Trump budget to cut science funding

Some samples of the cuts the Trump budget is proposing:

> The National Institutes of Health would be cut by nearly $6 billion, about a fifth of the NIH budget.

> Programs targeted for termination include an EPA program to clean up the Cheseapeake Bay, the accident-investigating Chemical Safety Board, and a NASA satellite program that monitors solar storms and Earth’s climate.

> The administration wants to boost the funding for maintenance of the nuclear weapons stockpile, but outside of that one program, The Department of Energy would see a 17.9 percent budget cut.

> The Department of Energy’s Office of Science would see a $900 million cut. Eliminates the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, which underwrites innovations in biofuels and batteries.

> Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Program terminated “because the private sector is better positioned to finance disruptive energy research and development and to commercialize innovative technologies.”

> The EPA would be trimmed by $2.6 billion, a 31.5% cut. The EPA’s Office of Research and Development would lose nearly half its budget.

> Eliminates $250 million in grants from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) involving coastal and marine research and education.

> Cancels the Asteroid Redirect Mission, a controversial Obama administration proposal to break a boulder off an asteroid and haul it to lunar orbit to be sampled by astronauts.

> NASA Earth Science cut by $102 million including the elimination of four missions.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Trump destroys America's science
It's time for us Europeans to shine again.

suck it fags no more gibs

There's already a thread my man.

ha, get rekt you leeches. maybe now you'll research actually useful things

>Claims it cuts science research
>literally all stupid global warming shit

Protip: It's the military doing the science that actually matters

>useful things

>Department of Energy cut
>NIH gigantic cut
>ATVM program termination

Sure smells cuckold in here.

In an immediate sense, out of all of those things I'm probably the most concerned about the complete elimination of the Chemical Safety Board. The reason we don't have things like the Bhopal chemical spill in the US is because we take measures to prevent them from happening. Eliminating those safeguards is just asking for trouble.

Eliminating funding for research, while undeniably stupid, will take a bit longer to really bite us in the ass.

If we can get the department of energy out of the way we might finally be able to really develop nuclear power. The regulations that they impose are absolutely insane.

You say that until you actually work in the field and realize there's a reason for it

The "reason for it" is that idiot envirofaggots are so terrified of the words "nuclear" or "radiation" that they want to cripple the whole industry with absurd and unnecessary regulations.

Time to start actually doing competent research instead of getting funds because your lab has a woman and a black.


>t. guy who knows nothing about nuclear power
ignoring those cumbersome safety regulations is literally how the Soviets got Chernobyl

> Chernobyl
Envriofaggots who know nothing always trot this out. Chernobyl blew up because it was run by dumbass slavshits who had been given positions they didn't deserve by the government. No private sector company would be anywhere near as stupid as they were.

>No private sector company would be anywhere near as stupid as they were.
Bhopal begs to differ

India is a mess of government corruption and cronyism that only exists because there is basically no real free market competition. IF they were forced to actually compete, things like that wouldn't happen because any business capable of fucking up that badly would go out of business long before it reached that point.

Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill.

Not many of you are old enough to remember this, but the USA were working on a project that was similar to the LHC. Then republican congressmen stepped in and literally said they don't think it's worth the money. When scientists countered with the argument that if this project doesn't go through, then Europe will do it, congress' response was: "Let them do it".

And so we did. You're going down that road again, USA. And you'll lose the remainder of the edge you have over the rest of the world in terms of scientific output. It's sad to see so many good scientists' work destroyed, but we'll welcome you with open arms in Europe. And hopefully together we can spark a Renaissance for science, and let the rest of the USA find out the hard way that defunding science is a terrible idea in the long run.

>Not many of you are old enough to remember this, but the USA were working on a project that was similar to the LHC.
Wasn't that supposed to be even larger?

Found it.

Yes, the SSC was gong to be about 40 TeV iirc. We could've discovered the Higgs in the US, but they decided that since we didn't need to compete with the Russians any more, they let the Europeans do it.

>IF they were forced to actually compete, things like that wouldn't happen because any business capable of fucking up that badly would go out of business long before it reached that point.
the food and drug industry in America pre-1906 begs to differ
there was free and open competition, and yet companies still sold tainted food and dangerous drugs, and CHILDREN DIED as a result. but somehow those companies didn't go out of business...and they didn't clean up their act until Uncle Sam made them.

admit it, your argument is basically:
>those examples don't count because it wasn't REALLY a free market!
>gonna do it right this time and everything will work itself out!
you're as bad as the commies that way.

>make America great again
>by driving even more brilliant young American minds away from research and into day trading or other get rich quick shite

If you can't be rational about this instead of resorting to cliched emotional appeals then there's no point in trying to reason with you. Engaging in mindless hysteria doesn't do anyone any good, least of all the people that you pretend to care about.

go back to /pol/

Haven't you heard? The stock market is the true source of America's wealth. Those "researchers" are just a bunch of ticks on the back of the truly productive people like real estate moguls.

Are you saying the children dying is not something that should be avoided?

I mean, how is children dying not a very bad result? I'd say that children dying as a result of something is a sure sign that something isn't right, unless the goal is killing children.

>pshh, the market will police itself, everyone will be fine, what are you worrying about
>>but we tried that already and it didn't work that way, and thousands and thousands of people died as a result
I dunno, I just think the government should take the course of action that results in people not being poisoned by their food and drink. if your ideology thinks that's a bad thing, I suggest you lead by example and have a few gallons of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup.

>It's time for us Europeans to shine again.

The USA having funding doesn't detract from your ability to do something. What have you been doing all this time?

>this is Veeky Forums
mein gott
>when you create wealth by investing in mansions that you leave empty that appreciate in wealth because all the other multimillionaires want to buy one to invest their wealth in because they can't find any other profitable investments
das it mane

>nuclear regulation: "don't fuck up shit and irradiate fucking everything"
>The regulations that they impose are absolutely insane.


Capitalism is the reason most of the children alive today are living in a world where they have a good chance of surviving to adulthood. Prior to capitalism, that wasn't the case. If you actually care about children not dying, you should support capitalism.

>The USA having funding doesn't detract from your ability to do something.
>literally what is competition toward attracting top-tier researchers

> nuclear regulation: "don't fuck up shit and irradiate fucking everything"
Never actually been a serious issue in any halfway decent nation. No company wants to blow up their own power plant, so they're not going to do anything that would result in that. The added regulations are just there because leftist envirofaggots are scared of nuclear energy and want to cripple it with red tape.

>the reason kids live is because I made ten grands yesterday selling pretend Estonian copper stockpiles
>Pasteur who? Fleming what?

Right, but completely unregulated capitalism has also led to avoidable deaths.

Seems like a better option would be to slow down a little and make sure the businesses aren't taking liberties with people's well-being.

>Never actually been a serious issue in any halfway decent nation.
>no true Scotsman
>Japan doesn't count despite being a top-GDP tier country

>The added regulations
Which ones?

> moving goalpost fallacy

>No company wants to blow up their own power plant, so they're not going to do anything that would result in that. The added regulations are just there because leftist envirofaggots are scared of nuclear energy and want to cripple it with red tape.
yeah, who ever heard of a for-profit business taking a risk or cutting a corner in the pursuit of making money?

>No bank wants to blow up their own country's economy, so they're not going to do anything that would result in that. The added regulations are just there because leftist socialists are scared of the financial sector and want to cripple it with red tape.
Really Makes You Think

> Japan doesn't count despite being a top-GDP tier country
1. Fukushima was overblown by the media, basically nothing happened.
2. This was after it got hit with both an earthquake AND a tsunami. If you had told someone before hand that they needed to prepare for that, they would have laughed at you. Yet the reactor made it through both.

>Fukushima was overblown by the media, basically nothing happened.
Corners were cut every fucking where you fucking nigger.
>no emergency generators to power the pump and drain the reactors
>bring some from a neighbouring region
>they don't fit because different regional industrial socket standards

>This was after it got hit with both an earthquake AND a tsunami. If you had told someone before hand that they needed to prepare for that
How much do you ignore about geology?

>Trump budget to cut pseudoscientific publications' funding

> no emergency generators
Bzzzt. Wrong. There were emergency generators, they were taken out by the tsunami. Which, again, was no one was expecting to have to deal with.

>There were emergency generators, they were taken out by the tsunami.


>>No bank wants to blow up their own country's economy, so they're not going to do anything that would result in that. The added regulations are just there because leftist socialists are scared of the financial sector and want to cripple it with red tape.
Except that's true. It wasn't the banks that caused the 2008 crash, it was the fact that the government was forcing them to make terrible loans to nogs who had no business buying houses, all in the name of "inclusion" and "expanding home ownership." The banks knew it was a fucking awful idea, but they were required to give out those loans by government regulations.

They kept investigating the oil companies. Now that the oil companies have a man in the very highest level of government they no longer have to worry about things like investigations over people getting killed or maimed for life. That's just acceptable loss to them, I mean come on, how many millions of barrels of oil do you expect them to produce a day if they can't have a few workers die here and there?

>they were taken out by the tsunami. Which, again, was no one was expecting to have to deal with.
>no one was expecting to have to deal with

> get hysterical about MUH NUCLEAR and MUH RADIATION
> call other people ideologue
It's like you people have no self awareness.

I believe you're done here you spastic.

No one was expecting to have to deal with a massive earthquake followed up by a massive tsunami all happening back to back. Either alone would have been no problem, it was the fact that both happened one right after another that was the problem.

>No one was expecting to have to deal with a massive earthquake followed up by a massive tsunami all happening back to back.
Again, exactly how much are you uneducated on geology?
This is actually impressive.

Anyway that's not even the point. TEPCO cut corners, TEPCO got exposed for it, and there's still fucking worthless simpleton ideologues like yourself claiming nuclear companies would never cut corners. Get fucked you literal political infant.

Trump's audience doesn't care about haughty taughty scientists. They hate them. He's throwing meat to the crocodiles.

And America will come out ahead anyways. There are inbuilt advantages that keep it that way.

We won't get a European science Renaissance, Asia will siphon the American losses probably.

>No-one was expecting
>Built in a country that is in a part of the world that has so many earthquakes that they have a special name for it

TEPCO would have gone out of business long ago if it weren't for government putting up barriers to entry and preventing new businesses from competing. They cut corners because government regulation doesn't help make things safer, all it does is stop the thing that actually does make things safer: competition. Without that competition, they could cut corners and get away with it because there was no one to drive them out of business for making stupid mistakes.

Literally rewriting your argument as you go. I used to be a brainless libertarian too, I know exactly what you're doing.

Dude, banks were committing outright fraud in the lead up to '08, banks have no problem creating what they know are bad loans because they know even in the worst case the fed will bail them out to save them.

A bunch of Goldman Sachs guys are directly serving in government right now under Trump

People work where there's money to be had. No one does it for free, my American friend.

> because they know even in the worst case the fed will bail them out to save them.
Which is only an issue because of government regulation that props up losers. Without it, there's no safety net and those who misbehave are allowed to go out of business. Thank you for proving my point.

The alt-right is heading us towards a disaster.

From one hand they hate refugees. from the other hand they are going to create a crisis of climate refugees because they do not acknowledge the threat of global warming.

If they are not going to get defeated, the future is going to be bleak and full with war

>No bank wants to blow up their own country's economy, so they're not going to do anything that would result in that.
>proven untrue as fuck
>nevermind I was talking about my headcanon libertard utopia not the real world lmao
>what? you expect me to state that first?

People on Veeky Forums are the easiest to troll. You're all literally too autistic to realize when you're getting the shit trolled out of you.

What did you expect?

The vast majority of those who voted for Trump don't even have a college education. He won the votes of rural retards so easily. His entire campaign was based on exploiting the stupidity of people in order to get as much electoral votes as possible.

In other words, he's a smart guy catering to dumb people. It's no wonder he did terribly in all the cities with the educated populace. Cutting funding to science isn't a surprise for anyone paying attention to Trump's rhetoric.

The solution is simple. Don't let the rapefugees in. There's no human right to force your way into a nation that doesn't want you there.

>he actually believes that
I guess people voted for Trump ironically too?

this, Trump is basically rurals getting revenge on the rest of America for being ignored

You really don't get the issues, do you?
first of all it's always terrible when people die. i actually live in southern israel. if it gets any hotter here, people will start dying from heat in the summer, it can reach 47c~48c here in summer right now

Second of all, you are going to create pre-ww2 tier of racial tensions. do you really not see the disaster you are going to create? there are minorities within your own country. if you deport them or murder them just to keep white people the majority in europe, that would be a trigger of ww3 of islam vs christianity

And I really don't want a ww3 of islam vs christianity, espicially considering how devestating modern weaponary is. also Pakistan actually has nukes

It has noting to do with regulations, the major banks were illegally skirting regulations before they got bailout; systematic all large banks were engaging in fraud and they had assets inside government to cover their ass and prevent them from being prosecuted for misbehaving is what the problem is. It's what happens when you allow corporate interests control government, they know no administration is going to allow a total domino bank collapse to happen underneath them, or nationalize them, so they fear no one.

The result of the 2016 elections is an act of revenge by rural retards and miserable rust-belt poorfags against the normal Americans for not suffering as much as they do.

Hey, if you're going down the guys near you should also go down too, right? The mentality of Trump's supporters..

> Second of all, you are going to create pre-ww2 tier of racial tensions
> implying that's not already the case
Racial tensions are worse now than they have been in more than a century. The endless decades of race baiting by the MSM has made the whole country a powder-keg.

> also Pakistan actually has nukes
They don't have missiles that can reach us, so we can just hit them and they can't hit back.

If the Western countries actually wanted to win, they could. They could turn the Middle East into a sheet of glass.

I could be wrong here, but aren't most of the refugees Sunni? It's not like they would face much pushback from Iran on the issue. There's not a whole lot of Shia terrorism in Western countries as far as I can tell.

I would argue racial tensions were much worse when the US still had an active segregation policy. that was less than a century ago.

Aniway, i will just say this:
If i had to choose between ww3 of christianity vs islam or white minority in europe in a few centuries, i would choose white minority in europe in a few centuries.

The problem is that no one wants the Arabs. Israel doesn't like them, Russia doesn't want them, America doesn't want them, Europe doesn't want them, China doesn't want them, Canada doesn't want them. Not even the Arabs want to be around other Arabs.

Nobody actually wants the Arabs or Africans, they just take them because immigrants help to fund their pension liabilities and it makes them look good on the world stage where they can pretend to be humanitarians.

>And America will come out ahead anyways
Like with the LHC?

Saying "no one wants" is factually incorrect, please don't hyperbole arguments, this is Veeky Forums we need to try and be accurate here.

There are plenty of people who are completely fine with living with arabs and africans. they are human beings just like anyone else, after all.

I'm in favor of humanity working together to make the future better for ALL OF US and combat global warming. what i'm not in favor of is focusing on dividing humanity by race and deporting or murdering people just because of their racial background. this is literally the seed of war.

Humanity needs to grow up and learn to work together instead of focusing on hating other human beings based on their gene pool

Time will tell.

Economy wise.

Are science and technology on the one hand, and the economy on the other hand, completely unrelated to each other?

t. brainlet

But in all honesty, you should REALLY study demographics, economics and geopolitics before spouting your asinine opinions.

Government nearly always had to decide between pleasing the people, or saving the country, you can't do both at the same time. Immigration is one instance of saving the country. You probably don't even know that before the Syrians, it was Poles and other east-Europeans migrating to Germany.

>And America will come out ahead anyways. There are inbuilt advantages that keep it that way.
That's not an excuse to shoot your country in the foot. That's not what a good leader does. A good leader does not sacrifice real public goods for a popularity spike.

god fuck i want to throw up

Regulating nuclear power plants is the job of the NRC, an independent agency. The DoE has less to do with regulating nuclear power than most people think it does. The main jobs of the DoE are actually maintaining the nation's nuclear arsenal and supporting nuclear energy research. If you want to develop nuclear power, the department in charge of researching it is probably the last department you want to cut.

>Research into biofuels and more advanced batteries
>Researching the Earth that we live on and its climate
>Cancer research
>Not useful

I'm okay with these cuts.

Trump won white college educated class

He also won the white wealthy voters

So basically Trump the highly educated wealthy white

Meanwhile Hillary tried to put together a coalition of violent low IQ nigs, illegal spics, diseased fags and Hollywood liberal and failed

Why would an educated person want to cut funding to medical research and risk losing our country's technological supremacy?

Because (((educated))) includes non-STEM retards who study shit like business, economics, psych etc.

If only the rich and educated could vote, Jeb would be president.

>Trump won white college educated class
Overall education of Clinton voters was a lot higher. Fuck off with your fake news.

if only the rich and educated could vote, pleb tier pandering candidates like everyone in the last election except hillary would not even be up for consideration and it would be a highly opaque process choosing from among the nation's top CEOs and corporate board directors

Reminder that the US is about to reach its debt ceiling again.

Stop whining.


People with a liberal arts degree are not educated.

Maybe because they believe the government has no place in this kind of thing? Some people are minarchists and believe the government's only duty is to protect our rights and property. I understand that in modern terms "educated" often means "Marxist indoctrination", but many smart people don't believe the government should have so much authority.

Funny that you actually believe that when in fact, it's engineers and science majors who have no formal schooling besides essentially advanced job training that are not educated.

>got hit with both an earthquake AND a tsunami. If you had told someone before hand that they needed to prepare for that, they would have laughed at you.
>the tsunami. Which, again, was no one was expecting to have to deal with.
literally everything in Japan is built with earthquakes and tsunamis in mind, you nitwit. they've been seismically active for all of recorded history.

>it's not the big banks' fault! the big bad evil government MADE them defraud their investors, aggressively market high-risk mortgages to people who couldn't afford them, and gamble with other people's money!
I bet you think Enron was the fault of too much regulation also.

>No one was expecting to have to deal with a massive earthquake followed up by a massive tsunami all happening back to back. Either alone would have been no problem, it was the fact that both happened one right after another that was the problem. you even know what causes tsunamis? I'm astonished at how ignorant you are of very basic geology.

>I was only pretending to be retarded!

>I Know Nothing About the Middle East: The Post

Advanced job training IS education.