I have SATs in 6 weeks. I'm fine with pretty much everything else, but I'm exceptionally terrible at math (even very low-level stuff). What can I do to not completely fail?


not be underage

that's only a temporary solution

why the fuck are these threads allowed on Veeky Forums

what's an SAT? a secondary school exam you take before you're allowed into uni?

nigga let me tell you'd do it if you weren't a brainlet

I had only 2 weeks to prepare for my final high school exam, and it wasn't simple american curriculum, no, we had calculus (partial derivatives, riemann's sum, calculating areas and volumes, linear algebra, groups, polynomials, etc, what's usually done in the 1st year at american STEM unis)

you know what I did bitch? I had 50% average in math, literature and programming during all 4 years

and I got a 94% average on the exam
98.5% at math because of a typo
96% at programming
literature I don't give a fuck about

that's how the master race does it

2 weeks was enough for me to go from a 50% average to getting 94% on the final exam and 98.5 at the math exam

6 weeks aren't enough for you, brainlet?

oh and it was c++ programming with pointers, in american CS unis you study java, python and other dumb shit in the first year

and for literature I had to memorize 40 10-page essays, I'm not joking

all in 2 weeks nigga holy shit you know what I did after I got 94% on the exam? I smoked weed and did meth once, hell yeah nigga i smoked some speed

that's what being a genius is like




i'd say theres no real point to studying for standardized tests

years back i watched some kids take private prep classes and multiple practice tests while others did nothing, slept after they finished each section, and got better scores than any of the try hards

short answer, if youre not smart you better hope youre poor or a minority if you want to go to a good school. start cultivating a unique story that will really pull on those admissions heart strings

so how was jerking yourself off?
How do you fail the math section? I'll try to help but I got a 760 as a 8th grader so I don't see how its possible to get under a 700

>calculating areas


chill out

Don't fret. I didn't even read a textbook for my exams last year and passed all of them. Find some videos online and you'll be fine.

I calculated the hell out of those areas nigga and nobody was there to stop me, the CIA let me do it

If you're terrible at math, you'd probably be better off taking the ACT. The SAT has a no calculator math section which will probably fuck you over but the ACT has a "science" section instead which is just reading comprehension. The ACT also lets you get more problems wrong and still get a relatively better score

Learn really basic stuff that can solve a lot of problems.

Rule of 3
Factoring polynomials
Getting root of polynomials
Pitagoras theorem.

Hmm, thanks. I'll look into that.

I smoked a ton of a weed the morning of my SATs and put up a 1700 you'll be fine.

This is reportable right? Shamelessly admitting to being both underage and a retard

>being bad at literature
lmao brainlet detected

no, in my country we had to read 40 books and do literary critique on each book for the exam, it wasn't like in your shitty american exams

but it only took me a few days to memorize 40 10-page essays

fuck reading books man, fiction books are trash, they provide you with no information, it's a time investment that has no returns

Why are you so afraid to say what country you're from. Is it because it would destroy any credibility you've conveniently lent to yourself?

>but I'm exceptionally terrible at math (even very low-level stuff). What can I do to not completely fail?
If you can't get high school math in less than 6 weeks you shouldn't even bother going to universiry



do you want me to tell you my other personal information, such as my penis size?