Okay, Veeky Forums, here's what:

I need to turn into an A+ highschool math student by september. I'm 21yo law student, and I'm taking a public tender that requires highschool level math knowledge. The thing is that I left school 4 years ago, and I don't remember shit.

What can I do? Does Khan Academy help? Please, help me.

>Does Khan Academy help

Khan academy and math textbook problems if you want to retain the info.

How do I start with Khan Academy? It's just so much stuff I don't know where to start.

>turn into an A+ highschool math student by september

not going to happen
be humble
seek the Truth

Is it A?

Please, help :(

Are you comfortable with arithmetic? This includes the familiar operations of addition, subtraction multiplication and division. Can you do all of the above with fraction and decimal numbers?

Surely, someone who got into college is smart enough to tackle something as easy as HS math.

im going for the same goal, A+ HS grad level level by September, different reasons though. I believe it's possible.

Just start at babby-tier basic arithmetic, you'll find out if you can count (practical) and progress quickly to more advanced stuff. Then when you've been at it a while you know if you want to focus more on some things than others because you will have total statistics on which problems you fail more often and which you take more intuituvely.

And they've gamified it pretty well, so you'll gain points and avatars and achievements and shit.

I think the problem is that british people don't know those coin terms.

A lot of colleges curve their grades, you can get an A+ with a 95 average in some colleges

Quarters is fairly intuitive

Well they did invent the imperial system

I'm not literally trying to get an A+, i'm trying to get on the level of an A+ HS student.

yes khan academy helps but in terms of practice, no. buy a high-school math book to practice on. practice is very important remember that

can you slove arithmetic problems with no too much thinking?
can you do polynomials?

I asked the faggot the same question and was ignored. Let him fail for being a useless cunt.

Buy some of those ACT or SAT Prep books. They have the answers in the back of the book. Use them to refresh yourself.

oops sorry for responding this late
I had to get some sleep

Yes, I can answer basic (like 8th grade basic) arithmetic problems with no too much thinking. I'm comfortable with fractions/decimals as well.

Is basic mathematics by serg lang a good book?

not op, but what textbook should I use for the same purposes?

Bump, I am in a similar situation.

As a poorfag myself buying textbooks is not so easy, are there cheaper alternatives that can help me retain my math knowledge once iv'e learned it?

khan academy as mentioned above

Lel no. C you dummy

do you have any advice for learning math so I know what to avoid?

Don't avoid any of it?
Seriously, the only way to get good at something, in your case really good, is to practise.
By doing lots of different questions you can develop a feel for how to solve different problems and when to try which techniques. You should only avoid something when you don't have the knowledge required to solve it.

Well that's kinda of broad, there are some 3rd year college courses that cover Senior/Advanced level high school mathematics. If I didn't stop taking math my junior year in high school I would literally learn nothing new taking first/second year college math classes. A lot of the first two years of college courses are redundant, at least in the states.

In addition to doing Kahn academy if you have a community college near you audit some math classes, they should offer elementary algebra, a below 100-level course that students are forced to take if they do bad on SAT/Placement test. If your math isn't that bad take elementary algebra. You can also look into the adult education programs offered by high school/cities. If you have adult education classes near you they will really cheap to take and are run in the evening. In addition to this, search amazon for good instructional books that have good reviews, it is important to read the reviews on amazon in order to decide if the book will explain the topics in a way you can understand.

*If your math isn't that bad take intermediate algebra

Also, try to find an area of math you find interesting/enjoy doing. I don't enjoy geometry/algebra but I enjoy statistics/trigonometry. Since I enjoy statistics/trigonometry I use these areas as a reference when learning new topics in geometry/algebra.

You can go on amazon and get good text books for $10 and even lower. Buy the older editions, the material hasn't changed in centuries, the biggest differences between textbooks are the years they were published and their prices

It's certainly A

This is good advice, but I don't understand why the textbooks don't change, aren't there mathematicians around the world whose job it is, to move the field forward. Id imagine those advancements can make some of the older material a little dated? Or is all the new stuff at the undergraduate level and above?

You're learning very basic mathematics.

Beyond minor improvements/experiments in pedagogy and a few updates to application problems that use real-world tech or data, nothing's changing at that level.

You're correct, somewhat. Mathematics textbooks do age for several reasons; notation changes, what people are expected to know changes, the style students expect from their books changes, new simpler proofs are sometimes found, etc. One example of this I know of is van der Waerden's algebra which was a canonical source for decades but is simply not used often any more because of it's age.

However undergrad mathematics is a solved subject (more or less). Everything we care to ask about calculus has been done to death by the 1800s, and the subject hasn't evolved since then and likely never will.
While it would be a bit eccentric nowadays you could definitely learn calc from Hardy's 1908 book and be no worse off for it.

Basically what I am preparing for is college level calculus which I hope will be the first of many pure math courses I take in my time at university.

I'm currently a university student that recently switched majors. I am high school educated, so I know a little bit of everything baring Calculus,the majority of trig and anything else that may be considered harder than those two.

I am currently reviewing my knowledge after several years of humanities education, I found I despite the range of my knowledge there was a lot of gaps in my knowledge(even in arithmetic) so I'm using khan academy to fill the gaps. But there's been some serious hurdles, some concepts especial in algebra perplex me virtually ad infitum. But I am determined to break through in the believe that my grit will eventually grant me mastery.

Introductory/Intermediate topics have already been figure out, new advancements in math is highly unlikely to change the intro/intermediate topics, those ideas have already been proven mathematically, at best they may include alternative techniques. I didn't major in math, but I'd imagine the topics that are susceptible to become outdated are at the PhD/Master's level

It sounds like you're doing everything you need to do; I'm sure you'll be successful. Just remember that practice is the most important part. Many things that you learn are confusing at first until you broaden your knowledge further and are able to see them in context. Math builds on itself, particularly at the lower levels, so you should have plenty of practice.

>you can't re-learn some babby tier maths in several months

Stop projecting brainlet

Just literally start from the beginning. If you think a video is trivial to you, skip it but do NOT skip the tests. Not even the most basic ones.

This makes a lot of sense, ill start browsing for potential candidates after class, thank you
>Just remember that practice is the most important part. Many things that you learn are confusing at first until you broaden your knowledge further and are able to see them in context.

This is very true.I always like to fully understand a concept before going forward, however I learned that in math some times it's better to simply grasp the technique and come back to the 'why' later on.
I'm going through each level on khan individually in order to allow for plenty of overlap between section for this reason exactly.
