We always talk about great mathematicians and physicists, but what about chemists...

We always talk about great mathematicians and physicists, but what about chemists? Who would you call the greatest chemist of all time?

Walter white


synthesised zero psychedelics

People usually say Woodward, and I'd agree, however I'd like to name Haber since his main contributions had such a huge impact and Hammett for inventing physical organic chemistry.

Linus Pauling, fucking easy.
Shame he went nuts near the end

Albert Hofmann

but vitamin C can cure AIDS

This :^)

Does Gibbs or Boltzmann count? If not, I would say Huckel

Me desu

You will all see soon enough

Curie lmao

Is he one of the nerds from Big Bang Theory?

can't even cure his own child
t. autism

Ah yes great chemists, or as I call them bad physicists

t. teenagers


i like louis pasteur

Need to at least get mentioned in the thread.

Fess up, guys, how long did you wait for it to move?

Me: about 8 seconds.

6 here, I'm slightly less patient

I like Ilya Prigogine's work, his books are pretty good too

Ignore anti-C shills.

Sir Robinson

Can someone provide a quick run down on these guys?

Difficult to say. Chemistry has a number of different sub-fields, and fields change. There are some names that I would put forward.

In organic synthesis, Bob Woodward and EJ Corey.

In statistical mechanics, and extending to thermodynamics, Josiah Gibbs and Ludwig Boltzmann.

In biochemistry, Maude Menten and Leonor Michaelis.

The seminal contributions have endured over generations. IMO, I think that is one factor that separates the preeminent scientists from the mere mortals. So, staying within late-20th century, I would say that Jim Wells is the preeminent biochemist of his generation, of the 1980s and 1990s. But, I don't know if he would ever reach the exalted status of, say, Michaelis-Menten.

Neither are chemists
Pauling was the peak of pre-computational biomolecule modeling anyway

>be a molecular modeler
>have to ask organic chemist about bond geometries and angles


All of this

Sasha Shulgin.

No Mendeleev?

Franz Wohler, made urea.

Emil Fischer


E. J. Corey

They say he used to ruffle his beard over super saturated solutions and crystals would suddenly begin forming, because he had so many seed crystals in there

>tfw fischer is so far down

He was a fucking GOAT

There are no great chemists. They are just physicist who are too dumb for real physics, which is why they use a simplified model.

This is the only answer.

t. Physicists who only experiments with his whiteboard

t. angry chemist who was too dumb for physics yet masturbates tot he thought of understanding it one day every night

I make urea all the damn time.

I don't know why people are even giving other answers.