Happy Uranus Day!

Happy Uranus Day! Today's the 236th anniversary of the discovery of Uranus!

>still not urrectum

What are your favorite facts about Uranus?

You're mom isn't that old haha

going do anal with my gf on this special occasion. feelsgoodman

Why is Uranus so boring. It just is there.
Worst planet in the solar system?

I like the fact that can't read the name correctly.

Fuck off faggot. It has vertical rings. Don't ever talk shit about Uranus.

The sideways gimmick is just a bit boring, you know.
It only exists to be compared to Neptune which is much cooler. Neptune is like the guardian of the planet solar system and keeps watch on the border to the home of the planets. Uranus is just "that planet that's not Neptune but sideways!!!!"

Hard to beat if you want a planet that just LOOKS cold...

Two pronunciations, and they both are terrible.

That to this day nobody pronounces it's name properly.

It's just a ball of nothing! Uranus is pseudoscience. Who cares?

Non of these Uranus jokes have ever been funny.

Neptune is a cuck.

>gas giant
>no meaningful moons unlike the other two

What went wrong?

>other two

Neptune really is an irrelevant cuck

Also Saturn's only claim to fame is Titan, all it's other moons are as small as Uranus'.

>tfw it wasn't shitpost I actually forgot about it


Saturn compensates for its lack of moons by having rings. And Titan is possibly the coolest moon in the solar system.

Triton is also pretty cool. Not even close to Titan, but the history as a trapped Pluto is pretty interesting.

>history as a trapped Pluto is pretty interesting.
Tell me

>so boring

>doesn't consider Mercury boring

>t. further away from the Sun

Enceladus is way cooler.

Aside from having a liquid ocean underneath all that ice (due to tidal flexing), it's being slowly torn apart by Saturn (from the aforementioned process)

>gonna see a new ring around Saturn within the next million years

I'd quibble and say OO RAH NOOSE, but yeah...

But we live in a world where everybody says JOO LEE US SEE ZER, and (shudder) Mark Anthomy, so...

Damn it all to hell...

Q: Uranus?

A: Mine is pure and untainted!

How am i meant to pronounce Caesar

>anecdotes that are just not true

YOU LEE OOS for Julius KAI ZAR or KAI SAR (like the Grman Kaiser, roughly) for Caesar

Mins sometimes borrows my girlfriend's dildo without permission.

The Julius part I gathered
Caesar part new knowledge

lol all the gas giants have rings nigga even some asteroids have been discovered that have rings baka

>these "jokes"
Has Veeky Forums always been this full with retards?

Veeky Forums is full of gay millennial SJWs who believe in 297 different genders and think we should cuck ourselves to judeo-globalist communism

it's a failing pile of garbage

But Saturn's rings are much bigger and more visible. The other planets are nothing in comparison.

Also, is there a new word filter that filters to "baka"? I've seen it a lot lately. Or is it just getting more popular in its true form?

Its an ice giant you dip


Question: Is this a "true color" photo? As in, if I looked at Uranus with my eyes would it appear mint/baby-blue like this? If so, Uranus could be my new favorite planet.

your anus

When is the sun's birthday?

My anus would happily take every poster in this thread.

That's not supposed to be a Uranus joke or anything. I'm an actual E.E..

4000 BC

this isn't healthy or normal user.

haha epic, an mspaint meme image, you sure showed me, haha

Kill yourself, you gay homo millennial neo-marxoid goon.

>reddiot spacing
>is an idiot
like poetry

Most of those people have a job lmao. Can you even relate to that SJWtard?