Your timeline reverts to day one. Your memories remain intact.
From start to finish, what are Veeky Forums's steps to excel in life?
Your timeline reverts to day one. Your memories remain intact
start on estrogen as soon as possible
Do everything exactly the same except don't slack off for the first year and a half of high school so I don't stress as much junior year, the end result wouldn't change at all but it sure would bring less stress down the line.
don't lie as much, it always comes back to bite you
>get home schooled
>study mathematics intensively
>ignore history and just read a few books for english
>for brain development play a few instruments on the side and ping pong daily
>ping pong daily
I would push my parents to take me seriously and never trust them to know what's best for me. I would also pursue my goals instead of dropping them to be "Normal". Fuck school, it ruins people.
Start killing and eating people much earlier in life.
Since this would be definitive proof that God exists (what else could have done this?), I'd devote myself to the Lord.
Either that, or start doing psychedelics way younger.
Act dumb (or I guess normal for that age) so I don't get treated like a genius and go too far, while learning higher shit on my off time. Since the first years up to ~12 years old will be very difficult because of brain development (no abstract thinking), I'd probably spend that time learning more actual languages and programming languages.
I pay attention in school.
>All my memories remain in tact
Live off of the benefits provided by being the smartest 1 month old in the world.
get into online poker in 2000
you'll be so far ahead of the game you'll be a multimillionaire by 2005
Lottery numbers of course.
gather bitcoin as soon as it comes out
look online for people who also had this happen to them, I can't be the only one
>implying you know any winning lottery numbers by heart right this moment
Admit I'm gay sooner
Start working seriously as soon as high school
That's pretty much it
Do as much drugs as I can, fuck as much underage children I can. Kill myself before I reach 21.
>Your timeline reverts to day one
Can you even imagine spending a year or two trapped in a playpen, not able to speak and limited to shitting yourself? That would drive anyone insane. Not to mention you'd have to spend at least next 10 years pretending to be an idiot, with no one to talk to. Not your parents, friends etc. You would't be even able to escape into books - try explaining to your parents what are you doing with a grad level textbook in kindergarten. And acting as a prodigy child would definitely bite your own ass in the long run when you fail everyone expectations as you mature.
The earliest I'd be willing to revert to would be 12-14.
>Anyone who has posted itt so far will revert to a toddler tomorrow
Can it start age 6? Being an infant is horrible.
even on a board about science and math Veeky Forums wont change
Become a potty training prodigy with awe-inspiring control of boom boom
Study Quietly
Attain World Power
Nuke Fucking Everything.
>Your timeline reverts to day one.
So, I'm one-day-young and: a) I've gone back into the past. OR b) I'm one-day-young in the present.
In either case, I'm a talking, walking one-day-young; without teeth, or with teeth.
I'd be an experiment; or suffer retarded adoptive parents and not talk for two or so years. Anyway you dice your hypothetical, it only makes things worse.
>invest any small money I get in Apple at a young age
>invest my money in bitcoin
>put a massive vegas bet on Donald Trump winning the presidential election
set for life
>be social
>study hard
>get a job asap
>do extracurriculars
>be well-rounded
>do good (like volunteering etc)
>aim high
>don't fuck it up
basically be good, don't be bad
>set for life
That is, in the remote scenario in which those things actually happen. Butterfly effect etc.
Butterfly Effect. Enjoy ur no money when Apple never makes it and Crapple becomes the biggest computer company in the world.
>skip a lot of years of school
>learn a few languages
>go to college really early
>get a degree
>start my own company
>tfw I recognise this image
Do not assume that the snake is merely a copperhead mimic.
Going back until day 1 with your memories intact != being a prodigy
Most prodigies don't live up to the expectations that are put upon them because even though they have a lot of intellectual capacity, they lack maturity and life experiences to know how to use it.
On OP's cenario the person could rule the world if they wanted.
Go to Stephen Hawking's party. Leave early saying, "Sorry, I have another engagement."
Chaos theory is bullshit. Small things just blend into the background noise. I'm pretty confident that I won't make any ripples big enough to upset the rise of Apple and Bitcoin, although the Trump thing is so weird it might fail
>studying math, chemistry and physics intensively
>Playing video games = vegetating potatoe
>There is a gondirious reason why a person with high IQ will not asimilate with "normies"
>Small things just blend into the background noise
wow, I'm amazed anyone believes that
I would save up money my entire life until the 2016 election when I would bet it all on Trump
>I won't make any ripples big enough to upset the rise of Apple and Bitcoin
Depends on when you were born. If it was just before the apple boom, then maybe. Buf differences, even tiniest, should accumulate quickly with time.
You won't be able to invest in apple as a toddler anyway
>You won't be able to invest in apple as a toddler anyway
That's where I win -- I'm older than (I assume) most guys here, I might be able to pull it off.
Ask me how I know you have never watched a drop of water run across the back of Jeff Goldblum's hand...
How old are you to be able to invest in a company that started in 1976 around when it started?
>around when it started
to be fair, there were a few moments throughout Apple history in which investing in them would be a great idea
to make sure everything still plays out more or less how I remember (to avoid srprises) I'd just buy myself a few more math and CS books to go through quietly on my own time when I get kicked off the computer
luckily a lot of nice material is out by the time I move to the big house
>Not curing your gayness by making sure your brain develops correctly this time.
What like as a baby? Shit man, being a baby is gonna suck and be weird man. I am totally gonna have my first words be GNU/linux and try to get my parents to get a copy of the first Linux kernal. I would invest in paypal, amazon, google, and all the other tech companies when it came time to. I'd do the whole child prodigy thing, but try to stay hidden somewhat, don't want the attention. Then once computing power has improved enough make a couple of key developments in my field and make a name for myself.
Then I propose my PI's current research project and do what I am doing right now.
invest in buttcoins and facebook
find my ex 6 years before i would've met her and convince her im from the future
buy that one cliffside house in the middle of an abrupt thick forest in big sur and just chill out
>Then I propose my PI's current research project and do what I am doing right now.
What are you researching?
I don't see what's stopping you from doing most of this now user?
You guys seriously overestimate the "chaos theory" meme.
It's a hypothetical concept, just like how, hypothetically, if you fart there's a hypothetically it's possible that you could flip 10000 heads in a row on a perfect coin. Just because a butterfly flapping its wings "could" cause a chain of events that ends in a tornado, doesn't mean it's even slightly likely.
Also, I find it disgusting that people are referencing a "scientific" concept that is entirely untestable as if it's legitimate