Explain to me why your field/major is the coolest, and I mean genuinely; why did you choose it, like the real reason, not some stupid Veeky Forums meme bullshit. Sell me on it. I want to know your motivations and why you thought your major was more fulfilling than all others.
Explain to me why your field/major is the coolest, and I mean genuinely; why did you choose it, like the real reason...
I chose trades/architecture cuz I like creativity but math is awesome.
sadly, this isn't working out
I have massive respect for bio./medicine, physical sciences geo chem phys astro, and engineering
Think about bacteria. Little fucks are nothing but a heap of macromolecules, and yet still are alive. They eat, grow, run away and interact with each other, but have no intelligence of any kind. What sorcery is this? And proteins? This one fucking string of bullshit wraps it's ass around itself, and suddenly it can do all sorts of things. It can operate at speeds of millions of reactions per second, cleave dna at specific locations as if it can read, or mash together with other proteins to make huge complexes. And all this comes down to how 20 repeating units fold.
I wanna know how that shit works. That's why.
you're awesome!
I'm not in college but I think Genetic engineering has great potential to create self sustaining environments in outer space.
Doing a Master's in Aerospace Engineering because money.
$80k starting, and my plan for work today is to figure out why the test setup for a test that failed is bullshit.
Kinda comfy, yo
Fuck off underage
EECS, you get to know how this huge organization works: electronics/hardware, communications, theory, logic, software (user-level and OSes), cool stuff like machine learning and AI...
Once I started to realize how everything is connected to each other and how it's layered, I fell in love with it and wanted to specialize.
Math is the coolest because it is the exercise of pure reason.
>Math and physics major
>Focus on simulation
Computer godhood is pretty fun
Space is the next frontier, all work and research done now will impact future generations in ways I cannot even imagine. To try and understand the universe and the reality we inhabit is one of the most exciting things I think of.
Also, the field is relatively young, and I get to work with some of the people at the very forefront of their fields, and the professors at my university are some big names in Astro.
It's comfy as fuck
Studying fancily renamed Pulp&Paper. Majoring in biomass refining. Got into this field because I wanted to develop alternatives to oil&fossil materials as a foundation for energy and materials. Right now seems like this is the place to be, a lot is happening and the industry seems to have a great interest in developing new things. I think that moving into biomass-based economy is the long term solution, and the P&P industry provides a nice foundation to go in that direction. But make no mistake, this is not the ideal field, It just happens to be the most interesting for me atm.
Biology with 3rd year specialization on molecular bio and genetics.
Went in cause i wanted to know what life was really about. Was fascinated by the whole cell chemistry and the beautiful mechanisms underlying gene expression. The more you know about life the more you realise its a bunch of while loops intertwined.
Its pretty fun desu but kinda regret not going for physics since its the underlying mechanism behind it all, although the job prospects are kinda shitty so im ok with it. Synthetic biology seems really sweet, trying to pave my way into it.
Tfw you see a beautiful executed proof
EE because when i was a kid i decided electricity was the closest thing to magic humans were ever gonna get.
Because I'm at the staking bar, I got debts, I'm a debaser.
Saturn's about to make love and I'm just a heartbreaker
Cause I'm out when I'm staking
And the rings I am breaking
Are making you a personal day.
Biotechnology because I want to change organisms at the most intimate and fundamental level, and bend them to my will.
mathematics! because it's fun, i'm good at it, and if i'm good enough at it people will be throwing money at me hand over fist to continue doing it
in particular i've been angling towards algebraic combinatorics because algebraic methods are easy af to learn, and combinatorics is not as deep of a rabbit hole as something like pure math, so that i can get to research more quickly
plus, there is something very gratifying about grokking a combinatorial structure and translating back and forth between intuitive ideas and precise algebraic symbology
I chose behavioral neuroscience because I like working with animals, especially rodents, I like performing surgery, and I like statistics. I don't like sitting down for long periods of time and I rarely have to in the lab.
The labwork is fun, I don't give a shit about the results, anyone who has done behavioral science for longer than a few months knows there will never be a magic drug to cure addiction or obesity as they are inherently behavioral problems. But people love thinking that taking a pill will cure problems, so the grant money keeps flowing.
tfw the wonder and complexity of life is controlled by strings of amino acids folding into nano machines.
I chose Aerospace Engineering because I found the idea of sending shit to space interesting, and I want to contribute to that cause of discovery, as well as expand the presence of humanity throughout the solar system, and maybe even set the stage for interstellar travel, and have future generations finish where I left off
I chose CS because I want to be a fat hippie and eat my own toe cheese.
chemical engineering
understanding fluids, thermodynamics, and chemical reactions in order to manipulate them to be productive is pretty cool imo
healthy balance between theory and applications, though once i go to work I know theory will take a back seat
I went into Areospace for really the same reason, my parents both worked for NASA back in the day on Cassini and I though Astrophysics was cool but I wasn't quite smart enough to cut it in that
>anons telling others why they love what they do
>shitposting at a minimal
This is a comfy thread
I did my bachelor's in math, and honestly it was because it was the easiest thing for me to do.
Molecular and Cell Biology because why not learn how the basis of life works.
Why did you post an image of Hamming?
Nanoscience because the potential uses/implications of nano-sized materials/devices/etc are honestly mind blowing. Plus its pretty fun having essentially no one (no one in terms of the regular people like my aunt or a friends parent, etc) know what nanoscience is.
But nanosciences broad application in chemistry, materials, technology, biology, ES, among other topics, is very intriguing, and makes a nanoscience degree very versatile.
ha ha bio brainlet
Medicine. I realized I can be self-sufficient and my mom always said I was really selfish but in the end I found out that the only way I can feel satisfied with myself is by helping other people.
It's amazing how much you can learn too and I like that. Do you know how you are breathing? Do you know why? It combines essential parts of all sciences and you're never going to run out of stuff to learn. Also, contrary to what some Veeky Forums posters say, it requires a degree of insight and intelligence to study it.
I heard it pays well too, but that's never been my motivation. The only downside is you might not graduate (which is what worries me), you have to bust your ass constantly.
quality assurance
i dont really have to do anything other than tell people they are wrong
Computer Science
You can program anything you want as long as you know how. You don't need pulleys and levers. You don't need cement or heavy equipment. You don't need wind tunnels. You don't need anything except a computer
You can create valuable libraries that hypothetically could be used or bought by massive corporations. You can create websites for minimal hosting fees and if you market it right you can rake in advertising money. You can create bots, tools, anything you want. The only thing holding you back is your mind. You can be dirt poor and trapped in jail with nothing but a laptop without internet and still create masterpiece programs if you're smart enough
It's liberating, this newly found sense of a lack of dependence on physical things. If you create a piece of art, maybe a synth patch or a game, you can create arbitrarily many copies of it and back it up all over the world. There isn't just "one" of them that can break or get lost. It's amazing
And you make good money. More than most STEM majors. I make lots and I love my work - it's not even work. I find myself staying late often because I want to finish things and it's boring here at home anyway
I love CS and the hate that it gets here is completely unfounded.
because hamming made you thin about this shit
your badass
I went into computer science because I genuinely enjoy programming. When I was younger I would program video games as well as robots. I know everyone on Veeky Forums looks down on CS, but I think it's beautiful and one can't judge it without trying it.
Кoмпьютepнaя нayкa, чтoбы я мoг взлoмaть Хиллapи Клинтoн
Biology yes! Upvoted!
Pic's that lecture about Hemming Code? I watched this recently.
It's Dr. Hamming, so yeah.
It's from his last lecture.
not smart enough for real science lol better luck next time brainlet
I chose nursing because I'm a lazy ass but wanted to still work in the medical field cause I love it.
Only a 4 year degree, work 3 days a week in the ER, and it's an easy job mostly. I clock in, do my shit, and clock out.
I also live in a quiet little town where the worst we see on most nights is Cletus drank a few too many Buds and broke his arm.
Chemistry, because of drugs. I'm not joking. I wish I were, but I'm not. Drugs are cool because of something something altered consciousness something something philosophy something "research chemicals" something not illegal unless possessed with intent to consume something something.
Chemistry deals with the fundamental building blocks of matter, at least those alterable within your garage, and something something it's fucking magic. Like you can change what a physical object in the real world IS, or whatever, because atoms. And get people high or whatever.
you sound like you are really, really gay and stupid IRL
Drugs is what got me into chemistry, in high school. Total synthesis is cool, having the ability to create one important molecule from a possibly smaller less significant molecule.
ChemE/BioTech now though cause math is cool and producing these chemicals on a bigger scale.
Mainly because of the variety of things you can do when working with biological systems. Obviously there are important limitations, and some might call biotech a naked emperor (and they're completely wrong), but I still like to think of what the future might hold.