Then explain the Bogdanovs..
I don't believe it
>durr what is time dilation
>weve confirmed that time only goes foward because a nucleus points in a cartain direction
How did they reach this conclusion?
At least we won't cause a planetary extinction by abusing time travel.
it's just retarded popsci garbage
>these nuclei literally point towards a direction in space. This relates to a direction in time, proving there’s a well-defined direction in time
Unless all nuclei magically point in the exact same direction this finding is just a case of spontaneous symmetry breaking, which is not exactly anything to piss yourself about.
If there is no complete symmetry does that mean that there is an orientation that can be located constantly in matter?
If there's literally a locked direction that the nuclei point to, then yes. But I don't expect that to be the case. It's probably just spontaneous symmetry breaking, which is of course interesting to examine by itself, but nothing that shakes shit like CPT symmetry or anything like that.
Guys, I have a pen on my table, and its pointing in some arbitrary direction. I looked at it again after a couple of minutes, AND ITS STILL POINTING IN THE SAME DIRECTION
obviously this means space isnt isotropic.
the pen is also at a specific location in spacetime, obviously this implies the universe has a center
IF there is universal orientation, what happens when we fuck with it in non-natural orientation? Secret to economically forming AU for shekels?
TL;DR Journalism bullshit
OP and everyone trying to argue in the thread BTFO
Give me a quick rundown on the Bogdanoffs...
>article written June 28, 2016
>it is currently March 19, 2017
>time travel doesn't exist
why are you laughing? does Veeky Forums believe in time travel or something?
Yea it's kinda weird how the article states "proof that time travel is impossible" as if everyone kinda assumed that time travel is possible.
AFAIK there's nothing that explicitly rules it out (and even a couple of ways you could travel to the past, cf Cosmic Strings).