
I found this in the beach.
Could it be a meteorite?
It seems to be metal but it is shape like weird rock.
I remember seeing a meteorite collection and it looks like those, but dirty.

Other urls found in this thread:

here is another picture

looks like joe dirt type meteor



It's my lucky meteor

Sample photo posted, it is attracted to magnets

Geologist here, looks like Pillow Lava

But it is attracted to magnets

I think you could safely claim it as a meteor to impress chicks. Which is why we all got into science in the first place, right?


you said it was attracted to magnets

look at the second picture, those are not holes
Look at the one in the middle

you want it to be a meteorite soooooo bad lol

it looks like pic related

trying so hard!

Of course I do, otherwise I just pick a dirty rock

it's foundry slag
t. geofag

Seconding this

I used to find tons of those center ones around here all the time. They just seemed like chunks of iron, but looked exactly like that.