Are women even human?
Should we treat them as humans?
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This really makes me think
>is the female homo sapien even a homo sapien?
>should we treat the female homo sapien as a homo sapien?
gee user you ask the tough questions
Well, we know that there are genetic differences between men and women (inb4 SEX IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT).
There is a 1% difference between monkeys and humans and yet we call them different species.
Why not women?
Exsqueeze me for exhuming your agenda but I should think so too young lady.
>Are women humans
>Are they inferior to men
>Are niggers humans
No, they're more related to neanderthals
Because if we consider women an entirely different species, then the heterosexual sex that the vast, vast majority of the population has would technically be inter-species sex.
This would of course force the legalization of inter-species sex to the minimum of legalizing sex between species of the same biological family, which could more or less lead to monkey fucking on a scale even greater than what is already present with BLM.
But if you think about it, blacks were given the vote before women. Doesn't that make black people more human than women?
>heterosexual sex that the vast, vast majority of the population has
normies aren't human either
>This really makes me think
I'm thinking /pol/ needs to be removed from Veeky Forums
Redditor Newfaggs are worse.
good thing nobody gives a shit what a retarded reddit transplant thinks.
Species is defined by ability to produce fertile offspring, therefore women are human.
>Well, we know that there are genetic differences between men and women (inb4 SEX IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT)
There is no genetic difference between male and female, with the exception of X and Y chromosome. Two people can carry the same exact set of DNA sequence, as in monozygotic twins with different sex.
Social Justice Redditor pls go back to r/cuck
>asks question
>gets answer
>doesn't like answer
>"obviously sjw cuck redditors"
And you wonder why we hate /pol/ around here
you seem to be confused. this isn't reddit, faggot.
We got a McCarthy here!!
Me thinks thou doth protest too much.
If you're an expert of what redit posters look like, that must mean you're a regular on reedit. Plz go back to reedit or /pol/ or where ever.
They are human, just smaller.
Hence the term, "wee-men".
The problem really is that they think they are.
women are children and they should have the same rights as children but unfortunately we gave children the right to vote. After we gave them the right to vote they increase the size of the government and increase the number of entitlement programs. If we don't take their rights away it will lead to a social collapse because politicians want the female vote to stay in power and they are going to increase their entitlement programs. Tax payers are going to run out of money and cause a social collapse. America will be open for invasion from other countries after the collapse.