This a good book for a beginner to start getting good at Algebra and its branches?

This a good book for a beginner to start getting good at Algebra and its branches?

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pls r


pls respond

I would like to add that I am white so I wont be having problems understanding the contents of this book if its not very ''beginner friendly''.

idk lol

It's a fine book.

You'll have problems either way, algebra is a hard subject.

How is this book compared to Aluffi's?

>algebra is a hard subject.

algebra chapter 0 is a meme. just learn algebra like a normal human being and move on to category theory when it's appropriate through hungerford or lang

>pls r
>pls respond
Maybe you should stop posting pedophile cartoons.
>You'll have problems either way, algebra is a hard subject.
My sides.
Algebraist brainlet crybaby.

>algebra chapter 0 is a meme.
I already have studied some of the basics from:
>Undergraduate Algebra (Serge Lang).
So, is Aluffi a good book?

great meme fagtrons, you sure convinced me with these hot opinions

Some people like it, but i think it's overrated. i'd just stick with the traditional track. i'm sure lang's undergraduate book is fine, for graduate level i'd do hungerford or lang and forget aluffi. depends on how much you know already

Its used in several universities in my area as a solid abstract algebra text. So I guess it is probably okay.

I heard something about typos in that book.
Is it that bad?
Thanks btw.

>algebra is a hard subject

OP here

Lol maybe for low IQ niggers or spics, but algebra is not that hard. Thanks for the response.

Artin? Bitch please.

Tell me more

are you serious or memeing?

I'm serious.

well if you're such a master of it, then why do you need our help finding a textbook? surely anyone but a retarded nigger can figure out that stuff on their own?

Did you see? He didn't even read Euler!

your pretty much fine with any algebra book you're just wasting time asking questions on a Vietnamese sweatshop forum. i recommend an algebra textbook so you could practice, practice should be your top priority.

What part of algebra? Completing the square, quadratic formula, basic factoring?

There's lectures on youtube for the Artin bluebook

It assumes you have taken an entry linear algebra course before like say, Gilbert Strang

There's a bunch of book recommendations here from a grad student

>triggered liberal

lol fuck off you lost

Did you even Euler bro?

what does that have to do with libcucks being triggered at the fact that niggers and mudbloods have low IQ?


Are you a wizard?

That's not Leonhard

Would explain why he's so good at algebra

I've been reading it casually to double down on my linear algebra and group theory knowledge. Really has helped me out as I start studying functional analysis.
>tfw all you do is talk about Hilbert Spaces

Honestly, I rate 8/10. Pretty good but some of the writing is a bit opaque. Glad I own a copy but I will probably read another algebra text soon.