
Does Adult Neurogenesis affect learning and memory?

Will neurogenesis inducing drugs make me less of a brainlet, or will they disrupt existing neural pathways?

Do these drugs actually work?
>GDNF (ibogaine)
>BDNF (ketamine, harmine, noopept)
>EGCG in green tea

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It sounds like you're too dumb to fix yourself.

it's called aerobic exercise

>green tea

lmao fuck off moron

What about exercise supplemented with drugs

30 minutes of jogging per day supplemented by grains, fruits, and vegetables, with maybe some salmon or some other low mercury fish or crustacean like shrimp, is by far the best thing you can do for your health, no question. these things you are asking about are so much lower on the line that they are negligible in comparison.

t. toxicologist

>Do these drugs actually work?

It helps with one's introspective abilities and ability to process information abstractly, but if you're looking for confirmed studies that show this (with a solid definity), you won't find any; thanks to the war on drugs.

Just have a beer or two with lunch every day you go to work, that's the only thing you need to clear your head.

Is walking fast every day for about 1 hour a good aerobic exercise for the brain?

What about lifting for 30 minutes?

no. this is solely for aerobic exercise, not anaerobic.

Take whatever drugs you can get and see what happens?

>everything i say is credible and trustworthy brooooo

eat salmon or take fish oil omega pills, really helped to increase my memory oh and be healthy too

ketamine does not help brain function lmao

If you use enough of it at once it does.

I guess if you consider death to boost brain function you might be right.

but his gainz

Unironically micro-dosing of psychedelics. The chemist which discovered LSD had this application first in mind.

Amphetamine. Done.

Fuck off with your meme psychedellics and weak drugs.

Don't be a fag and abuse it. Have some discipline and take THERAPEUTIC DOSES of Amphetamine.


Eat a diverse diet and jog 30min a day. Congrats you're healthier than 99% of the population

>implying people have the self control not to abuse drugs.

>implying 'people' without self control should be allowed to live

protipo: they shouldnt. Hitler wouldve killed them doing the right thing and the genes wouldnt be passed on. Fentanyl will kill them anyway.

If micro-dosing eases disease, then macro-dosing should cure it. Find a flaw in my logic.

Will power. Do you have it, pussy? Be the master of your destiny. Grab your brain by the balls, faggot.

Hitler was a meth head. Look it up.

The adult hippocampus and the olfactory bulb are the only places in the brain to undergo neurogenesis as an adult, but I don't think you need any drugs to encourage growth

If drinking 8 glasses of water every day is healthy (myth by the way, just the first stupid example that popped into my head), drinking 32 glasses of water every day is 4 times as healthy.

These people are right. I haven't been going 30 minutes a day, and I haven't done fish, but I can speak as a case study to the effects of running on health. I've been running with the goal of 365 miles this year, and I'm only a little behind.

I'm getting better grades in harder classes, I've been more active in my academic community, I've been able to work longer and focus better, and I've been learning more material in less time. That's only to mention the academic effects, I've also been p. high-test the whole time too, and its excellent training for your discipline.

Basically, do this. It's life changing. Add me on Runtastic too because I like friends

I didn't peruse the wiki entry, so can you tell me which arguments they use when it comes to the correlation/causation principle? Seems to me that it's possible that smarter people are more prone to exercise regularly, which provides a positive correlation between exercise and neurophysiological function without necessitating causation.

If macrodosing cures disease, then overdosing should produce corrective effects in the opposite direction. Find a flaw in my (your) logic.


goffee is poz

mate is gr8

psilocybin ain't gonna make you smarter per se, but it will help you being more reflected so it might help you use what you've got better. As for the rest I doubt it (maybe K or ibo, but probably not)

I have ADHD, I take ritalin, it makes me feel much smarter and allows me to do scientific work which in turn has probably made me sharper.

K and psilocybin aren't weak drugs. That said, you're correct about amphetamines being the only nootropic that really works and can be controlled if you use a stable light dose and sleep enough.

Amphetamines do work. But you need to use small doses, Im talking really small. The risk is too great for me, I don't want to get addicted, but it definitely works. It's still a pretty scary drug, ive seen what it does to weak people.

psilocybin has medical uses. it can help reduce ptsd, seizures, ocd, depression, fear, adhd

but like any medicine, it isn't for everyone and personally GAVE me ptsd. it helped me for a while but then I had some life troubles and took a suicidal dose (12 grams dry)

parts of my brain are still tripping and that was 2 years ago

i'm too scared to touch any drugs now after what I saw
