110 IQ brainlet here.
realistically speaking, how far would i be able to get in either ohysics or mathematics with hard work? would it be possible to get a masters degree with my level of intelligence? Will i even be able to major in these subjects?
110 IQ brainlet here
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Yes, Its possible to do both. Regardless of what most people want to tell you cheating always pays off.
In short, it will reiterate the claim that training can do miracles to your mind. It will attempt to demonstrate that a majority of population can reach today's standards of genius.
I don't want to get the degree just to have the degree, i genuinly want to understand the subjects
If you understand the subjects of physics and math but are too much of a brainlet to be able to advance them whats the point? You may even be able to obtain a doctorate in either field with sufficient 'cheating' (ex. Stealing ideas from fellow doctoral candidates, which is fairly common)
Has any of this been empirically shown to be anything more than pure speculation and wishful thinking in the mind of an autist?
Yes, but why would you do a masters in either of those subjects? You need a phd. I'm not sure why you're stressed about it, however. Once you start taking classes you'll either realize that you 1) enjoy the subjects and you're willing to work harder to understand them 2) just "get it" or 3) don't understand them and hate the subjects. IQ won't be a factor until graduate level courses, and even then the "abstraction ceiling" is a lot higher than you might be led to believe.
110 is also above average, but given that you're on here asking about whether or not you can "get a degree," I'm gonna go ahead and guess you took an online iq test, not a psych-administered one (the only valid kind)
I did the wechler iq test when i was around 11.
Also i remember the results being devided in different abilities. My highest score i got for logical reasoning if i remember correctly (117).
You would just memorize your way through first year and then fail miserably. Do a business degree or something.
Just do it. The fact that you ponder on your ability is a good indication that you will manage.
Do not slack off and you're good.
Study biology or something.
Aren't physicists supposed to have the highest IQs?
Op if you are 18 or 19 your score isn't completely final
IQ peaks at around 20 though. After that cardiovascular exercise helps retain it
Are you still in high school? How do you find your physics and maths classes?
I'm 20 years old
Spend almost two years neeting around after highschool. I was okay at my physics and math classes, but nothing extraordinary. I got interested in math and phisics after reading some books about them after i finished highschool.
Also got interested in philosophy but i don't want to study that since the degree is pretty useless
The way it seems to me, it doesn't matter much. At the highest levels, innovation is incredibly difficult. Anything you could "naturally" figure out by virtue of IQ alone has probably already been discovered. What really gets results is a consistent methodology and work ethic.
i scored ~145 full scale by weschler-IV, not quite genius but it's above average, yet I certainly don't feel like answers to hard questions just jump out at me or anything. And in social situations I am certainly retarded which makes me doubt just how useful the "IQ" metric is altogether.
>What really gets results is a consistent methodology and work ethic
Yeah, but there's only that many hours in a day. Certain topics are simply so complicated that there's no point for a low IQ person to work on them because it will take them so long to master it's basically not practical to even try. Also, there's competition, and if the competition is smarter than you and they work just as hard, they'll outperform you
what, source
at 20 your sutures aren't even ossified not to speak of the fact that the brain isn't completely mature
My father has a PhD with 105
Sorry, it was mid-twenties
Source: Jordan B. Peterson, University of Toronto psychology professor @ 3:55
>correlates raw iq with capacity to be a student of memematics
Do you study, and try to remember stuff?
you'll do just fine.
spoiler: math is really really easy when you study.
I have an IQ of 110. I self-study all of "Advanced" Mathematics on my own. It takes me a long time but I don't really give a shit.
IQ just means it will take you longer. If you don't mind that, you can study anything you fucking want.
The trick is not giving up. Most people give up and then blame their IQ.
In my case I forget everything. Sure I can revise my shit but that obviously places a maximum limit on the total amount of shit you know.
Childhood IQ is heavily environmentally influenced it could be significantly higher now.
Also IQ for non-mentally retarded people is a meme is you're passionate about learning something that's really all you need.
I forget things too. You have to memorize the things you forget. There isn't a way around it. It sucks and it's humiliating but it's the only way to do it.
The bright side of this, is of course that there are lots of different ways of memorizing things. I like to hand-write everything in long-hand because it improves retention and understanding better than simple auditory recall (flashcards). I also draw tons of pictures so I can't ever say "I don't understand this". It's hard to not understand pictures and even though it is embarrassing and I don't show anyone my notes because it looks like something a 3rd grader would need, I comprehend "advanced" things much easier this way.
Don't be ashamed to learn in the way that is easiest for you and gets the best results. Always treat problems like forgetfulness as a challenge that should excite you. Memorizing can be fun if you do it the right way and find what fits you best. Trial and error to find the right way takes a long time, admittedly, but it's worth it overall. Wouldn't you rather be that guy who conquered some difficult subject on his own instead of that millionth guy who gave up because it was too hard?
Honestly, in most branches of physics it's more important to be creative, sociable and ambitious. Not everybody who studies physics needs to be some genius who advances quantum field theory. You don't even need to understand those things in depth at any point. Just do something you are good at, maybe it's programming, maybe it's electronics or whatever, you'll manage if you really want to.
>ctrl+C math formulas and definitions
>ctrl+V into your brain
>lern 2 english gud
>ctrl+V math formulas and definitions onto paper in every way you can
>make some shit up
>math genious
I'm a brainlet who never really tried too hard but got offered masters and then a phd position just because I put in long hours in the lab and could write a paper better than the local pajeets. I got offered a teaching position too but >>teaching
If you're interested in the subject that puts you ahead of a lot of people already. If you can find something you're good at and willing to do for a long time that a professor needs, you're basically in the clear. Then again I went to a land grant university so I don't know how it is for the more cutthroat and competitive schools/degrees.
>you're passionate about learning something that's really all you need
That's not how it works user...
You're capable of a lot more than you think if you actually try.
And by "try" I mean studying 10+ hours a day because you love your subject so much. Every successful scientist was obsessed with their work, you can't spend half your time shitposting on Veeky Forums and expect to amount to anything.
According to some of that information, I need to be tested. Taught myself to read by age 3 using encyclopedias, never had friends, highly depressed constantly, constantly comptemplating existence, and straight 97-100 through school. I'm currently on a year break before I go to college full paid.
Thanks for the condescension user, I know what "trying" and hard work is, I have a Master's degree in engineering
Did you know that success is pareto distributed? In every field there's a small portion of the group that does all the significant work, and those people are both extremely smart and extremely hard working. If you aren't both you don't stand a chance of succeeding.
>Wouldn't you rather be that guy who conquered some difficult subject on his own instead of that millionth guy who gave up because it was too hard?
I don't want to be the guy who did his best and it wasn't enough.
Well there you go, you're afraid of failure because you're a narcissist.
Time to grow the fuck up and realize you have to fall on your face a few times before you can be good at something.
just do something easy like engineering and set yourself up for a comfy life.
if you make it that far, then worry about changing the world.
if it helps in any way i was damn brainlet throughout my teens and when i realised im stupid and useless i started working out(heard it improves cognitive abilities), reading plenty of books and started to pay attention in school. now from barely passing middle school im inches from engineering degree in one of the best technical schools in my country.
i might not be the smartest person around but i definitely improved a lot
You know how you right an essay, right? You don't write the intro in full, then the first paragraph in full, then the second... You make an outline and then fill in related statements accordingly.
It's the same with studying. You take a list of subjects, and you don't read books cover to cover- you start by comparing all their table of contents and their indices to check for common terms and term sequences, taking note of similarities. You keep track of the authors too. Slowly, a fragment of picture starts to emerge where certain concepts begin to get mentioned the most, and certain authors mentioned more than others. Now you have your first clue. You keep tracking and ranking which concepts are used the most, and from that list you decide which is the most fundamental, or, from what concept are all others a consequence of. Now you're starting to see the bigger picture, and you can start filling in.
You'll find that this process is ubiquitous. Master artists do not begin by polishing the marble, they begin with a rough sketch, then get rid of the largest blocks, then slowly and carefully refine until a beautiful angel reveals itself from the stone.
In fact, anyone who is managing a project larger than can be accomplished in a few minutes or hours must think and work like this, otherwise they will not accomplish anything before they die.
If you think and work like this, what you do will not only be enough for you, others can learn from what you've done. You just have to be systematic. You have to be fearless enough to think in broad strokes and be patient enough to wait to start being detailed in your thinking. Everyone wants to be detailed. Not everyone has the patience to wait. The downfall of a lot of smart people is that they're used to getting the answer minutes and hours that they don't know how to wait days, weeks, and years. Being dumb, I've always had to wait, so it doesn't bother me. This is the advantage we have, so use it!
Sal Khan says that he will never compliment his son for being smart, because intelligence is something you are born with, but effort can be improved.
You may never be a nobel proze winner in science, but you will go far.
>Time to grow the fuck up and realize you have to fall on your face a few times before you can be good at something.
I'm more afraid of never getting up than simply falling. Your first line was spot on, though.
I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me, but I'll think about it.
Apparently not even past the question.
>You know how you right an essay, right?
stop reading here
I'm told that online IQ tests are bullshit. But the way I see it is: If I could acquire the PDF that gets printed out for supervised tests, and then I complete the test at home following the specified conditions (time limit etc), isn't that exactly the same thing? Obviously it's useless for proving my IQ to anyone else, but if I just want to know it myself, what would be different?
Do none of the online tests use "real" questions? Is there some other factor that I'm missing?
>masters degree in engineering
Am I supposed to feel amazed? Literally I'm too brainlet to learn an actual science so I took engineering. Plebs will always stay pleb on the food chain. Be me, be in pic related studying at the place teaching the pinacle of Physics.
And btw the other user is right, I believe anyone can get to where I am by being very passionate with their work. IQ is just stupid, I don't even think my IQ is past 120 and I'm doing this shit. Good luck for all fellow IQlets out there.
Nah man. The fact that you can get to study physics in the first place already indicates how competant you are in terms of aptitude towards physics. Just stay in top 50 schools for physics and you'll be fine, I don't expect anyone to not make it into Ph.D. or Masters programme from there even those that grind.
At best at Bachelor's degree but you mustn't be a lazy ass, since in every degree if you're lazy, you lose.
But hey, since you can get a BSc in Math/Physics, you can reach MBA easily and be succesful, but if you're going to academia up to PhD, I don't think you could do it since you would need a lot of connections, join a frat, etc.
Pic related, hopefully he is in Physics Heaven with Einstein and Feymann desu.
This is why you don't take a Ph.D. in some shitty as no name university. He should've just gone to Cambridge or not at all.
>Literally I'm too brainlet to learn an actual science
So you admit that stupid people exist?
>I believe anyone can get to where I am by being very passionate with their work
What about the "brainlets" you were talking about earlier? If you're below average in IQ, I say there's very little chance you'll graduate with a Master's in something like physics.
>iq tested at 120 at 13
>iq tested at 110 at 19
verbal IQ remained the same but everything else got fucked. does doing drugs (weed, amphetamines, etc) kill your iq or something? if i quit all drugs will it do anything for my intelligence/focus/creativity?
I said that people who can get into top 50 physics schools dumbass. Not any t dick or harry. Certainly not Harvard kiddos. Anyone who's smart enough to get into top 50 universities.
Why would you test your IQ even? I honestly don't see any reason unless you are borderline retarded.
He's just insecure of his abilities. I mean doesn't matter unless you have any mental conditions, you wouldn't want a dyslexic doctor treating you would you?
>top 50 physics schools
>Anyone who's smart enough to get into top 50 universities
But those people are there because they have high IQ
And you say IQ doesn't matter, while it most certainly does
this isn't your blog
career/collage shit doesn't belong on Veeky Forums
>Wouldn't you rather be that guy who conquered some difficult subject on his own instead of that millionth guy who gave up because it was too hard?
No, because there's no such thing as "conquering," every single thing people encounter or do is based exclusively on luck, and the absurd notion that achievement matters at all or exists through self-agency is a delusion, a by-product of a natural process concerned solely with reproductive success. Once you recognize reality for what it is, trite self-help nonsense like this is more nauseating than anything else.
Even here you mention narcissism as though it's a choice rather than a condition inflicted upon someone by other people who deserve to be horribly persecuted yet aren't because of the same fogginess of human perception that explains the rest of your beliefs.
It's nice to know that loser genes like yours will be weeded out of the gene pool.
Yeah. Most people underestimate what a 100 IQ brain can do with enough focus. That's why if anyone takes adderall they feel like god.
You don't have to downplay it. Everybody knows 145 is genius-level.
I think you got it the wrog way around. Insecurity is the main reason I HAVEN'T taken an IQ test, as no doubt many others.
Memory != logic.
Remembering stuff is not a sign of intelligence, deducing them is.
I can get into a top 50 physics school. Does that make me smart?
We have these threads all the time and they get so many replies I just don't get it. Wah wah I'm a retard can I become Einstein if I work hard????
Get off Veeky Forums and go study.
Fuck off. Why not you go and study?
He doesn't want to study. He wants to shitpost on Veeky Forums.