Have there been papers published which use the data gathered from human experimentation by Germany in WW2? Is this data public?
Nazi Human Experimentation
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barring a MASSIVE conspiracy propogated by Germans, British, French, Poles, Americans, and Soviets, the vast majority was destroyed.
IIRC the data is kept somewhere, unavailable, as it was decided they would not use the results of experiments that unethical.
I believe a lot of the hypothermia knowledge comes from Nazi experimentation.
>as it was decided they would not use the results of experiments that unethical.
You must have just fallen off the turnip truck. Welcome!
You should take your meds. They will help you.
What's that supposed to mean?
I saw a documentary where someone said mengele took very poor notes and was more like a child with a magnifying glass burning ants than a scientist but idk that documentary had a lot of anti nazi bias
Yeah, I keep reading that all the Nazi data are worthless, but I'm very suspicious of these claims. Given that many don't want these data to be used to begin with, it would seem like no more than a means to dissuade their use by scientist than to claim they have no worth.
What about Unit 371 though, didn't they do even more crazy shit than the nazis and never really got persecuted?
[citation needed]
Please, accept my sincere apology.
I'll give you two red pills, one is correct, one is incorrect.
1) The data was never made to begin with, but out of true German intelligence alone were such discoveries made. Because of the (((war))) however, this data had to be skewed to fit the victors agenda of the 6 quintillion billion
2) The data is on deepweb for any non-brainlet to access.
>I know how to download Tor browser so I am not a brainlet
literally neck yourself
Just some edgelord
Thank you. I prefer when my documentaries have a pro Nazi bias. Sieg Heil!
>I'll give you two red pills
>one is correct, one is incorrect
That's not how it works user
When they said "they would not use the results of experiments that unethical" that was really only lip service
If they do who's going to know?
The only way people will know is if they publish the experiments and it's results, which they refuse to.
you can bet your ass we've all benefited from the results of those experiments in some way, no matter how unethical the experiment, useful data is useful data
In fact, it would be unethical to NOT use that data, for those people's sufferings would have been all for naught, which is just cruel.
Mostly the soviets. Everyone else just has to enforce the gag order.
During WW2 Nazi's and Japs tested extensively on people, one turned over the paperwork and one burned them. Remember only one group was tried in Nuremberg
>Thank you. I prefer when my documentaries have a pro Nazi bias. Sieg Heil!
>false dichotomy
Fuck off and kys :)
>those people's sufferings would have been all for naught, which is just cruel.
No, that's neutral.
The unethicality that you sensed about not using the data stems from the increased pain it will bring to people in the future due to our being less knowledgeable, not anything to do with a bunch of dead people.
The scientists were let off by the US in exchange for the research but the findings were pretty much worthless.
>group of people starving to death
>"we need to eat or all of us will die"
>decide to sacrifice 1 person so the rest can eat
>person killed
>suddenly decide it's unethical and everyone refuses to eat the person
>they remain hungry
that person's death could have served a good purpose, if "ethics" hadn't gotten in the way effectively making his sacrifice meaningless
causing someone suffering and killing them for no reason is the very definition of cruel
>The unethicality that you sensed about not using the data stems from the increased pain it will bring to people in the future
No, the unethicality is that the "price" has already been paid, and the "product" already there, willfully discarding the "product" is what makes that "neutral" turn into a "negative"
retroactive ethics is unethical
Actually, that was largely pure sadism masqueraded as science. Mengele didn't even take proper notes and just got a hard-on from torturing people.
Do you know this because you've actually seen his data, or is this just hearsay you're repeating?
Yeah... it's basically the entirety of post-war medicine and psychology. The Nazis were OCD like a muthafucker, and kept excruciatingly detailed records. These were used by many universities and expanded upon, but I imagine the origin of much of the data was obscured due to obvious anticipated objection. I can't cite any specific details, but it's one of those uncomfortable facts of science that aren't often talked about.
>expanded upon
And by "expanded upon," I don't mean that they continued the torture and murder of human beings, but that they used the data and formulated experiments that were reviewed and passed by ethics-boards. Not trying to sound like a conspiracy nut, here.
I have read that attempts to publish results obtained from the data have been thwarted. There's a huge taboo around those data.