How to get more girls into STEM?

How to get more girls into STEM?

>tfw no one cares about young boys interested in stem

it's about driving wages down by making the employment pool larger. right now they are tapping into about half of what they could be tapping into if they can get more women into STEM. companies also get tax intensives for hiring minorities and women.

>free popcorn
There's your answer. Women get excited by retarded shit.

Women can easily, if they want to, get knocked up and taken care of for the rest of their lives. Why should they do something hard like learning STEM?

To get more women interested in STEM fields you first must fix what keeps them from caring.

Stop pretending like they're actively discouraged from it.

first you need to get more chads into stem
the roasties will inevitably follow the chads

Brain transplant: give them the brain of a man.

You can't unless you actively discourage boys and provide completely unfair incentives for girls. Girls don't stay away from STEM because of "feel bullied, it's sexist, harassment" bs. They just don't want to.

Isn't this exactly what is happening right now?

If we put gender aside for a moment, why do we need more people in STEM fields? With the relatively recent advancements in technology won't many of the jobs be taken over by computers?

Yes to some extent. I think the female incentives aren't extreme yet. I'm talking about forcing women into STEM to fill quotas at a college level, or offering universal scholarships to any woman regardless of ability.

by negatively discriminating against male applicants of course

STEM low status.
White upper-middle class don't like it.
Feminist want
White upper-middle class mananger or founder.
Asian women make things done.
Hispanic/black women secretary or Janior.

STEM is for poor or Middle class family usually men need provide for family or inmigrants.

I'm sorry but I feel much dumber after reading that

>tfw you drew a giant dick on one of these posters and then tore it down a few days later

I think the top reasons why many women don't go into stem is because
>Math is hard, why do I need this eigenvalues and triple integral bullshit to explore the ocean, build a robot or write an iPhone app?
>it sounds like a lot of work to study STEMM, I'd rather become a dentist's assistant and do most of the work for the dentist while he gets paid 300k a year and I get paid barely 30k, that sounds like a great plan
>money isn't everything, I'd rather enjoy life than sit in my room all day doing math
>my friends are all going to art school, so I'll do that too
>Chad is studying business and finances, so I'll study that too to impress him

most women are fucking lazy and only care about instant gratification. why do you think most women become chubby/fat shitheads when they get pregnant with their first kid in their 20s and never lose the weight? hell, some don't even need to get pregnant to become fat. as soon as they leave for college and their parents aren't managing their lives/making them play sports they start taking on weight.

in shape women are almost always the successful ones and the ones with real careers.

Just do exactly what you're doing now: Take affirmative action to their advantage by displacing people with dangling meat between their legs that may or may not have merit for people that have a slit between their legs that have less merit as made evident by the existence of affirmative action in the first place.

I guess being the majority in academia with 60-70 % of the students being groinslits still isn't enough. Hell, why not just ban all meatdanglers from academia, or even better just deny them any education what-so-ever and place them in work camps when they're a few years old? That way you'll be sure to get more groinslits into STEM. An added bonus is that probably, the majority of current adult meatdanglers will actively work to concretize such a system.

Fellow meatdanglers, will you help me cuck ourselves out of existence? It is self-evident that in virtue of being a groinslit you should have the privilege of superior treatment.

memes aside, it really doesn't matter at all who is doing what. As long as no individual women feel that they were prevented from having the career they wanted, I really don't give a shit how many men or women are in each career area.

The only people who care about this stuff are retarded liberals. They invent examples of injustice because they rejected Jesus and now need something to fight against to give their lives meaning.

I'm conflicted about it.
On the one hand, i'm a pretty selfish person. I'm already in STEM, so I don't care if other males get denied entry to university. In fact, that probably makes my own life better.
On the other hand, I don't like intelligent women because they're less likely to let me record them while I choke them and jizz on their face.

Men and women are biologically driven to prefer different things, on average. There's nothing wrong with girls not liking math and engineering.

these are excelent points

Use more of them for scientific experiments.

On the contrary, intelligent women want nothing more than to be recorded getting choked and jizzed on.

I say this generally only applies to white people, blacks, and Mexicans. Nearly every girl I met of ME, Indian, or Asian decent is either in business or STEM...

White girls have been raised to be special snowflake, entitled, princesses who have been fed a series of lies about how the world is out to get them and that STEM is a hostile boys club that they'll never succeed in because they'll be artificially held back.They're also obsessed with sex, instant gratification, and their own little bubble world.

The only way to encourage them to go into STEM is to annihilate male competition. This is done by throwing scholarships at them, making the fields noticeably hostile towards men, and give them EXTREME preferential treatment in academia and industry effectively raising the bar on men several degrees and dropping it to ankle height on women like it is outside of STEM.

The whole trick is to stack the deck in their favor so they always win and make them think that it's the only way that it can be fair in such a misogynist field of study so they think they truly earned it.

But in the mean time we get to deal with angry college feminist taking the most random shit like early childhood education and bitch about no women being in STEM without realizing the irony.

Fun story
>Have male friend who is studying early childhood education
>Loves kids, understands them, and always wanted to study it
>Hate pedos more than anyone I've ever met in my entire life
>Would sell your down the river if he ever caught you looking at porn of an animu character who even remotely looks like a pre-teen
>has to put up with every female involved in the study thinking/treating (in some cases outright accusing) him of being a lowly pedo who wants to abuse his position to rape toddlers and shit.
>Has to fight tooth and nail for every accolade and is already having his career hindered by prejudice

They basically want that in STEM

As long as theyre cute and gullible i can tolerate as many of them who actually want to try it out.

Don't ask me to expect them to excel at it though.

No those are all real things

The thing I've noticed, being in a STEM field that is predominantly women in my age range is that most, but not all women:

>need more positive reinforcement than men to get anything done, only unattractive, very poor and (culturally) religious (as in still go to church/temple etc.. but don't care about homosexuality and abortion) women do not need positive reinforcement, the most attractive women want it like a food deprived rat wants sucrose pellets

>same thing but they refuse to apply themselves at math because math faculty usually don't reinforce every god damn correct solution the student gets. So women don't pursue more quantitative fields.

>can't handle competition. They get offended being surrounded by dudes who want to be the best in their class/lab/program. Women only want to be "good enough" very few have the passion or motivation to even attempt being the best.

>can't handle the decrease in socialization that comes with being a grad student or even just a top undergrad with their name on publications etc... They need a bf, they need to spend time with their friends. They can't possibly drop all that for the short term spikes in work (this is especially relevant in my field, usually there's a peak to data collection in an experiment where you're in the lab 12 hours a day for a few weeks to a month or two)

But really I think the lack of constant positive reinforcement is why women tend to gravitate towards the humanities and social sciences. In a gender studies class you can say practically anything of you have a vagina and the professor will praise you.

Don't forget labor. It might just be the current lab I'm in but nobody likes to lift or move anything heavy. Those fuckers will let it sit there for days before I move it. Jokes on them though I'm a workaholic and love laborious task since I do boxing on the side.

Also dont forget to mention that if there is any tension between two of them it becomes a drama fest for days.

But you last point is completely true my friend who I have know since highschool is the main gradstudent in the lab I'm assisting and she will sometimes be completely depressed or so cold and angry is ridiculous. This use to be a chick who would cosplay and make stupid jokes and smoke so much weed she would try to get you as stoneded as she could. Gradschool and the responsibilities of it utter decimate some people.

Here in Germany, to be a elementary school teacher, you need to take University level math classes like calculus, linear algebra, probability, discreet math.
Women who go in that field (elementary school teaching) are literally the worst people.
First, they expect everything to be easy, "it's just elementary level math" they think. Then they realize they have to take all these classes and do all these proofs, and they start whining.
Second, like you said, they don't like male competition. At my elementary school there was just one male teacher and he was gay. That's probably the only way you can be accepted as a male in that field.
Third, they're not even good with children. I have very good memories of almost all my elementary school teachers yelling at us at the top of their lungs over trivial shit, and collectively punishing us for something one person did.

>I have very good memories of almost all my elementary school teachers yelling at us at the top of their lungs over trivial shit, and collectively punishing us for something one person did.
Fucking this 100%. My male teachers were always the best and chillest. The one thing women are supposed to be good at men can do it better.

Ooo forgot about that good call. Cleaning also adds on to the labor thing. My PI is a stickler for being clean and it's really just me, him and one woman cleaning after the rest who are predominantly women.


For female teachers I would day the ratio of good caring teachers to shitty one's would be 20%-80%

While I have yet to have a really terrible experience with male teachers. At most I would say I had one who was not the best at teaching but even then his class was enjoyable.

I have bearly been at this new lab and I don't see how anything gets done. Before I came there would be mounds of dirty glassware, carboys would be empty half the time because it was "hard" carrying 16 L of water across the hall, we were working with disgustingly old cotton stoppers because nobody could be bothered to learn how to make them which took me all of 5minutes one weekend while I was sick, and lastly I have to almost fight with half my coulleges to ask other labs for help or suggestions because everyone is too scared they will "fail" or somthing. That's considering I am and introvert yet I was able to get to meet everyone on our floor.

It sucks because my last lab was all males who were an absolute joy to work with because everyone knew the right balance between getting shit done and taking it easy and not hating life.

Now this lab is purely all women who tote about girl power but half the time are at eachothers necks. And the only other guy besides me is absolute beta who will throw you under the bus the moment their is any pressure on him.

Thank God I have a few other prospects down the life for summer I only did this to help a freind out.

Is there even a real reason to want more girls in STEM besides giving gross creepy guys more of a chance to hit on them without having to take a shower or go outside?

I mean I guess the girls in STEM wish there were more so they'd only have 5 betas constantly orbiting their pussy in every academic setting instead of 10 but cmon, there's hardly any of them, no one cares what they want.

Other than that, diversity, increasing numbers, all of those reasons for wanting more girls in STEM just sound like bullshit, it really seems like gross nerds just want more girls around to be able to creep and inappropriately hit on.

The more computers you get the more you need people to maintain and set up computers.

>Now this lab is purely all women who tote about girl power but half the time are at eachothers necks.

Kek, that's literally every lab I've been in.

I think this is the effect of gender quotas and beta professors letting dumb cunts pass. In my uni, you either know your shit or ypu don't, there is no bullshit (besides some scholarship that's only awarded to girls). What you see is obviously a lot less girls in academia, but those who manage to get in are non-nonsense straightforward girls who genuinely like what they do.

By changing how kids are educated at a young age.

If you think about it, most of the elementary ed students were women who had the "sci/math is too hard" mentality. This seeps into the impressionable girls from a young age and the problems only compound from there.

I'm guessing you aren't even a STEM student. There are plenty of fems in STEM


there are plenty of 'fems' in STEM

the fact that a male STEM student refers to women as 'fems' makes that clear

How do we get more boys into HR and nursing?

I feel like males are increasing as far as nursing goes.

HR is just a dumb excuse to give people who would otherwise be housewives a job.

but why?

I think there is a demand for boys in nursing. Females can't lift 600+ pound fatfuck patients.

The kind of guys that go into nursing can't either

yeah, they pretty much usually can

There are plenty of girls(male) in stem.

>free popcorn
>STEM majors are now just slumber parties

Their numbers have been slowly increasing over the last 30 years, except in very specific fields like CS and engineering.
I recon sometime we should just say "we've done enough", and let natural proclivity take its course.

I was raised in a family of all females; friends of family were all females; teachers were all females, etc... They all sucked at maths and science, and so did I. Guess who ended up doing physics?
I think you need to allow for the fact there is a biological basis for the gender inequality, as well.

>Eat sleep STEM repeat
wow that sounds... fun...

YOU sound like a roastie whore.

"We need more male nurses and public school teachers"

- Nobody

the only people who can push stem initiatives are companies with loads of money, they want more stem workers so they can depress the currently high wages they pay.

unfortunately for them most people aren't interested in becoming stem workers, and lots of people believe they are incapable.

Thus they start campaigns to get more people in stem with things like, "you go girl! get that stem degree! crush the patriarchy! depress wages in a high-skill field!". It still barely budges numbers though, which is why they are relying on institutional propaganda.

I personally think there will be LESS high-skilled high-education workers in the coming decades because the current generation has the attention span of goldfish.

I'm betting we will see more grade-inflation at US higher learning institutions, (where it is already pretty bad) producing masses of "qualified" but sub-par workers to flood into "stem fields". The larger companies will still be able to find talent but they will be able to pressure everyone into lower wages with the apparent "surplus" of labor.

Don't. It's cancer

how can I get more girls to sleep with me

How to get more boys into teaching and nursing?

Please don't, we have an oversupply of STEM grads already. Don't listen to the porkies making those reports about a STEM shortage

>white girls are just cunts.
Most of my classes have no girls whatsoever, clearly if there is a problem it's a problem with the entire group.

>only way to be accepted as a male teacher is to be gay.
That's very ironic because that actually makes you more likely to be a pedophile but it's boys so who cares.


But wages go up as a field becomes more challenging over time.
I think about 20 years ago, a system administrator here could be lucky to make 30,000. Nowadays, they even split up the job into system, network and database administrator and you can make 50,000 out of college. Because the technology is much more complicated now than 20 years ago and you can't fix everything with "turn it off and on" anymore.
More women in STEM ultimately means more people in STEM, and thus more technological development and thus higher wages

>How to get more girls into STEM?

Does anyone see the inherent problem with this statement? Girls already have access to all resources boys do. Some could even argue the K-12 system is categorically rigged in their favor. There is no barrier to checking off "CS" on a college application.

All this movement says to me is that they're going to try to shoehorn more underqualified fags into an already saturating job market as well as dilute meritocratic standards further to make it softer for casuals to ease into.

Development isn't driven by sheer number of average people. It's sheer number of top end, brilliant people, supported by the average. You're just going to make things more fucky by trying to tease more mediocre people into a field that demands rigor.

A brilliant girl that enjoys STEM isn't going to have a problem with going into it in college.

I'm a girl in stem and I think stuff like this is bullshit. Why do you need to encourage woman to go into stem, are girls too incompetent to make their own choices in life?

Look up a documentary called gender equality paradox

>they get offended being surrounded by dudes who want to be the best in their class/lab/program. Women only want to be "good enough"

I don't get offended but the guys who want to be the best tend to be turbo autism. Especially if they definitely aren't the best. I started doing better when I stopped comparing myself to others.

We don't need them. Let me share something that just happened

>In class
>Professor starts talking about a past student who double majored in math and physics and is now in France with a full ride for his graduate studies
>Girl says: omg he had no life

and that girl is studying mathematics right now. She should be impressed. I was impressed. Holy fuck. Gas the vaginas, gender war now.

I generally agree, and in STEM people aren't going to praise you unless you do something objectively worthy of praise. Competition is critical to fostering real growth (and not the pseudogrowth in a field like sociology which is actually regressing).

It's a mean thing to say, but I see where she's coming from. I'm doing CS, which isn't really that hard yes, but I can't even imagine how stressful it must be for people who double major in CS and math. Or heck, Physics and math is even worse. They definitely don't have time for much fun stuff outside of university.
I think it's BECAUSE she's studying mathematics and knows the workload, that she was able to make that statement.

>inb4 you have shared classes for your math and physics degrees
Yeah, like 50% or something. You're still increasing your workload by a factor of 1.5 by taking on a double major, even More if it's something as complex as physics.

Wait, people are supposed to get praised?
I grew up being told "if you pass, you pass", so I never had motivation to excel at anything until University. And now nobody praises me anyway, because I'm just a bachelor babby being talked down to by bigshot post doctorate researchers

Praise will be given where it's due. People who achieve have experienced it.

The thing is, no one inherently deserves it, same thing with respect. Praise and respect are something we understand as humans and will naturally give to those who we individually consider to deserve it. The narrative has shifted in recent decades, with people thinking you deserve both for living, shitting, and eating.


I don't think the problem is whether it's mean or not, it's that her mind immediately defaulted to how terrible it is that someone decided to pursue something other than a social life, to achieve something great. Rather than thinking about the achievement in of itself first.

>I started doing better when I stopped comparing myself to others.

I should have also pointed out that most women tend to make a lot of social comparisons, especially upward and initially. While most men tend to be too arrogant for that (in my field at least). For this reason despite my initial post I do actually prefer working with women. Or at least training them since they actually listen instead of the do first, fix later attitude most men have (which is really worrying since I do animal research).

Though it doesn't help that I just got a text from someone in my lab:
>user I'm sick can you do my work for me today

Last time I got a similar text from her it was for a week and she wasn't actually sick, her bf was visiting.

I don't agree
Not by "to some extent"
Fucking full blown disadvantage to have a cock
And then you're entirely out for virtually ebery scholarship if you're white
t. White trailer trash male who can't get any funding for college despite doing Math without ANY reals and has 4.0 GPA

>doing math without any reals

Watching wildberger does not qualify you for a degree in mathematics. It does make you /wild/ though.

Have you ever had any popcorn? Shit is delicious.

Also the few women i've seen in STEM were all in manager/planning positions(i'm guessing because honestly they don't preform quite as well). Are they trying to keep men from being the bosses?

I think we might need to get some more females on Veeky Forums before we have this discussion

but there are plenty of women in STEAM?

is there something preventing females from entering Veeky Forums?
How do we discriminate against males so females can be the majority?

I don't know, we need them to come here so they can tell us why they don't like coming here

there's plenty of roasties on /r9gay/ baiting the failures for easy replies. Why not Veeky Forums?

Ok then we only need to summon them here and hopefully they will tell us why they don't like Veeky Forums

Add more letters into the stem acronym, so the numbers are more equal between men and women. People will stop complaining about it, and we can have our fields. The only reason on this board is that people get chapped about putting an arts degree in the acronym doesn't make an art degree on par with math. We all know the true stem, but lets include art to balance numbers.

>maintain and set up computers.

whatever it is, we should do the opposite

This. All we need to get more women in STEM is defunding the welfare state and overhauling divorce laws.

To be fair, a lot of boys just kind of naturally end up interested in electronics or mechanics and so will naturally find a place in STEM. I agree that all children should be encouraged to do great things for humanity but I understand the argument that right now we need to focus on breaking up the persisting paradigms of which jobs should go to which gender. And I do believe there still is some pressure for different sexes to go into different professions. Obviously it is vastly improved from the 1960's but it's still there. Hell, a few years ago in high school all the girls taking engineering courses were kinda outcast by the other girls.

>but I understand the argument that right now we need to focus on breaking up the persisting paradigms of which jobs should go to which gender.
You didn't state what the argument is?

People need more people that can program and women, because they don't have to, don't like spending hours alone at home and improving such a skill. I take it your argument is that we have to brainwash women against their natural tendencies?

FuCK off We are fULL

I don't think you talk to women. They're just people dude. Some of them are lazy and some have genuine interests, just like guys. I have plenty of guy friends who spent their entire adolescence playing video games and jacking off and girl friends who are doing physics and engineering now, and vice versa.

You are literally claiming that half of the human population has absolutely no interest in doing anything hard, yet plenty of women have accomplished much more in the span of a year than you will in your entire life.

This is pure speculation, but my opinion is that you probably have been rejected a lot or maybe you're just shy and not very good at interacting with women, so it has distorted your view on who they are and what they do with their lives.

Maybe the point isn't that mall males are in average superior to women, but that there are more exceptional males with higher interests than women. I suppose it's easy to forget how the average dude is like when you are surrounded 24/7 with academics, but you still find mostly men in this positions.

Yeah that makes sense. Still though, even if makes tend to be the intellectual authority that hardly means that all women can't stand to focus on math like the other poster insinuated. I'm not personally insulted or anything, I just am trying to be nice by correcting them because one day a woman might backhand someone with that kind of backwards attitude. You know how big physics girls can be, right? At least at my university physics and math girls are like 6 feet tall.

>obligatory "I'm not the guy you responded to"
Tbh most people in this generation, not just women, just want to watch Netflix until they die. I think that women of this generation, having the social norm of men providing for women plus the vast amount of entertainment given to them, have a higher risk of just ignoring tough subjects in stem.

you guys ever consider that STEM is just boring nerd shit that women aren't that interested in?

some girls are boring nerds too

But most women are borning user.

Fair point. I've fallen into the video game and Netflix trap myself but I eventually pull myself out. Not everyone cares enough to pull themselves out.

There needs to be a total paradigm shift to change the attitude about STEM in general. It's stigmatized to be the field of smelly autistmo supremos. Make STEM feel and sound like something normies will overwhelmingly find interesting. More normies = more Chad-like guys, and the autists will be flushed out = more girls want to follow the hot guys into STEM.