Ching chong brains can't adapt to changing situations...

Ching chong brains can't adapt to changing situations. I can sit here all day raping them at starcraft just by massing random units.

Is there a scientific explination for this? Why do they always deploy the exact same strategies?

>always play as zerg
>mass roaches and hydras
>get wasted by siege tanks
>blame team-mates
>call you racist

rinse and repeat.

>basing racial intelligence on a video game
>basing racial intelligence on a shitty unbalanced RTS
>playing terran
>massing siege tanks
kys my man

You play a shitty RTS game where your only strategy is massing random units. I'm guessing your IQ is below average and you play more retarded players.

Ever notice black people only play fighting games?

asian spotted, bring it on my siege tanks are hungry


You think fighting games are mindless? Pic related is a very bad example but they have some complicated combos and a lot of strategy built into those games.

>Lots of combos
>Everyone just button mashes
>Lots of strategy
>Everyone just button mashes until victory

They're as mindless as you can get.

Button mashing might win when you're drunk hanging out with your dorm mates, but in real competition someone who knows what they're doing will rape while you flail around randomly.

>playing team games


>still playing dedgame

Comp level tekken player (ex) here. You literally couldn't be more wrong. High level fighting games are insanely complex; feints reversals chickens that must be input in time frames of around one 20th of a second. I hear enough of this from so many uneducated fans and I just dont understand where this meme comes from.

Is it because you can win by mashing button with edde gordo and Hwoarang at low level? Because I guarantee you that that path to victory dies as soon as you get to scrub level.

Quite frankly, fighting games would probably be amongst the more cognitively demanding examples of vidya out there.

While I am completely terrible at all fighting games and only play them super casually, I must agree with this. I would argue that the mind games in fighting games far surpasses the mind games in all other video game categories, and I'm more than familiar with RTS and FPS.

Getting comfortable with executing combos is still pleb-tier and misses the point of what makes fighting games hard and competitive. Take SSBM for example, there aren't even any combos and it's one of the most competitive fighting games ever made. Memorizing the moveset of each character is the barest of basics in fighting games, the challenge comes from your respective playstyles, mindgames and predictions.

For a second I thought you were talking about starcraft, but then you disappointed me by talking about shitcraft 2. Also, toplel for playing teams, only the worst players in the player base of shitcraft 2 play team games.

Anyway, the vast majority of the playerbase of any game will just try to copy what the best players are doing. If you never think about why you're doing anything but just copy other players, it's a given that you're not going to be able to adapt to most things.

Also, just like having knowledge of the movesets of the characters in play in a fighting game is the bare bones required to get above scrub-tier, the bare bones for getting above scrub-tier in sc2 is knowledge of units, abilities, buildings and build orders in sc2, in addition to macro (unit production, building supply/production/tech buildings) and really rudimentary micro like not letting your army sit around doing nothing for no reason.

Turns out, most people may have the bare bones knowledge, but their bare bones macro completely sucks, so as long as you have better macro you can win almost regardless of unit composition. It isn't until at least high masters/low grandmasters that people get decent macro and thus the strategic element comes into play.

No because that is completely untrue.

>blame team-mates
you are playing starcraft wrong

Did you ever notice that the majority of white people play war games?

It fits their lifestyle

yuropoor brains can't adapt to changing situations. I can sit here all day raping them at chess just by constructing pawn phalanx

Is there a scientific explination for this? Why do they always deploy the exact same strategies?

>pale faced white devil
>always plays queens gambit or nimzowitsch defense
>push pawns up the flank
>they have to sacrifice material to combat my space advantage
>blame their lack of book knowledge
>call you a curry nigger

rinse and repeat.

which chessmaster was it that said that an unpredictable opponent is one of the hardest to beat?

poor little whiteboy lost at starcraft one too many times, methinks

Open up that pink boipussi

also SC sucks, mindless game for mindless people

ultra-mad yellow pocky detected

Please more

>Posting this fat bitch
Jihad yourself

>Using while loops
Spot the SE brainlet

ching chong babies are nothing compared to the charms and wit of the hitoroki.

Better luck next time little babies!

Given your "strategy" I can assume you play against other shitters at the bottom of the ladders who can only copy build orders verbatim.

do you play sc2 user san?