Meme classes you had to take

What are the most retarded classes you had to take in your university. This is what you are going to study if you went to a shithole public uni in M'laysia

>Ethnic Relations
>Islamic and Asian Civilisations
>Malaysian Statehood

These classes are terribly boring and filled with obvious propaganda. Also they're compulsory to take.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Technology in society ( Which is basicly history and the philosophy of technology evolving.)

I had to take two classes of English language.

Intrapersonal communications

the teacher basically just used it as his chance to spew bullshit with a captive audience. Ended up having to draw a picture about my feelings for credit among other BS

>that picture

Looks like paradise desu

Needed both for my uni's engineering program.

You all seem to be confusing university with high school.

Nope. Had to take two semesters of English in college. It was designed for us to learn technical terms in English. You had a choice between that and German though.

Nah senpai.

History of mathematics

Fortunately, universities here don't force you outside of your major.

english class with a dyke professor that didn't teach us anything just handed out assignments and worksheets. fuck, that bitch was horrible. she even sued the police for mistreating her when they removed her after she got belligerent at a club.

Lol you are all cucked

(((College algebra)))
I went to a top tier uni, started with calculus 1 and didn't need anything below that. Then I flunked out so I transfered to the local community college. I was told by retarded advisors that I needed to take college algebra for my associates. Only later I was told that linear algebra/diff. Equ could substitute that credit

I went to a good public university in Australia, we don't have to take shitty unrelated classes.

What is college algebra?

>software dev grad student
>required database class...seems ok
>textbook is quite outdated (2003), author doesn't seem to understand the statistics behind the theory and just comes up with definitions to things to seem important, only theory and not application
>professor is self aware (asks us why we have to take the class) but still spends all class time reading from powerpoint slides and book pdf on projector
>exams are all on stupid, book-specific terminology
>professor is actually clueless about the application of databases


some stupid feelings course about how stupid meat robots can't do work because feelings.

>Philosophy of science
>Science communications

For CS in Australia.

Databases is actually relevant and potentially useful though. It sucks that your course was shit though

>Philosophy of science
Why am I being triggered by those sequence of words?

t. brainlet that doesn't understand why different universities operate differently in different countries.

youre absolutely right about the importance of databases. i had a longer post but it got deleted so what i wrote was a condensed version

i left out that the class is about the theory that goes into making database languages...but it wasnt taught and the book wasnt written by someone who understood the math that birthed the theory, so it was pretty useless.

id already taken database courses in undergrad wherein i used MySQL and SQL Server and was using SQLite in another class during the semester I was taking that shitty graduate class. The course was useless, the material is crucial.

Algebra you should have learned in highschool.
Thank the American education system.

Probably because you're stupid.

Philosophy of science is needed and if you couldn't see it it's because of either your teacher being shit or you not paying attention.

English composition
English composition II: the persuasive writing edition
Introductory computer science classes (both at community college and at University, because the credits didn't transfer)

>take two classes
lel. In my meme university we have to take a predetermined english class EVERY SEMESTER. The Malaysian government is pretty serious about increasing the English proficiency in public universities. Most of the classes are useless as shit but the current one I'm taking is teaching us how to write resumes, handle english interviews etc. So it's not all that useless.

Oh, and I had to choose between interpersonal communication and public speaking.


That translated is Development of Directive Abilities.
Is an stupid way of saying "you're going to see humanities in the first semester."

Yeah that's pretty much what DHD is.

Any shit that has "philosophy" in the fucking name it's going to be a fucking mess.
ha, fuck off

I suppose "Human Geography" (basically Liberal Geography) and a Sociology class on work, as a CS major

They actually weren't terribly annoying. A lot of interesting new facts and perspectives, with the occasional and unfortunate interjection of some "feminist X" take on the subject or a woe is me monologue on brown person oppression.

>History of mathematics
I kinda want to study that.

Its a fun discussion class desu and for one who leans right I can use examples of collectivism in Natsoc policies to jab at the modern liberal left. Theres a lot of Trumps a nadzee brainlets but it cant be helped.

this triggered a memory of this video

Ethics in the profesional field

Literally any humanities course is a meme course
I cannot believe I am actually paying for this garbage

Maybe don't go to uni in some soft dictatorship?

the fundamentals have not changed in a long time. the entire point of most database classes is to teach you the fundamentals.
my class was:
architecture / general / intro -> relational algebra -> SQL DML/DDL -> PL/SQL (we used Oracle) -> ER Diagrams -> normalization -> security

>required to take public speaking
>rewrite MDE skits

was pretty fun desu, the first speech i got on all fours in the corner and faced away from the class and just whispered "you're a fucking IDIOT nobody even LIKES you why THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE" a few times, then got back up and said that was just the pregame and wasnt part of the speech, then asked if they could reset the clock

got a B

ITT: autists who don't realize a semester of writing is far more useful in the workplace than another semester of analysis

>be in civil engineering
>forced to take circuits


Software engineering

cultural music history was actually pretty cool

the only 24/7 occupants of your buildings are circuits

>than another semester of analysis


brainlet get the fuck out

maybe some shit-ass physics/chemistry course, but not analysis

your BRAIN gains 3 IQ per analysis course.

1. physics because lecturer is retarded 80 years old man
2. integrals because teacher is retarded 80 years ol woman
3. linear algebra because teacher is retarded 25 years old woman who just doesn't care about her subject

What did you draw?

What they're referring to is "college writing," which is usually a two-semester long course in composition all undergrads in USA have to take. The purpose isn't to teach English as a second language, but to familiarize everyone with the writing standards they need to know for their other classes. It assumes fluency.

Computer science 1. The guy assumed all of us were cs majors and forced us to learn the Linux command line in addition to the regular text book.

My major only requires cs 1, and I don't intend to to do software dev, so I'll literally never use it again. It was the driest, cheesiest shit ever.

I drew a mango because I like to eat mangoes and then moved on

"How to use Google" Class

3d design

It wasn't what you think, it was about making things out of clay.

Cool video

Idunno user, the last one seems pretty cool IMO.

Citation needed muhfucka.

>Intro to Communication Studies
Teacher treated us all like we were 12
>Islamic History 1260+
1260 was considered the beginning of the modern era is Islamic history, keku
>Intro to Lit
>Sociology: Global Problems
Eventually became "ayy lmao non-whites"
>College Writing
Wrote nearly 3x as much as any Writing Intensive course but didn't get a WI marker
>Intro to Religious Studies

I don't usually have a problem with humanities courses as a subject, but yeah a lot are trash

Comminity college attending brain-nugget here.
I had no idea what I was doing, so I took a couple history courses. I enjoyed American History a lot, so I decided to take Medeival history also.
>Buy $100 textbook.
>Teacher never uses it.
>Use no outside sources.
>Write no papers.
>Just write down everything the teacher says, then re-write it after class. 2-3 pages of notes per lecture.
>Get 98% in the class only because I couldn't remember where Chichen Itza was.
Is this what high school is like for people?

11th grade english

Teacher was really big into MLA format and how every academic paper in college would require it

but not im in college and every important formal paper just comes with a latex template and you don't even have to worry about it

I bet it could be. But the professor is an unenthusiastic hippie that reads from a PP.

Because it lets faggot Starbucks drinkers moan on and on with commentary while men utilize tools and brains to make goals happen.

>comp sci
this shit is hilarious. especially since I'm a comp sci major

If you chose public speaking how bad is it gotta take that.

>Mosquito Relations
>Ant and Fly Civilisations
>Honeybee/Ladybug Statehood

The philosophy of science describes and confirms the logic of the scientific method, you fucking normie.

I chose interpersonal because it's what I'm worse at. It was frustrating.

Environmental ethics

This solidified my view that philosophers should stay as far away from science as possible. They have no idea what they are talking about with science.

Not really. Philosophy doesn't confirm anything.

My second semester lit class was "zombie themed" and was taught by a toad-planetoid hybrid woman that made us write papers about strong women in zombie fiction. I fucking hated her and that class.

Appalachian culture and history
>Since I'm from Appalachia I had to take it at my colej

this is correct

literally just algebra with emphasis on the parabola

my english classes. it seems all english professors (in the US) are these sjw feminist cunts.

which one? uq here, they are forcing liberal propaganda upon a captive audience in the form of "ethics" lectures

>oh so you wanna work in military research when you get out because you've always thought it's interesting? well that makes you an unethical person! checkmate, bigot!

That actually sounds pretty interesting desu.

I never understood why.

>Introduction to religious studies
>Cultural heritage
>History of philosophy in Latvia

because it's the lowest form of professorship, ergo the easiest to attain

I had to take Spanish Literature and was skeptical at first, but I am actually enjoying it

>>History of philosophy in Latvia
how many (people of color) people founded and lived in Latvia in the middle ages?

Public Raping

Aside from island colonies in Carribean and Africa, Middle Age Latvia had no contact with non-white people.

> what are Finnish Mongols

>Doing paramed
>Have to take cultural studies
>Assume it's going to be about how to treat patients from different backgrounds
>It's a white/male privilege cuckfest
>Half the class gobbling the lecturers girlcock
>Constantly have to study "papers" with no academic citations or relevance, essentially opinion pieces
>Get marks destroyed if you don't write about how much of a privileged bigot you are

I want to fucking die.

>History of philosophy in Latvia

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Don't bother with a PhD then. Oh wait, that's not for retards.

>confirms the logic

You don't know what the hell you're talking about, do you?

>ITT: Autistic undergrads who can't understand why being able to write coherently about a topic might help their careers.

Sports in Society. It's a sociology class.
I'll give a rundown of the course
>nonwhites dominating sports pre civil rights reeeeeee
>Negro League best league
>soccer was actually invented in Japan
>while certain physiological differences exist between races, and since race is a social construct, those differences don't really exist

Guy had a Freudian slip about being a cuckold though. Was amusing.

Some of the various non-major courses I took...

>Humanities course requirement. Choice: Classical Mythology
This one was actually quite interesting. Focused mostly on homer ofc, it was an intro course for the classics major.

>Writing requirement: Intermed writing 2
Good thing I tested out of also having to take writing 1. Good technical writing skills are important for a scientist, but they just made me write memoirs and stories, total waste of time for my case. There should have been a specialized scientific writing course

>Soft sciences requirement: Controversies in human biology
Thank god this course was in the anthroplogy department. It was mostly about a bunch of germans and brits in the early 1800s arguing about whether early hominids walked on two legs and had big skulls and why jews get tay sachs disease and africans get sickle cell. I was worried it would be a political course about trannies (although it was like 2011 and that kind of arguement wasn't that popular in those days). That being said, it was a little boring, bio/anthropology has never been my thing, and the tests had way too much multiple choice "how many million years ago did x hominid evolve, 3 milion, 4 million, or 5 million" pure memory questions. I only got a C+ lel.


>Cultural studies: Formation of the Hudaic heritage and faith
Course focused on the period 1000 BC - 200 AD and was basically a roulette of "who's conquering us now". Babylon, rome, etc. Was mostly historical and more interesting than I expected, although I knew most of it already, oy

>Arts requirement: Music theory 1
We didn't actually play anything, but we learned how musical scales and things are constructed, which is extremely tedious. It was funny seeing some of these artsy people counting on their fingers when they were figuring out intervals between notes.

>American studies requirement: American society
Was in the sociology department. Lecturer was a grad student who didn't give a fuck and gave everyone an A for showing up. Had some discussions about hip hop and sneakers in the 70s. Course was extremely dull but not very SJW thankfully, but again it was 2010 or 2011 and they hadn't risen to power quite as much yet.

>Cultural studies again (you needed two...): Heroes and warriors
No idea why this counted for cultural studies and classical mythology didn't. This course was basically medievil mythology. Roland, el cid, beowulf, etc. I liked it

Fuck. that's formation of the Judaic heritage.

The stupidity in having to take classes not related to your program is beyond me.

good comment

I had a law class while doing computer related university.

Ok, there is piracy laws, hacker and etc.. you would need to learn about, but nothing was said about those subject, she said she would touch those topics at the end of semester and nothing was done, and near the end of the semester she said she would give us a paper with information about those subjects and I never saw this paper


Speaking of meme classes... I once had a list of class titles and how to know it's bullshit class.. if anyone can add or has the list that would help, but some were:

Contemporary ____
____ of ____
____ studies

Thanks for giving me nightmarish flashbacks.

Circuits was the worst thing that ever happened to me, it's a nasty combination: very hard + very boring.

Ethics in engineering

>uses retarded (((/pol/))) parentheses
>flunked out of calc 1
checks out