>education isn't free in murica
>muricans defends this system
Education isn't free in murica
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you get what you pay for
americans study high school math in college, lmao.
The ruling class doesn't want workers who are smart enough to know how badly they're getting fucked. It's the same everywhere you go.
you get what you pay for
congratulations on cherrypicking, i can do it too!
i know americans who studied college math in high school!
>americans use the imperial system and have debates over creationism being taugh in school
and which country are you from that isn't the world's #1 superpower?
Education is not free anywhere.
>he doesn't know china is the biggest economy adjusted for inflation (PPP)
>muh biggest army budget when the country infraestructure is already worse than thirld world countries
Right. Because a countries firepower compensates for the stupidity of the people using those weapons.
let's see your big brain stop a nuclear bomb from blowing you up
Germanfag here. Didnt pay a cent for my degrees
he means le tax maymay
he's retarded, ignore him
>People I don't know invade other countries for resources and stockpile massive amounts of weapons to do so
>I am therefore superior because I live in an area on the map with imaginary lines shared by the people who do this
Being proud or ashamed of nationality is just as bad as being proud or ashamed of race.
you get what you pay for
>science and mathematics
How about instead of making a bomb you make a powerplant out of it? Or you let it be in the first place? Wouldnt that be the better solution?
lets see you step over those 'imaginary lines' without having any consequences
>Being proud or ashamed of nationality is just as bad as being proud or ashamed of race.
very postmodern of you.
>german engineering
Sage this garbage
Tons of people around the world do it every day, I can easily walk over to the closest city and literally nothing changes, you're trying to tell me this is any different with a country?
you know city borders aren't the same thing moron
people get killed trying to cross borders - sorry, imaginary lines - every year
No, people get killed because somebody killed them. If I killed you because I saw a leprechaun on your head and got 100 people to agree with me does it make it any more real?
great debate tactics, keep making ridiculous reductions
>no! people get killed because they died! motives aren't a real thing!
lay off the pipe my brother
When people were killed because they were believed to possessed by demons you would be one of those people who said demons must be real because why else would we have killed them. It's extremely poor critical thinking, but I can't blame you since education is so shitty they don't even teach this essential skill.
>When people were killed because they were believed to possessed by demons you would be one of those people who said demons must be real because why else would we have killed them.
Why are you strawmanning? It's extremely poor critical thinking, but I can't blame you since education is so shitty they don't even teach this essential skill.
i'm guessing you don't believe in laws either?
>When people were put in prison because they were believed to have broken a law you would be one of those people who said laws must be real because why else would we have imprisoned them?
How is it strawmanning? There was once a time where it was commonly believed that people were possessed by demons. That idea is just as ridiculous as to say borders have meaning. People drew these lines on a map for political agendas ages ago and you're acting like they have some real meaning descended from the heavens. It's modern day religion.
>How is it strawmanning?
here, i'll let you read the definition and let you figure it for yourself since you're so educated: en.wikipedia.org
>People drew these lines on a map for political agendas ages ago and you're acting like they have some real meaning descended from the heavens
wrong, they have real meaning descended from human agreement and might
only the brainlets pay, smart people get scholarships, the perfect system
>inb4 triggered brainlets
>People drew these lines on a map for political agendas ages ago and you're acting like they have some real meaning descended from the heavens. It's modern day religion.
do you just walk into people's houses because property rights are a spook and trespassing 'isn't real'?
Actually yes, laws are a load of shit too. They can be changed at any time when it's convenient to those in charge, why place value in them? How else do you explain bullshit like laws preventing pirating/copyright? Digital information is nearly infinite in supply and yet there are laws trying to prevent simple supply and demand. All digital information should be completely free but those In charge want an excuse to punish people who strip power from them.
but libraries are free?
No because organized thugs will try to kill me if I did that. I'm not afraid of entering because of imaginary lines, I'm afraid because of psychotic people with more resources to kill me than I have to kill them.
>his taxes pay for gender studies, african studies, jewish studies, and other ridiculous degrees
I'd rather be in debt than spend a single cent towards someone taking womens or nigger studies
Not that guy but this post is literally correct and you are both abject fucking stupid idiots for not understanding this.
>not studying for free in Europe, then moving to America to avoid paying for other people's degrees
Hey since this is a /pol/ thread can someone tell me why food, healthcare/medicine, education, etc aren't all public goods?
shut up idiot, school doesn't make you "smart", and if anything it further prepares you to take it up the ass by the ruling class.
This ^10
Get fucked americucks
can't we all just get along
Education costs only as much as the books with the information. A degree is what costs money.