what does this shit even mean
>circumference I guess?
>an atom splitting
>erm...the big bang?
explain this shit how are space niggers supposed to know what this is when they find it
what does this shit even mean
>circumference I guess?
>an atom splitting
>erm...the big bang?
explain this shit how are space niggers supposed to know what this is when they find it
They are patterns which every advanced civilization should be familiar with. If the finders posess any kind of intelligence, they will know what it means.
>highly advanced aliens find it
>laugh at us because the big bang isn't true
it's the location of our planets based 14 pulsar signal. Space GPS
>big bang
>NASA says there are images on the record
How? My dad has some records, when I put the needle on it and pushed play pictures didn't come out, it made music. How can you record images into sounds?
fourier transform.
>yfw when nasa gave the aliums the wrong co-ordinates so they will never find us which is probably a good thing.
>still listening to music
Looking at music is the new trend you pleb
Is that the yellow one that turns into a corvette?
Induced synesthesia is the music of the future
>Inb4 some primitive race finds this and we inadvertently create a new religion.
or just use it to wipe their ass cuz its shiny
>implying aliens will ever find it
It's pointed at nothing and traveling at a cosmic snail's pace. The thing is more of a monument to humanity's origins and ambitions rather than a serious communication attempt.
>ayys find the disk, think its some sacred object and fight for it and then there is an ayy world war because of the damn disk
humanity was a mistake.
the explosion looking thing is a pulsar map, the rest is just instructions on how to use the record
Fuck that shit I dont read instructions.
It's a wheel for God's chariot. We must await the other 3.
that shit has a track of the well-tempered clavier by my mann, spectrum prodigy, glenn gould.
>not tracing back based on orbital calculations and current path
those are sure some pleb aliums
Except not really. We can't assume there are any universal patterns and ideas.
Did they try giving it to scientists, who had no clue what it was supposed to show, to see if that makes sense and is even decipherable?
Why they don't make it more clear how to use it?
Maybe draw a comic book manual or something.
It's literally impossible to decipher this.
We sure can (not that these are examples)
>super Aliums find it
>they scan all of its properties
>then one takes out his pocket calculator, simulates the origin of a universe with the properties of our universe and scans for the creation of an object similar to the disk
>14 billion years of simulation computed in 10 seconds
>find simulated humans just building the disk
>get coordinates
>fly over
>we are already extinct
Who said they need to decode it lol? It just needs to be a really particular object so that it is easy to scan for.
What are the chances this thing either crashed somewhere and vaporized or is no longer functional for whatever reason?
>giving our position away
Just how fucking retarded were those """"scientists""""?