What's this board opinions on his fundamental math course video series?
What's this board opinions on his fundamental math course video series?
His is the right way to do math but there is a quick and dirty way to translate math from his version to the version accepted by the (((mathematical establishment))).
Find theorems using his theory.
Translate to (((their))) theory
Publish and get (((their))) money.
They say Perelman did this with his legendary proof but didn't accept the prize because a good Christian does not take money from (((them))).
does he teach math until calculus or what?
He teaches all sort of shit.
Number theory, integral calculus, geometry, trigonometry, algebra, topology. analysis. All has been covered.
There are gaps though. He hasn't finished his series and many topics have only been covered at an introductory level but if you already know modern algebra, and then you watch his introduction, you can translate the rest into his theory pretty easily.
is ok if I self teach myself precalculus with his videos?
No, I wouldn't recommend a beginner to watch his videos. Not because they are hard, his theory actually much more easier to digest than (((their))) theory but the thing is that if you learn pre-calc from him and then you use it anywhere then you will be called out for it.
You need to learn pre-calc (((their))) way because if not then in tests they will call you a crank and other shit. Just learn calculus (((their))) way. Mathematicians only use his methods in secret because they don't want (((them))) hunting them down.
It is a sad state of affairs but what can we do. When Hitler lost the war mathematically was literally killed.
what if I told you I also secretelly hate (((them))) as well.
can I teach my small nephew math with his secret knowledge?
>can I teach my small nephew math with his secret knowledge?
You can but you shouldn't.
Teachers indoctrinate kids with (((irrationals))) in fucking middle school. Just imagine what would happen if one day a kid said "real numbers don't actually exist and are just a lazy way of representing the infinite dimensional vector space that is Q expanded with cauchy sequences".
The kid would be ridiculed and mocked by (((them))).
>he doesn't want to free his family from (((their))) education
>he doesn't redpill his family
The (((epsilon-delta))) definition was the worst thing to happen to mathematics. May (((Cauchy))) burn in hell for all eternity.
We were cucked since we were born.
(((They))) already rule the world.
yeah, but I think I should study with his videos.
need to focus on my precalculus skills.
Woah I thought perelman was a jew all along
He was born a jew but being born wrong doesn't mean you can't change. Obviously Norman's influence changed him and turned him into a decent human being.
Would someone please post his name or a link to the videos? I'm not familiar with this.
All I can say is that he is a Wild person.
Some even say that he is a Wild Burger.
What is your favorite science anime?
I don't watch science anime because I am not gay.
That's good... I'm not gay either.. just thought someone else might like science anime
You made me spit my coffee
>wasn't even really that funny not sure why I laughed.
On topic: I am slowly becoming a hard finitist. His videos are actually really convincing. Combinatorics is the only real mathematics. It is getting pretty bad actually, it is reaching over into my physics studies. I have been reading several critiques of bells theorem and now I am starting to think that the universe is completely discrete and not continuous as (((MWT))) would have you believe.
Tell me why hidden variables and finitistic discrete fundamental lengths are impossible.
Protip: You can't because they are possible, not only that but Hidden variables is correct. Wild Theory is going to btfo all physics.
:) Yah
Just to add to my post I just finished up Amit Hagars excellent book which is essentially a massive argument for Finitism and discrete fundamental lengths. And I am very seriously interested in a fight. I will literally fight you over this.