyping it up.
This. Play Parasite Eve.
You can't debunk what's undoubtedly true. You can use observation of second order and third order effects, though. Sluts tend to be emotionally dysfunctional, unhappy, and "wrecked". They themselves acknowledge this. The link is very dense material, but it includes many 2nd and 3rd order effects.
Pic related.
>/pol/ is so obsessed with the idea of cuckoldry that they even think having their monogomous wife give birth to their son is somehow getting cucked because she fucked somebody years before they met
really activates my almonds
are you retarded?
Let me add, though, that while certain politically motivated feminist sympathizers will scream "sexisttt" and "impossibleeee" and "mysoginistttt", people ridiculed Tesla, Galileo and Einstein in their respective times. Guess who ended up being the fool. We simply do not have the knowledge we require to understand this phenomenon, but there is a reason single parenthood leads to disorder and social decay.
>mitochondrial DNA
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
>This is what /pol/tards think science looks like
Can't debunk what's true
Yes, that's right... keep talking about this "slut face" of yours...
Where would all this extra DNA be hiding before the father and mother procreate? How would it survive a woman's period? How would it get into an egg without a sperm? How would you keep unfertilized eggs from absorbing such DNA and cleaning out the womb. Wouldn't the mother's own DNA, or DNA from food she ate, overwhelm any stray chromosomes from last year's sperm?
Despite these seemingly obvious contradictions, the DNA was detected, so try to expand on our current theory if you'd like. Empirical evidence shows that it did survive.
Given that the rates of microchimerism were much higher in females who reported having an abortion than females who had never been pregnant, I think a plausible scenario is that mesenchymal stem cells from a previous pregnancy somehow formed a non-malignant colony somewhere in the body, leaking cell-free DNA into the bloodstream.
higher yes, but the ones in never-pregnant females weren't 0.
>cheated on her husband before they even met
You don't know what monogamy means.
Probably multiple etiologies. I'm proposing what I think is the most plausible scenario. And given that many pregnancies spontaneously abort without the woman's knowledge, I'd wager that a large portion of the women who report never being pregnant were actually pregnant without their knowledge.
Still, it could be that even in the absence of pregnancy, there is some way for the male DNA to persist. What do you think might be causing it? Do you have a mechanism in mind?
Hey did you hear that they found a random flag in the country using flight paths and star patterns? I think they out did us on that one.
Wrecked women become sluts, not the other way around
Nope, I don't get the science behind it. I understand the implications of the observation, however. In a world with AI sexbots the only thing females will be able to provide to compete is virginity, IF its value is decoded and established. Nobody would settle with a slut, given the choice between that and waifu bots.
Not true.
At least he got reddit gold for his story kek
>I understand the implications of the observation, however.
How can you understand the implications without understanding the science? Seems to me like you're motivated by ideology (*sniff*.)
Only Veeky Forums cucks care about such a stupid implication
That is only /b/.
The stories and information posted HERE are factual works of science and truth.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as false.
I have an alternative explanation that I am sure whoever made that picture did not even consider.
>percent of women in long lasting marriages
Women who are part of the 5% are bound to be religious, either christian, muslim or jew, and for those people divorce is a sin punishable by eternity in hell. Makes sense that they wouldn't leave their husbands.
Meanwhile, the other women feel more and more liberated by society/religion so those silly superstition don't matter and thus they leave unhealthy marriages. And lets be real, 99.9% of marriages that end are unhealthy marriages.
Again, the green girls are religious and they say that ignorance is bliss. And religion is ignorance so simply apply transitivity to
religion = ignorance = bliss
The other girls are less religious and probably have more realistic perspectives of life, which are bound to be darker.
Other than that, people born into religion, like jews, tend to also be born wealthy and thus have more happiness.
(Note: Religion doesn't make you wealthy, being wealthy and livin an easy life makes you think that there is some good looking out for you, when in reality the only one looking out for you daddy's huge bank account)
Well, no fucking shit.
top kek
how is that a counterexample anyways?
Why is it considered cuckoldry if telegony is assumed?
The same amount of DNA would be coming from your contribution. The mother is the one getting hers diluted
I think it is a counterexample because the girl in question is a slut, yet she isn't wrecked.
Holy shit, it hurts so much to know that this has happened to someone somewhere at one point. Imagine you've spent your whole childhood with your now gf, and you're also lucky enough to attend the same university, she has been with you for almost 4 years at this point, she has never been with another man in any way, but then out of the blue she betrays you for some random Chad. I would literally kill myself, and possibly her, if this happened to me.
That guy kinda deserves it. He says they started a relationship when they were 14 and I don't know about you but when I get a gf I fuck her first date.
My first girlfriend I fucked after maybe 6 months of dating. I was a little 15 year old retard though.
My second girlfriend I fucked 1 week after we started dating.
My third and current girlfriend the same.
How do you start a relationship and NOT fuck? That guy is retarded. No shit the girl cheated on him.
>religion is ignorance
>only jews are born into religion
>being rich makes you believe in god
Veeky Forums is the funniest joke on Veeky Forums
>My third and current girlfriend
>"Hi guys, my method has a 67% failure rate so far, but since I haven't been cheated on (at least I don't know about it), it must be the right way to avoid having the girl cheat on you."
yeah i mean, that's why the earth is flat, climate change is a hoax and we live in a 4 dimensional time cube.
Well it's true, microchimerism is observed in humans.
That's a given, there's no need to explicitly spell it out. And it's not a study, it's a picture.
have you ever seen a hardcore coalburner have blonde kids at a later date?
Ending a relationship is not the same as being cheated on.
Also, I never said this is the method to not get cheated on. I said that if he had fucked her then this wouldn't be hurting as much.
The part that hurts more is that he gave all of his youth to her, and then came some fuckboi and took her virginity.
Now, imagine if there was no virginity to take. It would still hurt but it would be like "Oh shit. Well, I guess time to end this and get a new one".
>being kepy in a golden cage her entire life
>not wrecked
pick one
This is literally you.
I condom would obviously render the entire thing irrelevant. I imagine the study was very different to this robot cherrypicking. Whoever made this was trying to sensationalise it, "EVERY MAN".
>Suddenly occurring to you why civilization is built upon a virgin male and a virgin female mating for life and raising children together, and that is the ideal?
It isn't. That is Judaeo-Christian mythology and morality.
>That anything else has serious repercussions to it, including sickness and death and infertility?
Variety in genes is best, so actually if pic in OP was true, it would be better to have many partners to get a variety of genes.
>see this shilled on /pol/
>think nothing of it
>come to Veeky Forums one night
>see it posted here too
>open up thread, looking forward to seeing it being debunked
>mfw no debunking
Haven't posted itt, but I've debunked it once before a year ago, I just don't have the patience to re-read all that crap and do it again, since it'll pop up multiple times again in the future. Look it up in the archive, you're probably gonna find your answer there.
>open image
>close image
>It isn't. That is Judaeo-Christian mythology and morality.
That's a good point, Judeo-Christian values are not the foundation of Western Civilization (le DUH)
>Variety in genes is best, so actually if pic in OP was true, it would be better to have many partners to get a variety of genes.
That's true, variety is always best, that's why evolution proceeded to grant mammals as many parents as possible
What's your solution then faggot, force people to stay married? Force parents to live together?
No shit single parents are more likely to live below the poverty line, they have half the number of working adults in the household, and no shit single mothers are going to be poorer, women make less money than men.
'Disorder and social decay' are caused because rich people want tax breaks. There's vastly more than enough money floating around to provide good lives and upbringings for everyone, but then some people would have to forgo their third holiday or second yacht and that's obviously unacceptable.
Not really, it's more related to the fact that the emotional bond and therefore the quality of marriage is lower for sluts since their hormones are rekt
how does the dna in sperm change the dna of every cell in a womens body
you're autistic. I fucked all of my 10 girlfriends in the first week, but that fucking observation ("he deserves it") is just autistic.
that 'mythology' is obviously based on some observations the ancients had about the world, passed on, and later turned into books which even brainlets could worship. kinda figures that polygamous societies are shitholes and ones built on the judeo-christian morality (same with Islam before they turned into pedos and started marrying first cousin, eg the Golden Age) are superior in every aspect. No, variety isn't good. It exposes you to a greater number of illnesses, it doesn't strengthen your immunity. Read a book.
give your answer to us, wise one.
the biblical verse was there before I found it, but dismissing an entire argument because of a detachable part is autistic. the studies in the image are real.
discourage women from whoring out from 14 on, make glorifying it in popular culture sanctioned, thereby prevent rate of divorces due to emotional instability. holy fuck you're dense. one parent earns x, 2 parents earn 2x=if x is below poverty line for and individual, they are still below poverty line. if mom works and dad works, the income doubles overall but there is an additional individual. it isn't even about the parents, it's children who are more likely to end up being shit tier if they aren't raised in a nuclear family.
>No, variety isn't good. It exposes you to a greater number of illnesses, it doesn't strengthen your immunity. Read a book.
guess you'll be fucking your sister
On the first date too!
I like this guy
i wouldn't mind, but she is too close. weaknesses are amplified if family is too close. a balance, such as intraracial breeding, achieves perfection.
What exactly is the extent of your formal training in genetics?
That contradicts your last post, assuming you're the same guy
extensive meme reading/posting, I bet.