When did you get redpilled on the career prospects in science?

When did you get redpilled on the career prospects in science?

Out of my graduating class of mathematics bs, 3 years later all either ended up in retail or working as teachers.

The few that went to graduate school, myself included are the only mildly successful ones.

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that's why i'm doing it as a hobby

it's not going anywhere but it's fun

You're going to uni as a hobby?

meanwhile i got an engineering degree and too one of your pathetic friends' jobs as a physicist

>tfw qt girls

community college classes hope to graduate when im 90

I'm pretty sure most people are aware of how difficult it is to find work with a degree in a hard science

it's even hard to find work as an engineer
people major in comp sci because there are so many jobs, not because they like programming (most of them hate it, in fact)

Oh ok, same

Math majors generally fall into two categories: those who learned to code and those who didn't.
Those who didn't end up teaching. Those who did end up working at banks and shit making a lot of money.

May I digress for a moment, to mention how much I enjoy being a mammal?

Yeah, being born from an egg would have sucked, not to mention the #coldbloodedproblems.

it's neat just being an amniote, because of internal fertilization

Half dome with half dome.

The secret is not to care too much.

Either I'll get tenure sometime after my PhD or I'll leave and do something else like teach elementary school or raise sheeps in Iceland.

The real red pill is realizing that your lab produces nothing of value to humanity but you're still tricking liberal science-fans in Congress to keep the money flowing.


This model did some naked yoga on youtube


Enjoy waking up!

You know all those scientists who told you to chase a STEM degree in your youth? They were being paid by corporations to saturate the job market and produce cheap labour.

In other words, you got tricky dickied and fell for it hook, line and stinker.

I wonder (((who))) would want such a thing?

are u me

I keep telling my fellow mathematics undergrads that we are likely doomed to work in retail but they all expect 6 figures straight out of college and say I am delusional

I want to get a PhD in mathematics and then become a truck driver.

>Graduating this May with masters in materials
>Still haven't locked down a job

Anxiety is starting senpai. Hoping to go full time at the place I'm working at right now, but they might not be able to afford another full time. Talking to the boss about it next week.

Assuming that won't work out, I've sent out some applications over the last two weeks. Still waiting for that call.

b-but what about statistics?
can't you get a job doing that?
what about specializing in finance or informatics?
doesn't that make you employable?

Dear, math students learn programming or flip burger.

The rigor of a BS degree has declined to the point that it's like having a high school degree. You have to get at least a masters to do anything that's not drudgery.

sometimes I think like this too


My original choice were physics or math, but after seeing how low would be my salary, i studied Industrial and Mechanical engineering, i think it was a smart decision, since i know have a lot of money and my friend who studied physics earns pennies

That's why I'm doing a degree in Marketing and a degree in Management.

Because there are the tinkers. And there are the people who order the tinkers around.

Way of the world.

>get redpilled
gtfo pill-popping /pol/esmoker

can math majors go to architecture schools afterward?

>tfw Norway
>tfw liberal enough that a majority get meme educations
>people with an actual grasp of science are in demand

Feels good man

in high school i was thinking of doing some medical statsy stuff but stats is boring

maybe being a builder or fireman might be rewarding

I know an ecology degree probably won't get me much but I don't want to be a code monkey or do some other shot job.

>mfw my school is good enough that most graduates get permanent positions in academia

All the people I knew during my math studies are well employed in finance/insurance/IT/academia. Not sure if this thread is full of memeing teenagers or brainlets from shit universities.

That's what you get for not going to an elite college for a science/pure math degree.

I completed a degree in pure math , then went to computer science.

I get to study math on the side and poke around theoretical CS while "doing" applied CS in my courses.

You can easily beast the CS majors, while having better job prospects than PhD math students. I joke around saying I'm a mathematician pretending to be a computer scientist, since I do more pure work than applied on my own time.

CS friends ask me "what are you planning to build with functional programming" not realizing I plan to build nothing, other than study FP from mathematical lenses.

You're my hero.

You have a reserved spot in heaven my good friend.

vidya doesnt exist

yes, [[[who]]]?

How do I make money as a pure maths graduate?

[math]x-x^3 +7 = 4^x - x![/math]
solve this or ur a brainlet

>cs fag is this delusional
Programming is the biggest meme in existence.
Fucking code monkeys when will you learn, you are a step down from technicians in the hierarchy of skill.
No one cares about what you do, you can be replaced by someone who takes a two year course in pure programming. It only takes you four years at a university to get a CS degree because of all the other useless bullshit.
There are already schools popping up offering such training, it is only a matter of time before they get accreditation and "CS" because a trade-like title.
It is also why your pay grades are going to floor, just like many other trades.
I cringe when I see people talk about how 'super important it is to learn programming guys!'
No one but literal autistic people enjoy sitting in front of a screen typing out lines of code all day, just like no one but dumb rednecks enjoy wrenching on a car all day.
You 'programming' people are fucking stupid.
Stop spreading your delusions to people who spend time learning something meaningful and not a trade.

I don't think there are integer solutions to that. Are we assuming the factorial is instead the gamma function?


There's a root around 1.5 but I just got that by graphing the two functions. I could probably code up a numerical solver for this one but I'm not sure how to solve it symbolically.

Can any non-brainlet please help.

Er make that 1.4

EE fag here, my friend works at a pretty reputable local company and they moved to a system where they hire CS grads from a temp agency for "projects" (basically they just get hired for specific projects) and they pay them $13 an hour. Once the project is completed 99% of the time they get let go.

Very, very rarely they'll keep someone and put them on a reasonable salary (about 70k). Allot of other companies in the area are starting to adapt this process.

I hate to say it, back in the day CS guys easily got 100k+ straight out of school but those days are just about over.

We've made programming too easy, anyone can do it. It's now a shitty $13 an hour temp job that's over saturated.

I even fear for my field, standards are collapsing and companies really don't care how smart you are. They don't want the best, they want the cheapest shit that will sort of work.

Most """apps""" these days are literally just basic CRUD shit that can be done by some poo in loo.

People don't even have a chance to explore the theoretical side of CS in these companies. All the good CS people have moved on to become data scientists or quants.

Sorry, I didn't mean that as you use your skills to make the app, it's more of getting lucky that people like it.

You just have to come up with a shitty idea that wastes time, toss it together and hope that the masses buy it for $1.

This has also encouraged everyone and their mom to become "app developers" so it's essentially a lottery.

I want to tie her up and impregnate her. I will lock her in my basement, and she will become my sex slave. Her full time job will be bearing my children

>are literally just basic CRUD shit
that describes 98% of all software since forever

>get permanent positions in academia
>working in academia

That sucks

The trick is to have rich parents. Be the frank yang of science

The real redpill is your business acumen and networking ability is what will make you a success, all you need is to have a mediocre technical understanding of the field you are interested in

You, an arrogant entitled western piggu can't hope to contend with Ching, Chang, Patel and pajeet who would all do your coding or research 60% as well as you but for half the salary. You should be trying to get into management as quickly as possible as that's where the white man shines.

Serious question,
should I study biology/biochemistry as a civilian or should I enlist in my nations air force for 13 years and study engineering at a military university?

>Yogi bare

You were born from an egg bonehead. You just hatched prior to exit.......

Are you joking? Jobs aren't looking for anyone who believes that studying and sitting around will land them a career. It takes networking and good experience.

Are the math/physics majors really not making money? Maybe they just suck at finding jobs and broadening their horizons.

BLS predicts math employment to grow like 20%:

And I imagine a physicist could land the same jobs in a corporate world if he took a couple extra math classes.

And then real "computer scientist", as inaccurate of a name as that is, are also expected to grow a lot, sensibly (this doesn't apply to code-monkey bachelor's level programmers though).

To my surprise, EE employment isn't supposed to grow.

At any rate, having a degree opens doors that without, would stay shut. So of course it depends on your financial situation, and how viable it is for you. I'm going for a physics degree just for the fuck of it (praise FAFSA), and playing with the idea of entering grad school for machine learning, but what I really wanna do is save up, buy land, and farm cows and raise quality steaks.

>Out of my graduating class of mathematics bs, 3 years later all either ended up in retail or working as teachers.
That's fucked. Nobody became programmers or otherwise did something useful with their math?

I really think a lot graduates just don't know what to do after graduating, they've never HAD to look for a job before, and perhaps they had tunnel vision on their idealized job, ignoring other possibilities.

>Not studying deep learning
Why has no one mentioned this here? The field is rapidly growing and has a ton of room for development. Even if you don't want to be a researcher, being a machine learning engineer pays stupidly well at the moment and will no doubt be increasing in demand over the next decade.

> real "computer scientist"
You mean professors? What the fuck does this bs mean and bachelor level programming is blowing up right now, wtf are you talking about.

you shouldnt have bought into the masters meme my friend but im sure it will work out

easy and chill, if you dont care to make a shit ton of money its pretty great bruh

id say enlist you will get guaranteed ladder to climb free education pretty great benefits and usually get set up once youre done with a job.

dont know any phycisits but if you are great at math you are more valuable than pretty much anyone else, at the end of the day math is and always will be king dont listen to these anti math idiots. all of my math nerd friends from college are doing huge things now

You don't know what born means

Lefty faggot go fuck a nigger
redpill is common Veeky Forums vernacular

hi friend.

this board is filled with both

How is the job market for biochemistry and molecular biology?
Also how much is a biology degree from some distance learning university actually worth?

synthetic biology is the now and future there are and will be a shit ton of jobs in that field for the rest of your life, either of those will get you far. having graduated from college i can tell you it is certainly a meme and i wouldnt look down on anyone froma distance learning program if i were the hiring guy but i doubt thats how it actually goes. the only important thing i gained from college was a ton of experience in sweet research labs, thats honestly all that matter when you apply for a job so do distance learning if you can still manage to do that or just get one good internship one summer

Literally every math/physics major i know who had enough brains to do a couple of internships got a job in tech/finance right after graduating. I suspect all this wailing comes from either severely autistic people who should have stayed in academia but didn't or from slackers with shit GPA and/or no experience.

By real computer scientist, I meant at beyond a BS level (since you're not really a scientist in any field with a bachelors).

Is programming expected to grow a lot still? I thought it was expected to stagnate a little bit with outsourcing and all. Sometimes it can be difficicult to find accurate stats, as places like BLS have different posting for "programming", "software engineer", and "developer". So while "software engineer" might be expected to grow, programming might decline (it's stupid).

and this doesn't apply to physicist? I was planning on going into math for most of my college career but recently decided to go for physics. I assume a physicist who invests his time in honing his math skills would be just as valuable, but I wonder if the lack of credentials would come into play.

I quit uni without degree after three years of engineering and went straight for a job. I started two years ago with some shitty administrative function.

At the moment I'm a project manager in the same company. It includes laser measuring with level on site, drawing small constructions with CAD software for production, ... If you work hard you can slowly climb up. At first the pay sucked, since I lacked a degree, but I got raised twice and now it's decent. In a few months I'll be getting a company car.

>you just weren't above average enough bro

>project manager
>CAD monkey and construction worker

>missing the whole point of the post
Truly a surprise you struggle to find a job.

>doing things is gay XD

>tfw studying CS
>tfw my plan is to make hentai videogames and leech degenerates on patreon

Those aren't responsibilities of a project manager

>Literally every math/physics major i know who had enough brains to do a couple of internships
And what fraction of your overall university cohort was successfully able to follow your advice and get those above-average internships and GPA's? My guess is not more than 20%.

>>CAD monkey
Since it's for made to measure constructions I rarely repeat tasks. Nearly every project is different. Measuring and drawing is 1/3 of the job. Other tasks include planning of our laborers, finding the right subcontractors, searchig/ordering needed materials,...

Hows your job?

>How is the job market for biochemistry and molecular biology?
Well, the job market is great. You're talking about the biotech and pharma industries, so there are thousands upon thousands of jobs in R&D, business development, consulting, law, etc., related to those sectors.

The key when it comes to undergrad is how to position yourself. Your odds of getting a job in biotech fresh out of undergrad aren't that bad, but the jobs more quality control and/or temp jobs with no benefits, so not really careers.

My advice, first, is to get good research experience while in undergrad. That will have an effect on your hireablity. Second, work as a lab tech in academia for 2 - 3 years. You'll have a significant amount of autonomy (for being just out of undergrad), and you'll really learn how to conduct research, contribute to a project, maintain a lab, etc.

These jobs are stepping stones, and the opportunities after a few years after a lab tech are much better. You will be more competitive for grad school (PhD, MD, JD, MBA), or to work R&D in industry as a research associate, or you can go the life science-focused business development or consulting or finance route.

what's her name?

You must not actually be that smart if you think science will get you a respectable high paying job, if a job at all. Just because it is difficult does not mean it has demand or value

>bbut muh math degree muh chem degree

What WORTH is it? Who is going to look at you and go "Hm, he has a math degree, lets hire him" the answer is nobody

Its ironic that S fags have the same worth as liberal art students, except their schooling was fun and easy

What would be a better career plan:
20-25, at a respectable university,getting a B.S. or double major
25-38 Air Force service, acquire a engineering degree at military university while in
38-40? Master degree
20-33 Air Force service, acquire a engineering degree at a military university while in
and get bachelor in degree biology, biochemistry, or molecular biology per distance learning
33-35? acquire Master degree in one the biological fields above.

I would go with option 1. Entering the Air Force with a degree, or ROTC grad, would get you a better job at the outset. Then do your time, but importantly, get yourself networked into all the cool shit... That way, if/when you get out, you can get set up with contracting positions...

How problematic would be being ouf the field for 13 years regardarding the networking and the actuality of the education i have after I'm discharged?

Take two people who are identical to each other, except for what they majored in.
The one that majors in STEM will have better career prospects.
Here's the catch; in general, STEM students are more autistic, less social, less charismatic, and worse at interviews than everyone else.
You have every chance to succeed as a STEM graduate, just don't be a fucking weirdo.

Learn programming and algorithms and transition into a computer scientist to search for more effecient algorithms using your knowledge of mathematics.

Reported for sexual harassment

Tfw going to grad school
Tfw one of the few of my graduating class going to grad school
Tfw the only one going to a G1 school
Tfw will probably be only mildly successful

Anyone who does a PhD for le ebin paychecks is doing it wrong from the start. A PhD is something you do because you want to. If you want money sell yourself on Craiglist and get fucked, because there's no better place for moneyfags than that.

He probably went to a bottom tier institute for retarded blind people.

Well I go to a group 1 private school, so my mathematics bs graduating class will not work in retail or as teachers