>Its World War 3
>YOU have been selected to work in your government's scientific research division
Where would you fit in Veeky Forums?
>Its World War 3
>YOU have been selected to work in your government's scientific research division
Where would you fit in Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw I already do
Assuming I graduate ? I'd be working in neurotechnologies and instrumentation, as well as maybe designing new materials.
Cartographic draftsman
Nanotechnology, I meant.
This just in gentlemen. In my newest paper I have proven that there is a bijection between our missiles and the german population.
Time to evaluate it.
Tbh it would be better if it were surjective but not injective
doing what?
Operations research.
Well, I'd have four PhDs and six bachelors by then.
>Physics PhD
>Mathematics PhD
>Nuclear Engineering PhD
>Computer Science PhD
What do?
Drones and guidance systems if I graduate. Also tons of electronics for almost everything.
Communications with submarines. This is a big problem. That's all I am supposed to say about it
>tfw topologist
>probably will end up cleaning the facilities or something
Holy kek this is good
>sir I have proven that all your proposed missile designs are in fact identical so long as they have the same number of holes
Nothing because
1. My government is shit and probably doesn't even have a research division
2. I'll never graduate, but even if I did:
i) The government would hire family/political allies/voters
ii) My major is in geosciences
iii) I'm in horrible health, both physical and mental
So just fucking bring it on and nuke that shit.
>tfw you're not even going to get directly nuked because you live in a shithole, you'll die of radiation poisoning several painful MONTHS later
I just can't win.
i build satellites(currently) but Id transition into director of stick sharpening and rock throwing towards the end of the war
time to mengele their shit up
heeeeeeey same. What contractor? Maybe I know you
Do you need aerospace for that?
I'm looking for a comfy engineering job.
Not even memeing, I studied pure math but had comp sci internships every summer and programming jobs during the year. I don't touch hardware so I'm probably not the right guy to ask
I'm a human test dummy
I'd love to do pure math, but I'm not sure of the job prospects with simply that.
sorry i dont like going into details of that stuff on Veeky Forums, security and all that
no. systems, mech, ee, cs, a lot of other specialties too, all are needed
there is actually a big demand for programmers rn because civillian sector siphons them off
Is there a Department of Doomsday Weaponry? Because if not, I'll start one.
Thanks for the information.
I'm sort of into antennas at the moment, mostly private projects fucking around with WokFi and cantenna.
Test subject
Unit 731 revived, bioweapons department
Building an ironman suit.
BBC Research.
>behavioral neuroscientist
Not sure, I know there's a PI with DARPA funding at Cornell who does social behavior in gambian pouched rats since they can sniff out landmines without blowing them up. Only person within my broader field I've seen with DARPA money.
I imagine I could also fit in the PTSD labs, or a lab attempting to develop pharmacological manipulations to enhance soldiers or intelligence agents.
Head of the Meme Department
You're not really going to be head of anything.
You're not even an expert. You're just the average moron.
There are people that devoted years of their lives seriously studying hundreds of papers and textbooks to learn about memetics and how to use them to manipulate people. These people already exist and they're employed right now so don't count on that.
>implying i didn't already get that offer
>implying i didn't turn it down
the dudes who work in that field look like they've seen some shit. like million yard stare. no thanks.
Software engineering
Either control systems or rocket engines (hobby level, but I'm from a small country so am probably one of the few people who can do rockets)
Materials research, most likely ballistic armour type stuff
antennas can be super relevant ofc, but it helps to have a broad skillset
with that said, hobbyist experience is certainly helpful, especially if you're ambitious about it
from my experience, it can be harder to stay motivated working on my own, definitely consider joining a club (doesnt have to be a school one, could be a meetup or a makerspace)
>apply for job
>Wait months, contact, wait months again, contact again, get up to 6 month interval w/ no contact, get call again
>when they actually do contact me its from an unknown number
wtf is with the government
>tfw undergrad
I can calculate max min and projectile trajectories with linear drag.
I can lend y'all my arduino.
I wasn't using it anyway. ;_;
Antibiotic/vaccine research probably
The legal department writing your contract so your family never knows what you do and they never get a penny when you inevitability die in some bizarre test.
But if i wasnt a lawyer some sort of rocketry research would be cool i guess
>Majoring in Geosciences
>not getting a comfy specialisation involving GIS
Dun Goofed
> tfw you already work for DoD
missile tracking
>bioweapons HA
>chemical weapons HA
>electromagnetic weapons HAHA
Only plebs would deal with this type of warfare. My special skill set that any government on the planet would kill for is the knowledge and craftsmanship I have of the Katana. Yeah that's right, Japan almost won WW2 because they had katanas on there side bitch!!!
Neurotechnology and instrumentation sounds like some NERV shit, bro. Do that instead of your Manufacturing processes for ants nonsense.
guy that makes coffee for everyone and cleans the toilets
There are weapons that are literally classified as 'doomsday weapons'.
>It uses an engine that uses nuclear reactions to heat the air for thrust instead of the regular continious explosive burn of fuel/air. By doing this, it irradiates the air and leaves behind radioactive particles.
>It also has 14 nuclear bombs that it ejects verticaly and combined with its great speed, those nukes can travel far from the missile itself. Not only is it fast, it can travel at mach 3.5 at around 300 meters, also destroying things on the ground by the very powerfull sonic boom.
>After it crashes, it will turn the crash site into a no-go area for thousands of years.
>Both surjection and injection
>Not only do we have a missile for every German, but each missile has a specific target
Tortur...enhanced interrogation.
>Double major in Robotics/Biotechnology
>Minor in Theology
Unpaid internship in some no-name bureaucratic department.
Yeah I'm probably going to go for satelite image analysis/GIS.
Kek's weapon of choice
He'll be head memer one day, you'll see.
Nah, even worse - ballistics.
>tfw human test subject
Did you initially acquire your education through a military college? I can't see the military reaching outwards for applicants.
i had an internship with a company that had government contracts and got a security clearance out of it.
Bereau of memetic warfare, praise kek
I can make boutique transgenic plants.
I am a supply chain monkey. I monkey the supply chain and help my betters because fuck anyone that isn't America, shit is real now.
test subject
weapons development, such as rail guns, or muh cyber
I would fix the air conditioning in the facility.
You know the Nazi medical researchers that worked out of concentration camps to document the traits of untermensch and conduct pseudo-science to justify the war?
That's me.
Majoring in pharmacy so probably pharmaceutics.
I am also doing this. Neat.
Well, I'm a geologist so I guess I work in the mineral and resources exploration division.
Microbiological bioterrorism maybe. If not that, just medical microbiology.