>didn't start programming as a kid
I genuinely feel like I missed out.
>didn't start programming as a kid
I genuinely feel like I missed out.
Other urls found in this thread:
Me too, user, me too. But, hey, what can we do about it?
>didnt start serious math studying as a kid
I am the one who really missed out
programming is ez for me but mastering math is a daunting task. i see people way younger than me getting better scores. might as well kys
Programming is so impossible man
I'm a fucking high school dropout. Talk to me about missing out.
>Struggled with math as a kid
>Learned to code in my teens
>Its all the logic and critical thinking of math without the memorization
>Give college a shot
>Suddenly i'm amazing at math
Its almost criminal to not teach kids how to code at a young age.
>was a kid in 90s and early 00s
>being a hacker was the cool thing to be
>wanted to make my own cs 1.6 hack
>with the help of some guide i managed to make a simple wall hack
>only walls were actually transparent, but all the objects weren't
>lost all interest after that
Most programmers didn't. Check out recent survey results from stack overflow.
>Most programmers
most (nearly all) Good programmers did
I started my sophomore year of college and now I make 6 figures programming
It doesn't matter OP
but it mostly is memorization. I've always been good at math but i fucking hate programming because you have to learn the retarded syntax and commands.
I know this feel, I'm just finally taking calc 3 this year and i'm a junior in college. Theres 4 seniors in high school in my class. kill me.
The syntax is just something you learn once. It isn't like math were there is always a harder theorem to memorize, you just deal with it. most languages are just C syntax anyway and more exotic languages still are easy to get the syntax in.
If you are good at programming, even if you've never done HTML or Latex before you can still figure out HTML and Latex trivially because it is all syntax.
I actually did try programming as a kid, downloaded visual basic or something and had a go when I was 11.
Fucking hated it.
Tried it again later in highschool, hated it even more.
But now they say you need python and programming languages for internships and jobs in mechanical engineering so I guess I'm going to have to try again soon.
>learn the retarded syntax and commands.
The syntax is simple and never changes. It's like remembering that + is the symbol for addition.
With math it's like having to memorize every programming function ever made. With programming you only have to remember how functions are made, then you make the one you need.
don't worry OP, the brain is amazing at soaking up info if you really give a shit about it.
with most programmers there is a steep learning curve but the skill incline lowers after a certain point
practice really hard for two years and you will be surprised at what you can do
Programming is piss easy
[math]\text{ }^{\color{#571da2}{\displaystyle\text{W}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{\color{#462eb9}{\displaystyle\text{h}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#3f47c8}{\displaystyle\text{y}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#3f62cf}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#437ccc}{\displaystyle\text{i}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#4b90bf}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#56a0ae}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#62ab99}{\displaystyle\text{t}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#71b484}{\displaystyle\text{h}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#82ba70}{\displaystyle\text{i}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#96bc5f}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#a9bd52}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#bcbb48}{\displaystyle\text{o}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#ceb541}{\displaystyle\text{n}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#dcab3c}{\displaystyle\text{ }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e39938}{\displaystyle\text{/}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e68033}{\displaystyle\text{s}}}}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{^{^{^{\color{#e3632d}{\displaystyle\text{c}}}}}}}}}\text{ }^{^{^{^{\color{#de4227}{\displaystyle\text{i}}}}}}\text{ }^{\color{#da2121}{\displaystyle\text{/}}}[/math]
Yeah, as everybody knows it's impossible to learn anything new after becoming an adult. Oh well.
just start now? programming languages change all the time
Take my operating systems class and do my assignments in there please. It will free me up to do the math research I want to do
I know this is sarcasm, but I also know this really shouldn't be.
Yeah, I was robbed out of my life too
Was perl your first language?
It sort of is, though.
>started programming when I was 12
>spent my whole of high school dicking around on the computer and not having friends and fucking up my health
>never finished anything useful
Now I'm doing an engineering degree that's not CS/CEng so it's a skill I have, but it's fucking useless. Spending so much time on this shit was a giant mistake.
Im one of them.
>Started programming as a kid
>Quit after less than a year
Dodged a bullet lads
You're leaving out that programming languages have tons of functions. Will you use all of them? Probably not but still.
You also have to memorize how your program works and why so when you make changes it doesn't fall apart.
Hey that looks like me
All of those accurately describe me
besides the headphones - what if the people directly behind me are talking about me? I wouldn't be able to hear it
Fuck, that is all me. That part about not knowing how to auto walk specially hits hard because I do a lot of walking at university and I always think about it. I feel I go to fast, but then I feel I go too slow, and then I get distracted and literally lose balance and have to regain my form.
The only difference is that I am not a virgin so I guess that walking like that has nothing to do with virginity.
Programming is easy to pick up as an adult. Stop making excuses for yourself.
It could be worse
Many people have no friends but do nothing
If you know basic highschool algebra, then learning functional programming is dead easy since it's a generalization of algebra. Variables in FP are exactly the same as mathematical variables and not like they are in imperative python or java/C, so all of their mathematical intuitions are directly applicable. So you already know how to program if you've done a highschool algebra course.
Now you just need to learn induction to verify your functions, and equational reasoning to write them. Ta-da. You're a programmer. Try one of the courses here functionalcs.github.io
It gets especially interesting when you start doing abstract algebra since FP allows for algebraic datatypes, so you everything you learn in that class has potential to becoming a persistent datastructure you slap together in a few functions. Because you know induction by the time you do proof-based abstract algebra, you can prove immediately afterwards your implementation of said algebraic datastructure is correct with a simple induction test. Done.
knowing how to program in engineering is useless??!?! You're full of shit. Chemical engineer here and my entire job is just basic coding as a process engineer. If I knew how I would have been making 120k/yr fresh out. Stop being a bitch.
i ddint read this thread but the truth is you did miss out if you really want to be logic proficient.
Not comparing you to other people, just history.
The younger you are when you start something the more experience you will have with it later on. ((sex jokes incoming))
The powers that be are the powers that be. They are the ultimate decision makers. Hope they make the right ones.
The sort of logical thinking required to become proficient in programming is really not that hard to pick up, even as an adult. I'm convinced most of the people who say it is hard are just programmers who have a superiority complex and don't want to admit that anyone with a functioning brain can learn to program.
When hard work meets opportunity, you get success
I just saw this shit on Veeky Forums
Thanks for the platitude, I guess?
I count every day I'm not dead as successful.... sort of my low bar at this point
Programming as it relates to syntax and logical thinking is not the tricky part. The hard part is when you actually have to write large programs with classes that all "talk" to each other. That becomes a problem of design and architecture.
Every day above ground is a good day, believe that.
fuck me i got a 10 page blog post on how i need that to be true for me. heres hoping i dont die before i hit bottom
thanks for the cold water
You could kill yourself.
Fuck, this is some paranormal shit
how the fuck do I get into programming and designing applications that are on the larger side?
Can anyone recommend a good book for oop?
This is hitting way to close to home.
Some of the things here have changed over time for me tho. Still a virigin tho.
This pic is incredible but it should be renamed to the "social anxiety walk" or "autist walk" or something.
I started at 17, I'm now 21 and I've learned more than I could even imagine. Thanks to internet.
Just learn it online, it's not too late if you do it constantly. You also have to get a bit of a Boolean brain, I mean you have to be good at logic and algorithmic, of course.
Look up any software 'engineering' course at literally any university cs.cmu.edu
The im 12 so I shuld stardom now
You shouldn't start until you're 18 with a firm mathematical background. Then you can learn Haskell.
>tfw you weren't alive in early 19th century europe
something something tree 20 years ago, something something best time now
enjoy your brainlet life
Abe Lincoln had a shit education, barely literate, but managed to teach himself as an adult Euclid's Elements book one through six while he was at congress after work. He quite literally sat in his office and did 3-4hours of Euclid's Elements a day until he 'mastered the whole'. He then used some of the propositions in speeches when attacking other politicians' logic.
congress literally works 6 weeks out of a year, but anyway. It's hard to believe Lincoln was barely literate considering the things he wrote and the fact that he was a lawyer, or maybe the 19th century writing style just feels more intelligent than it really is.
really that bad with the pajeets? atm they kind of ignore Germany and Europe overall (except the UK maybe)
he taught himself to read/write at age 23, Lincoln only had 1 year of formal education when he was like 12yrs old.
He was undoubtedly brilliant. It also goes to show how much can be accomplished without distractions like the internet.
>You're leaving out that programming languages have tons of functions. Will you use all of them? Probably not but still.
>You also have to memorize how your program works and why so when you make changes it doesn't fall apart.
All of this can be solved just by giving functions, variables, etc, good names that aren't ambiguous. The classic mistake by retards back in school was to just name every variable a single letter (I guess they associated them too strongly with variables from high school math "Oh a variable? I should call it x right?"). Then they would wonder why they struggled to make changes to anything and would constantly try to figure out what something that -they- made was used for.
If you have to memorize what a function does, it's only because you fucked up and gave it some name like "coolFunction45(unsigned long someNumber)", but you'll never have to memorize what "sumOfPrimesUpto(unsigned long someNumber)" does. You don't need to remember how something works until you're working directly on it, you just need to remember what it expects and returns and even modern editors and ides do that for you.
So that's not a valid argument for anything.
you fool
imagine what can be accomplished with the internet
shit poasting on Veeky Forums and watching youtube videos all day.
>>Struggled with math as a kid
>>Learned to code in my teens
>>Its all the logic and critical thinking of math without the memorization
>>Give college a shot
>Be limited in CS because I can't math
kill me
>be me on tropical island
>no backstory pls
>be fucking lonely because reasons
>be drinking at the bar
>two nigresses with charming smiles
>put up a shitstory in my head about a friend that has photos of his exes and his gf wanted to make a break what do you girls think
>proceed to walk towards them
>hey I need advice may I sit
>chevron 1 encoded
>how old are you girls
>22 and 23 what about you
>oh I'm a bit younger
>yeah we could have judged
>from your walking
close the iris