would Veeky Forums go to Edinburgh or Glasgow university to study physics, and why?
Would Veeky Forums go to Edinburgh or Glasgow university to study physics, and why?
Because it's better than Glasgow [spoiler]And I already go there[/spoiler]
how do you like it, and what course do you study?
It's great, all round. I'm doing my masters in theoretical physics.
I'd rather go to Exeter, because it is more civilised and has a better ranking.
I'd rather go to the University of St. Andrews.
>not even Russel group
No senpai, no.
> can't even spell Russell
>not even Russel group
Implying it needs the validation of this self-selected association
St Andrews was a member of the 1994 Group (Russell Group for smaller universities) until 2012.
Some of the 1994 Group left to join the Russell Group, but St Andrews left because they jut didn't need it. St Andrews consistently outperform most of the universities in the Russell Group.
Not to shit on Glasgow or Edinburgh, though. Great universities, but so is St Andrews.
St Andrews
The weather sucks, just go oxbridge.
OP, personally, I would go for Edinburgh. Not to shit on Glasgow, but Edinburgh is consistently ranked higher. Really, you should look at the curriculum for each university's physics degree, and compare them to see which one interests you the most.
Seriously, as an aside, people like you are the problem with Veeky Forums. OP didn't ask which University in the entirety of the UK or Scotland you thought was the best, he was wanting to draw direct comparisons between Glasgow and Edinburgh. This sort of snobbery does nothing but kill potentially productive discussion on this board. I bet you guys participate in "post your IQ threads" also.
if we're doing uk uni comparisons, how about York and Nottingham for chemistry?
St Andrews is one of the sunniest locations in the UK ;)
York is great, Nottingham is a meme full of SJWs.
>brainlet problems
Either read physics at Oxbridge or learn a trade, no need to shame yourself by attending a brainlet university
Mine is obvious higher if you can't note that Exeter is objectively better.
You have no right to comment if you didn't attend oxbridge, brainlet :^)
I hopped from Exeter (bachelors) to Cambridge (doctorate), get on my level. :^)
I did a doctorate at age 16 at Oxford but then I realised I was to intelligent for postgrad so they made me the head of faculty instead
Also even if you did attent Oxbridge but were at a brainlet college like Catz, Queens (Oxford), Churchill or Fitz you should also abstain from any discussion on this illustrious board
speaking as a NEET, all university graduates should leave the scientific discussion to the real intellectuals.
Why have you ruled out Strathclyde/Heriot Watt? Both are MUCH more STEM focussed, there are literally no arts students. Plus better job prospects.
For the record I've taken classes in Edinburgh, Heriot Watt, Strathclyde, Glasgow and St Andrews. Such is life when you do collaborative degree programs.
- Reputation
- Only STEM students is too much autism
- "Better job prospects" = Objectively false
- Physics departments are better at E, G, St A
My experience of Glasgow physics department was worst by far than any of the others.
St Andrews was best.
Reputation is better for Strath/HW in industry. Don't fall for the prestige meme, seriously.
There is no more autism than usual at STEM focused universities, just less pretentious assholes (this was the worst thing about St Andrews)
Don't know
Maybe agree
Definitely agree
>just less pretentious assholes
Edinburgh is so fucking middle class its unreal.
Nothing worse than seeing children walking around in formal wear, desu
I've heard more south eastern accents while being here than I have Scottish, there's something not right there.
Just to add to this, in terms of teaching standards and the level they expect you to be at, UoE, UoG, HW and SC were all pretty much the same. St Andrews was a complete step up. So much more is expected of you.
I didn't enjoy UoE or UoG nearly as much as the others. They were too big and impersonal. The profs didn't seem to care as much about the individual students. As I mentioned, I didn't like Glasgow at all. There was just too much apathy.
Shall I keep blogging or are you guys fed up now
>I didn't enjoy UoE or UoG nearly as much as the others. They were too big and impersonal.
Seriously? My grades slipped by quite a bit between two hands in and I got 3 emails off various different people (including my tutor) asking me if I was alright.
Don't get me wrong they work you hard and expect a lot from you (there's a reason they had to install sleeping areas), but it's a great university and it should be expected.
At which uni?
The problem is the culture of snobbery, not the lack of Scottish. Weak-chinned, fat, wrinkly, greasy, unintelligible, stout, angry, pale neds are easily the worst part of Scotland.
>The problem is the culture of snobbery, not the lack of Scottish
I don't disagree with that. I just generally associate the SE with snobbery. Which is probably reverse snobbery on my part.
Why are there so many weak-chinned neds?
I can agree with the impersonal departments of Edinburgh and Glasgow. Good for postgrad, but as an undergrad your biggest benefit is the reputation and the fact you live in a normal size city, and not a glorified town (like everywhere else in Scotland).
Yeah, UoE wasn't so bad. The post-grad facilities are great. I didn't have anything like that, but my grades were consistent. Good to know they care.
I still preferred the smaller unis though. Its nice to be able to recognise/greet so many people in the corridors, but maybe this is the case at the bigger unis if you are a socialite, who knows.
Recently, I came across the idea that it may have something to do with a high-calorie, soft food diet:
Alright, I'm calling your bluff, do you have any proof of those claims?
Woooooooooo!!! Give me a scholarship! I'm IFI
OP here, thanks for all the good posts. I never really considered Herriot Watt at all, because I liked the look of the combined physics/chem courses that Glasgow and Edinburgh offered. As for Strathclyde, I heard it was pretty good too. I maybe should have considered it, but I've already applied.
>Its nice to be able to recognise/greet so many people in the corridors
[spoiler]I have schizoid PD and would drastically prefer the anonymity of a larger campus/city[/spoiler]
You mean Edinbwowoh?
Go for Edinburgh, don't fall for the memes. Edinburgh is the only one in the bunch with any reputation and will help you considerably more when applying for jobs then any of the other places
Except the other ones with loads of reputation, and that also help you considerably when applying for jobs.
UoE actually went through a massive slump recently. I'd been cruising on its prestige for a while and basically they got lazy and tanked the league tables for STEM because all the other unis had actually been improving.
From what I've gathered its recovering though. But people basically give it so much more credit than it deserves simply because it has a capital city in the name.
Should read
> It'd been cruising on its prestige for a while
>UoE actually went through a massive slump recently
But that's wrong. In fact the oposite has happened, it's stayed about constant while most other Scottish universities have slumped.
I'm talking about STEM specifically.
And it's still wrong (AFAIK). Even if it were true, it's still much higher than any other university in Scotland, and higher than the majority in the UK.
>pretentious edinburgh uni student detected.
Well yeah I go there, but I'm not the one that brought league tables, rankings and prestige into this.
Of course you go there. Everybody is just trying to argue their uni I the best, apart from the guy that seems to have been to all of them.
Edinburgh, Glasgow is a brainlet uni
no, because I am no pajeet, so I'd have to pay by my own means
Fake news
Hmm? In Scotland, all four years of tuition (and at the government's discretion, a fifth year) are paid for you.
Unless you're English
Unless you're English lmao
For what it's worth guys, I think it's pretty rude that you lot are made to pay while EU students aren't.
Thanks nationalists.
As much as I don't want to get political, I think the differences between the English and Scottish are really overblown. We have so much shared culture and history, that it breaks my heart to see some of my fellow Scots having such a petty, adversarial attitude towards you all.
Yes, it has more prestige
And unless they completely fuck it up it will still have that prestige a few decades down the road, and that's all that matters. Do you think employers actually read some detailed league table reports? It's literally "do I recognise the Uni he went to or is it irrelevant?"
Of course ideally don't go to a brainlet Uni at all
Edinburgh is still the most recognisable name of the bunch and will look the best on your CV a few years down the road
Yeah it's tragic.