Why are so many straight men attracted to traps and/or want to be traps?

Why are so many straight men attracted to traps and/or want to be traps?

>Why are so many straight men attracted to traps?
Because they're a fetishistic taboo and they look like girls but we all know they aren't.

>and/or want to be traps
Because of the want to be cute, girly, but still be ultimately a guy. Us guys also have a shittier life than most women so it's also the benefit of being a man but also the benefit of being treated like a girl.


Being fawned over like crazy by perma-virgins and fags and get mad cash for showing some ass on cam.

>Why do straight men find sexy people with a biological power tool attractive and/or want to be sexy people with a biological power tool?


>oftentimes much more cute and feminine than actual females
>less bitchy
>more relatable, better chance they like the same guy stuff you do
>no periods, no pms
>no gross and complicated vagina
>higher sex drive


i love trap link ^_^

>>no gross and complicated vagina

They aren't, you're gay, and your confimation bias is overwhelming.

Switching difficulty mid game from normal to very easy/casual is becoming an increasingly accepted practice /v/.



>I'm not retarded, it was joke 2deep4u haha

The damage control is strong with you.

any male attracted to traps, is a homosexual.


>straight men
That's the key. If you are fapping to traps, you are not straight. You are as gay as they come.

is zelda finally a girl?


first time on this board and i didnt really think u guys talked about traps here as well. faggots.

and they hated jesus because he told them the truth