It appeared out of the blue it started on my leg now it's spread to my arms and face.
What kind of rash is this
had the same kind of thing in Australia, woke up one morning and my fucking face was huge and there was a huge rash all over my body. Have you taken any anti histamines?
Looks like a case of jimysrusltedalis go to doctor for medical treatment.
I thought it was your dick lol
Looks like an allergic reaction, it happened to me once when I was taking a lot of DNP
Make a doctor's appointment and in the meantime pick up some zyrtec and see if that helps
Thanks sounds good m, if only I could afford it
Looks like Bartonella.
Or Babesia
its a fucked up rash bro
Did it itch?
Shit bro you better cut of your arm before it spreads to your torso, and we can't cut that off.
not with that attitude.
work around any poison oak?
meat eating bacteria. Cut it off
Take an antihistamine like Clairtin or Aerius and see if it helps
Dr.Veeky Forums here with my prognosis.
Go see a real fucking Doctor. Medical preferably.
I'll have my secretary send you my bill.
Looks like a dermatographic urticaria, probably from an allergic reaction, can we get a more cleear pic, its blurred out
Hives, you are having a severe allergic reaction to something
Take some benadryl (works best, but will knock you the fuck out) , or claritin / zyrtec i suppose , and go see a doctor
Also try to think on what you exposed yourself to / ate recently and avoid it in the future. Allergies bad enough to cause hives can actually be life threatening
buy an epipen or an antihistamine at least