Among engineers, which subfield is regarded as the gayest?

Among engineers, which subfield is regarded as the gayest?

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Rocket Science.
Except for the suicidal ones.

electrical definitely has the least women, so that one

Environmental. I started out as one but realized that no one respects it, and most people who get a degree in environmental engineering don't work in their field.

Engineering ranking in terms of outside opinion:
Literally who tier:
>Everything else

t. electrical engineer

What about civil, why are they so low

By software engineer do you mean computer engineer?

Not what I believe, just how it seems people in general perceive the different disciplines.
Seen as a meme engineer who only builds roads and bridges
>software or computer
People don't know the difference, they just equate software engineering with "making apps" and rolling in money in Silicon Valley, while (wrongly) assuming that software engineers also design computer hardware as part of their job

Mine. I am gay after, all.

I'm in Materials, hoping to do a PhD in physics after. Let me tell you engineers aren't as gay you think, and really not as cute as this handsome wikihow character.


Doesn't matter what normies perceive. Civil engineering is universally in demand and environmental is a big field that's growing still. I did environmental engineering and work in that field.

Of course it doesn't matter. I was just responding to OP's question

>tfw gay and doing materials as well

Is this a new meme?

What are you guys working on? Tungsten-carbide dildos? Ferrofluid lube?

outside opinion is worth jack shit, because aerospace and nuclear are both garbage choices. software is also a poor choice compared to double majoring in CS and anything else that might be useful, i.e. math, physics, economics, or statistics.

i started out in industrial and switched to mechanical due to the meme that industrial engineering is just a glorified business major. needless to say, i regret that choice.

I graduate with a math BS next year, planned to get an MS in industrial engineering. How gay am I?

Probably Environmental and Materials.

There are actually a significant amount of women in those fields

I'm going to be honest, seeing some of the girls in my class work with concrete kind of got my dick hard.

Are you guys kidding?
Faggot here, doing Materials as well.

More materialsfag ! What are your plans for the future ?

I'm studying semi-conductors to make the perfect electro-stim and polymers to create a cute sexbot. When I get a comp-sci bf he'll do the AI.

Aerospace does not deserve to be that high. People who major in aerospace never work in aerospace. Literally no jobs.

It's not that there are no jobs. You can get far in other engineering areas with an aero degree. It's just that finance pays much better and is much easier.

Electrical here. There are three, maybe four women in my Circuits class out of 90.

I'm a gay studying physics, but I have a scientific computing concentration. Need an extra hand?

Math -> Finance
Comp Sci -> Finance
Economics -> Finance

What kind of Finance ?

Aerospace here

t.suicidal, depressed, chronic procrastinator

I'm always willing to accept a hand from cute guys.

I plan to actually do a phD in physics. Either I start it after graduating or I'm accepted at the Uni I wish to transfer - they're doing fundamental physics.

I like what I do in Materials, but I feel I'd prefer research rather than industry. Also, I like math too much.

Anything other than civil is wrong.

>makes the field gay

yeah in my materials class there was this cute girl that wanted to mix the concrete for our project so i can confirm

The more women the gayer the field
male architects for example are almost 100% raging faggots

mechanical engie here

just got an internship at blue origin

cant wait to start sucking dicks!

>which subfield is regarded as the gayest?

Social engineering

>forestry major
>people assume that i'm a park ranger
>tell them good camping spots in exchange for friendship and weed

"oh wow a forester thats so cool!"
"man i always wanted to be a ranger, sounds excellent dude"
"does that mean you get to ride around the forest all day?"
"dude you should go fishing with us, hit me up sometime"

i really hope you guys enjoy engineering because life is pretty sweet over here. also daily reminder only you can prevent foresty fires, and to char your stumps after cutting trees to promote natural regrowth

>finance pays much better
is this a new meme?

About as gay as I am brother, which is to say not very

>Imaginary Engineer

Arr you ready to be unemployed my friend?

Your job can be done by a wind tunnel, or just an AyyyI.

I am not worried about employment, really. I am from loleurope and I don't know ANYONE thats unemployed with Msc in Aerospace. And I already have summer internships.

I am worried about not being kicked out because I give zero fucks all about the degree so I cant remember shit when I study. I have a huge impostor syndrome.

I just don't see myself in the future working in aerospace, I have no ambition in that field and it kills me.

This is pretty good but switch electrical and mechanical

A joke that has been around forever

I worked for a trail crew for the USFS

Lots of fun

damn, at least material engineers are open about it

Why would you not be open about it ?

most masculine != gayest

You don't have to be smart to be a goddamn construction worker

Civil is the engineering degree for women and Chads

I'm an EE and gay. COmputer engineering and computer science has a high number of gays in the field

I have a "Fashion Design" degree at my UNI. All the guys are gay and 90% of all the girls are sluts.

Since you are engineering clothes, does it qualify as an engineering degree ?

I did comp sci knowing that I'd be surrounded by 90% guys. But I forgot that computer nerds are mostly ugly. The only 2 gays that I know in my field are fat

Yo. Let me tell you about the best engineering subfield. Medicine. Literally the maintanance and repair of the most sophisticated machine in the world, the human body. It's so cool, even engineers themselves are smart enough to do it. Stay pleb engineers.

>Math -> Finance
>Comp Sci -> Finance
>Economics -> Finance
>What kind of Finance ?

Math -> I-Banking
Comp Sci -> Tech Ops for a bank
Econ-> Corporate

This all assumes shit tier non-target school. If target school the I-banking.

>gayest engineer
Whatever you are doing

>least gay engineer
Whatever I'm doing

IE is awesome, i get to boss other engineers and make more money than them.

IE + CS + MBA will get you more money than any other engineer degree.

Also I don't know where the IE is easy meme came from, since i had almost the same technical classes than Mechanical engineering. I got almost perfect grades in all technical classes, but i found the managment and administration classes harder, since it's not just sitting and practicing exercises like the technical ones.

What if I'm doing the same engineering that you? Does it mean it is bissexual?

J-just remember t-to join the m-mad scientist club and fit right in again. W-we are splicing a new race of Cat people soon.

>tfw geology
>tfw surrounded by blond long haired twinks
>tfw my life has never been better

Industrial Engineering, it's just like Business Administration with an "engineering" degree


Probably Financial Engineering, though transsexual engineering is also pretty degenerate.

I was going to disagree but then I realized how accurate this was. Bump Mech Eng up higher though.
t. another EE fag

i know some really hot asian EEs

aerospace is shit tier, that might be the ranking as undergrads see it, but that isnt how it shakes out irl at all,

if you majored in ae 99% of you will work in another discipline, the other 1% will be consigned to the basement of a major contractor and dusted off every 10 years when they actually need a new fluid dynamics analysis

no, you don't take the same "technical" courses as MEs. you take the basic solids mechanics courses, and maybe thermo. then your path diverges from MEs completely.

seduce me

Check by yourself idiot:

>tfw gay geologist
>tfw no cute guys to be found

>really hot
Sure thing buddy.