Can anyone here who has seen the great global warming swindle explain to me if its legit or not and how it affects us politically
Can anyone here who has seen the great global warming swindle explain to me if its legit or not and how it affects us...
global warming is just another scam used to funnel more money towards a nanny state, which is why the leftists jump on it at every given opportunity
is it legit though on what they talk about? how the sunspot actually affects us more than we affect our selves?
we're fucked. totally fucked. we had the chance to unite together and fix this bullshit, but we fucked it up due to politics.
wtf elaborate need it for an essay
oh in that case, here are a few key phrases
white mans welfare
government funding
thats all you need to know.
No we aren't. It will be fun in 20 years to laugh at all you retards who predicted the end of civilization.
Who stands to profit? Oil/Coal/Auto industries that are directly going to lose money if global warming combative actions take place fighting scientific research. OR nameless somebodies somehow someway going to make money in a vague indirect inarticulable manner according to faux news so lets keep repeating the mantra that global warming is fake.
so is this what this documentary is about to say that humans do not create global warming in order to pump money into oil coal industries?
British Columbia has instituted an actual carbon tax which was supposed to be "revenue neutral," but turned out not to be.
Other swindlers have started trading carbon credits which is essentially creating buying power out of nothing.
You are probably fine in a first world country, and the problem may have been blown proportion. However, people are going to die globally, and at the end of the day, not fixing it is going to be more expensive than fixing it.
The science is settled!
Anyone who dies because of global warming is probably a subhuman, anyway.
It's just as bad as the great tobacco swindle.
>Anyone who dies will be in a third world country.
Well, that solves a lot of our problems, such as overpopulation.
But we still need mo money for dem programs.
The amount of pollution and rate of global warming occurring is affecting the ocean more than anything else. The Great Barrier Reef will be completely dead in a couple of years because of our actions; the reef is about fully dead. Communities which survive off of the ocean will be uprooted, and a large population of environmental refugees will be formed.
>need it for an essay
Is it a liberal loyalty test or are you allowed to think?
You people are so fucking stupid. If the conditions in Africa and other shitholes worsen even more, the shitskins will just migrate to the first world countries and destroy the western culture anyway.
Not if you just don't let them in.
We are a global economy. Bad shit happening in the third world still harms us economically. Plus a good chunk of our food supply is grown in the third world. Prices will go up.
youre allowed to prove your points so yea you can think
Just do your own research. Most of the figures reported by scientists are from independent surveys and yet have very high interrater reliability...
Check out sources like NASA and look at the data. Look up lectures from people capable of interpreting that data and learn how to interpret it yourself.
The only thing I believe in is science. I'm no fan of mass media, but for this movie to accuse the entire international scientific community of collaborating with the media to make it taboo to deny climate change is simply ludicrous.
Also sun spots are much cooler than the sun's average surface temperature. It's solar flares that can affect us, not sun spots. If flares and sun spots were responsible then the data from NASA should reflect the 11-year solar cycle with a roughly sinusoidal pattern- which it doesn't.
It's a big load of horseshit
The RSS data set, the favorite of the deniers, was shown to be wrong last year.
So is it legit
>So is it legit
As legit as your interest in facts and knowledge, yes
So it isn't legit
its all a hoex
Why does this dog shit keep getting posted to Veeky Forums. take your pseudo science and 'independent research' elssewhere
Everyone will lose money when they place a carbon tax the entire economy will stifle and destroy the technological progress need to solve global warming.
Its creating scarcity where there isn't and only benefits large corporations
citation needed
it's all ready shit there if the haven't come here yet they won't when it happens and the thing is it'll happen so slowly they won't notice.
>just another scam
...whatever you say, Cletus
>thats all you need to know actual Science, of course.
>It's a big load of horseshit
no U
>Most of the figures reported by scientists are from independent surveys
Nope. They all use essentially the same data set, the Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN)
And they use the same methods;Time of Reading adjustments (downward in the far past), and homogenization over the "corrected" data set.
See the attached. Communication between UCAR (part of the U.S. NOAA) and England Hadley CRU climate researchers.