Why haven't you taken the red pill yet Veeky Forums? Science supports Racism and Eugenics...

Why haven't you taken the red pill yet Veeky Forums? Science supports Racism and Eugenics. Literally everything Nationalist Socialism stood for science supports. Nationalist Socialism were light years ahead of the rest of the world scientifically, you don't honestly think its a coincident do you? If your not a Nationalist Socialist, your just a centralist who goes with whats ever the dominate cultural ethos.

>inb4 go back to /pol/
>inb4 not scientific, this has everything to do with science as Nationalist Socialism was the pinnacle of science.

Other urls found in this thread:


we are all socialists here, don't worry

Wtf I love Eugenic's now

Don't forget to report and sage Veeky Forumsentifics.

Not an argument

I unironically agree though


You are correct

[math]\color{red} {\textbf{PLEASE REPORT AND HIDE INSTEAD OF FEEDING THE TROLL}}[/math]

I'm not trolling you idiot, I'm trying to show you all the truth, yet you all mock me none of you have a decent argument, your all just as brainwashed as the creationist you mock.

>I'm trying to show you all the truth


Not an argument
you fedoras really are no better then the creationist this board is fucked

Then move on to another board user if you don't like it.


>Science supports Eugenics.
Um no, that is not how evolution works.

Care to explain how it doesn't?

Only for a amoral Nihilistic moron like yourself, and even so for humans it does work like that, Our intelligence is what got us here to become more evolve to a higher state of being and intelligence is exactly what evolution wants for humans, and Aryans being the superior form of human have the greatest potential too advance further.

you're a faggot
>not an argument
But a fact
>an unrelated one
You think a Nazi utopia will include your genetic garbage?

>what evolution wants
Evolution doesn't want anything, you fucking moron, evolution just exist, it just is.

Evolution occurs because of mutation, these 'useful' mutations are then passed on because whatever has those mutations manages to survive long enough to reproduce and its offspring live ong enough reproduce with the mixture of mutations from its previous parents and so on.

It has no fucking sentience.

weekly reminder

>inb4 go back to /pol/
Yes, please.
>inb4 not scientific, this has everything to do with science as Nationalist Socialism was the pinnacle of science.
It wasn't really though.

It works by trial and error, not top-down control. At least mostly by trial and error as far as I know.
Consider also that some genes have benefits in some individuals but in others not. Sickle cell disease comes to mind, and there is some evidence that the genes associated with some mental illnesses have benefits to those who do get the genes but not the mental illness.

But note I am by no means an expert on evolutionary biology.
>too advance further.
Hmmmm... Guess we will have to purge you since you made that mistake and must not be smart enough.

Calling me genetic garbage not what or who i am
also >implying nazis will kill everybody whos not superior

Evolution wants exactly if It's conscious or not , become more intelligent, stronger, resistant, creative are all beneficial to evolution, and if you don't believe in a God or spiritual reality, becoming better as a species is the only meaning to life

>If I add "scientifically" in my OP, I can shit up Veeky Forums

fuck off stop ruining the board with politics

Scientifically speaking though, how do you raise a succubus to do your sexual bidding?

>implying redpills taken are lifelong lasting in effect.
>Hicks like you just confirm the belief that /pol can't be resuscitated.
>the redpill is useless without having an independent sense of critical thinking which you clearly lack. Go back to where the sheep are user. Hope you feel better.

Because individuals we think are more advanced isn't what evolution selects for evolution only cares about reproductive success.

Last time I listened to /pol/ Trump got elected so I'm gonna refrain from following then further

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>not an argument

then explain to me why are we the dominate species? Are Traits that make you such not the most desirable?

Evolution is a concept, formed from the percieved and likely mechanism by which genetics are passed along, and could be called 'successful' due to their longevity within whatever groups of organisms.

It has no form, no sentience and no presence outside human cognition as used to describe the 'mechanism' as described above.

The burden of proof is upon you to prove the opposite.

>dominate species
plz go learn a language first user if you want a real argument

>Not actually arguing on the essence of my points

>Because the point contain no essence and you fail to critically think about our points, above:

>not an argument
None of them have an argument to make.
Most people who post here are in a bubble and don't want to leave it.

Let them live in the bubble user.


It proves it's self by manifesting, evolution is simply the name for the process we give it. We are the superior lifeforms simply because we are the most dominate and that is the only goal of life, other then reproduction which too supports my beliefs, that is arguing from you nihilistic point of view

What makes you think we are the most "dominate" species? It seems like ants and bacteria dominate the world, not humans.


go back to /pol/
this is not scientific, and nazis were shit at science since they deported or killed the majority of their scientists when they chimped out over da joos.

Because we could wipe them out, if we so chose too, we don't have to struggle for survival they do. We can understand why we are the dominate species they can't.

It's pretty fuckin simple

Yes, it is proven to exist by existing, well done moron. How does it prove its sentience or purpose above the subjective?

>goal of life
Again, prove how a concept that only exists in human cognition as a way of describing the observable has and can prove its 'goals' in the objective?

Strawman, I'm actually a Stoicist.

There's no way you could eliminate all bacteria without killing all humans beforehand.

>shit at science
>sent man to the moon

pick one

not to mention a trove of other things, i think you need to do abit more research.

Nobody needs to struggle to survive in the modern global economy.

Also, we're all the same species, yo.

Wrong, even if we wiped out 99% of life, including ourselves in a huge nuclear war, things like tardigrade would still exist.

>bro nordic people are made of ice
>sumerians were white
>your genes change when you convert to Islam

Evolutionary forces prove what the goal of life is from a pure natural point of view to continue you line, and making you 'better' makes your line more likely to continue

>Stoicist then why the fuck are you arguing with me?

that's right op, you tell em
us white people are the most superior after asians
i am red pilled now and racially conscious

yes and everything is the same everything because it is all the same atoms

Yet is would still struggle for survival

Reminder that the NSDAP rejected modern physics just because it was spearheaded by (((them)))

Showing pictures of people from the 1st-3rd century, Asians may have slightly higher IQ and theirs many reasons for that, but they lack all creativity which made us superior

Einstein was a fraud

creativity looks differently today
east asians are 5 times more creative currently



>Evolutionary forces...
>I like to make up terms to act like I know what I'm talking about.
Gravity is a force.

Life and evolution have no goal, as they aren't sentient.

'Successful' genetics get passed on because they allow that organism to survive.

There is no rhyme nor reason, just objectivity.

Define 'better' in an objective context.

>Stoicist then why the fuck are you arguing with me?
Because you clearly have NO IDEA what you're talking about, as proven below.

>yes and everything is the same everything because it is all the same atoms
Literally what? That was an entire non sequitur.

>Yet is would still struggle for survival,
Actually it wouldn't:
To note:
>They can go without food or water for more than 30 years, drying out to the point where they are 3% or less water, only to rehydrate, forage, and reproduce.
>and the vacuum of outer space.
In other words, even if our planet had an impact event that lead to the largest extinction level event ever, killing off almost everything besides from viruses, bacteria and these fellas.

Even if thrown off into space by the impact, they would and could still live for a considerabely longer time than your 'superior' human would.

This serves to prove that 'superiority' is subjective, evolutional 'success' along with it.

Also proven false.

0/10 bait

We are literally going around in fucking circles all. I've countered everyone of those points. Putting more words into doesn't make it correct. Your an idiot who won't have an open mind.

>sent man to the moon
stop watching documentary entertainment and do something more productive, like, idk, fap a little instead.

Where do you think the rockets came from? you fuckwits literally know nothing. Look up the v2 rockets.

You have countered any of them, you've stated your OPINION, I've stated cold fact (because I'm Stoicist.

Do you know what the problem is?

You have no idea what you're talking about, or attempting to argue.

Not to mention, you apparently lack the ability to think critically, or reading comprehension.

Despite variance in brain functions, we can assuredly know that other human beings have equal capacity to suffer, both physical and mental pain. That's why the golden rule is still the golden rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Reciprocal altruism has a lot of evolutionary benefits in social animals including humans. To be an utter psychopath is not advantageous evolutionarily. This is why most serial killers die young, and usually without offspring which means that their psychopath gene ends up being a genetic dead end.

If you guys /pol/kins truly believes that genetic traits such as IQ rules everything, then you guys have to eat your own word and submit to your East Asian, Ashkenazi Jew, and atheist fedoraman overlords, because these 3 groups have shown to have statistically significant higher IQs than other groups in a way you want to discriminate against females, blacks and hispanics. Not only that, but you have to submit to any random member of a particular group whose statistically significant higher IQ you happen to stumble upon the street.

For example, you're getting a chinese food delivery and the deliveryman said that he wants to fuck your wife. Why don't you let him fuck your wife? Statistically his race has higher IQ and it would be better for the human race as a whole if his gene passes on rather than yours.

This reductio ad absurdum shows how immature and stupid /pol/ logic are.

V2 aren't suitable for transportation, they were used to deliver warheads, you moron.

Toppest of keks. We literally depend on most of them for survival as it is.

Also humans haven't even been around that long. We hardly dominate this planet.

Lmao thinking his opinion is cold hard facts but others is just there 'opinion'. Your an imbecile and a typical pseudo Intellect Fedora

they are arguing for their own harm

Objectivity, by definition isn't subjective, opinion is subjective. If my points aren't subjective, they are objective and therefore not opinion.

Try again.

When did i ever condone or agree to any of that?

Literally this whole thread, clearly you also lack any form of short term memory/may be suffering from denialism.

>there opinion
>your an imbecile
Good lord....

huh duh who designed the transportation

You have a very shallow understanding of science. It's not worth it wasting time trying to convince you of the opposite.

Ah yes, a V2 was GREAT for transporting people. :^)

>Sarcasm, since I doubt you have mastered it.

You fedorafags are so left wing it hurts.

>Duh ad hom, dat will werk!

So, basically, if the nazi ideology wasn't in the way, Germans could've achieved something in the field of space exploration and nuclear energy?

V2s literally don't carry enough fuel to take someone to the Moon.

>The Saturn V rocket's first stage carries 203,400 gallons (770,000 liters) of kerosene fuel and 318,000 gallons (1.2 million liters) of liquid oxygen needed for combustion. At liftoff, the stage's five F-1 rocket engines ignite and produce 7.5 million pounds of thrust.

>V-2 rockets have 3,810 kg (8,400 lb) 75% ethanol/25% water 4,910 kg (10,820 lb) liquid oxygen.

Notice the MASSIVE difference in carrying capacity, they LITERALLY CANNOT PHYSICALLY have gone to the Moon.

not to mention computing
>tfw computer development could've been accelerated at least 10 years due to Kondar Zuse if Nazis didn't happen

everything would have been better if that stupid war didn't happen