If CS is so easy why didn't you solve this yet you bloody brainlet math majors?
If CS is so easy why didn't you solve this yet you bloody brainlet math majors?
If Math is so easy why didn't you solve the Riemann Hypothesis yet you bloody brainlets?
>tfw P = NP is to easy to solve
i did, it's trivial
So is P=NP you dip
>implying you can solve something based on fake math and pretend delusions created in the head of an autist
>fake math
>pretend delusions created in the head of an autist
Spotted the brainlet
Trivial. I am the smartest human on the planet.
It's true for all p = 0 or n = 1
>fake math
Just because it's above your low level of understanding doesn't mean it is fake.
Brainlets sometimes...
Depends on which algebra
>Implying the nsa doesn't have an algorithm
Vaginal Algebra where the base case is a spermatozoa and any number is called a "cumshot" that varies in the number of spermies
it's like natural numbers but better
and yes you can have incredibly large cumshots, god can cum like a madman, he could fill the entire universe with sperm
Complex numbers are no better than a 5 year old plotting numbers next to zoo animals and calling it a revolutionary form of math. The real world will never take you seriously.
This is just wrong.
There are plenty of maths derived before they were actually used to explain something. That's like saying that String theory is bullshit because it can't currently be proven. You are just scared of the unknown and the trails that may lead us there. If we don' make assessments we can't discipline our questions. If we can't discipline our questions then we cannot make discoveries in the field we are examining. You will always be inferior in intelligence to someone that will question further.
That 5 yr old could be mapping out animals that were wiped out hundreds of years ago because retards like you never wanted to question what we could do to stop a devastating event from happening. This isn't about complex numbers, it's about principle. Complex numbers may be extremely ahead of their time, but you are not capable of understanding that.
N = 1 le P = 0, the amount of autism in this post is high.
true if N = 1 or P = 0
>if you came up with something in your head it's fake math
really makes you think
Fagin's theorem is a result in descriptive complexity theory that states that the set of all properties expressible in existential second-order logic is precisely the complexity class NP. It is remarkable since it is a characterization of the class NP that does not invoke a model of computation such as a Turing machine.
conic sections were studied by the Greeks 2000 years before they were used for anything
If gender studies is so easy why didn't you solve this yet you bloody brainlet math majors?
Women are less assertive and less likely to ask for a promotion/raise
many mathematicians don't even know what NP is. If you ask them they'll say it means "not polynomial"
The problem is what the prime number is because it's encrypted. Encryption requires two numbers, so if P = NP then it would make no sense since you can just calculate the square root.
If you compare hourly wages for the same jobs, the gap disappears.
If you count all the sex the women get to have, the gap disappears.
Amazing content you've created there user.
more like the gap appears, amirite?