What are the best poisons and ways to go about killing someone? Or something more complicated even for Veeky Forums : what are the best ways of hiring mercenaries to take care of someone for an extended period of time?
What are the best poisons and ways to go about killing someone...
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hi fbi, concetrated nicotine, castore beans, cyanide.
Both cyanide and nicotine are odorless and hard to pick up on autopsies, castore beans are basically cyanide.
Have fun.
If you had to poison, give cancer or give a disease to someone which extends to a period of 6 months to 5 years. Then what would you suggest are the best options? ;)
cyanide and nicotine and castor beans all simulate heart attacks.
Cyanide is great because you can just spray someone in the face with a squirt gun and they are dead instantly.
If you wanted to poison someone slowly I would say to use lead or something because radioactive material is hard to get ahold of. Cyanide can be found at any old gold mine or industrial supplier.
Apply poultice of concentrated tobacco extract to skin while sleeping.
So much shit a person can get away with for so many years.
So many innocent people dead and nowadays nobody bothers murdering directors, executives, sjw, religious fanatics/muslims, retarded politicians, etc. etc.
While other people get instantly sent to jail for killing 1 criminal.
Indeed, at least the iceman tried to only murder bad people.
He would spray people with cyanide, or sprinkle it in their food. Inject them with it.
Feels bad man, guy seems genuinely like he has a good heart especially when he talks about his kids. I guess once you kill the first person it doesn't matter how many you kill after that because you are already going to hell / jail.
Steam distillation of bitter almonds
If you're clever about it the coolest most effective most efficient way of going about it has always been Thallium poisoning.
>Soluble in water
>any contact with skin is dangerous
>0.1mg per m^2 of skin limit for 8 hours
The symptoms are recognizable easily but it's so lethal a large enough dose would outright kill them before Prussian blue can be administered.
Only challenge would be getting the Thallium necessary without leaving an evidence trail that could lead back to you if it's suspected one of your victims died of Thallium poisoning.
The thing about poisoning people is if it looks like a heart attack or overdose usually they won't test for poison.
tell them to prove the
Riemann hypothesis
Dimethylcadmium. Mustard Gas. Sarin Gas.
Also Thallium and arsenic. You can fill their room with Carbon monoxide. Or suffocate them by filling their lungs with heavy noble gases. Beryllium compounds. Hydrazine compounds. Research on wikipedia. I am probably on some goverment list for posting this.
Never heard of that one.
He wasn't a very humble man. I've seen this weirdness where people are generous, but not benevolent.
Could this be done nowadays with vape juices? I heard they're pretty dangerous if you spill them.
Hey Veeky Forums what about painless and convenient deaths? Help a neet out.
Get someone to swallow an alpha particle source.
bump. I'd like a way which doesn't involve hiding an inert gas tank in the house.
dont do it user whats wrong?
user please answer