Would Veeky Forums turn down a million dollars?
Would Veeky Forums turn down a million dollars?
no I'd quite like a million dollars
I'd turn down a million not to be such a brainlet that I can't study maths.
I hate my life
this is the brainlet filter and you failed
Every word of this post is what I wanted to post.
We're not intelligent enough to do it.
No but I'd prefer the money come in the form of a grant so it does not make me unsatisfied with my means.
perelman for me is better math than tao
There are circumstances under which I would turn down a million dollars.
For example, if someone said, "I will give you TWO million dollars, if you turn down that offer for a million dollars" then I would turn down the million dollars.
No I would take it
Then I would periscope going to a strip club and spending 10 grand
For what and is it legal?
I would take exactly enough to pay off my student loans and fund the rest of my education and likely donate the rest desu
Turning down a million dollars is easy when you have 100's of job offers to sit in a comfy office all day doing the one thing in life you enjoy.
The only reason people talk about Perelman today and will continue talking about him is because he refused 1 million dollar.
And what if someone said "I'll give you FOUR million dollars if you turn down that offer for two million dollars?"
And then another offer was made for eight million, and then sixteen, etc
Would you turn down all offers, watching your potential gainz grow? Even if it meant never accepting an offer and never being paid?
fuck no. i can't wait to sell out.
for an american, refusing money is a bit like not clapping at the end of a movie
literally this.
dude could walk into any university and the entire administration would suck his dick
Do Americans clap at the end of movies?
It's a meme. But yes.
I still remember people clapping when they saw the American flag at the end of the first Spider-Man.
we clap during movies as if the actors can hear us
we do it just to confuse foreigners
>mfw i look just like this guy but am nowhere near as intelligent
>he doesn't clap through all the trailers before the movie
Huh, the more you know.
No one said it wasn't. It just says that you're a brainlet. Which was the point of the thread.
What if then comes a guy saying that he will give you 3 million dollars?
And then a guy who says he will give you 6 million?
And then a guy who says he will give you 10 million?
And then a guy who will give you 15 million?
without end.
Would you realize that in fact, the nth person is offering you
[eqn] \sum_{k=1}^{n} 1000000k [/eqn] and therefore in the end you will receive
[eqn] \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} 1000000k [/eqn]
Would you then be able to compute that
[eqn] \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} 1000000k = 1000000\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} k = 1000000 \frac{1}{-12} = \frac{1000000}{-12} [/eqn]
and conclude that they are actually stealing approximately 83 thousand dollars from you?
Only if I was as smart as that ugly commie
A million dollars for what?
Is this some sort of meme or event I den't get?
Because nobody in their right mind would turn down a no-strings-attached free 1.000.000 bucks.
Stop it with the b8.
million dollars wouldn't be a huge number desu. if you solved a millennium problem you'll get so many offers from places that you'll probably make that money in less than 5 years.
I'd just tell them to formulate a new problem of similar complexity in the place of what I just solved and offer my prize for it. This is the high-IQ move.
You've managed to fuck up a meme. Well done
Is that why Perelman is destitute? I think he's some sort of modern-day Diogenes.
He chooses to be
everyone clapped at the end of the last harry potter movie it was cool
>sit around being entertained by someone else's hard work
>don't even clap afterwards
Youropeans are just plain rude.
>I can't study maths.
why not
Who needs a million dollars when you can control the universe?
because I'm already 23. Sure, I will have a msc in physics soon, but I'd need to go to third year at 23, and I'll probably suck no matter how hard I try (or so I was told). Even if I succeed, I'll still be 3 years older, so this "won't count". No one will hire me for research. Being a brainlet sucks, I wish I had good genes
I would turn down the first counter-offer since there is no such thing as free money.
For the kind of boost in power level he got? That's worth more than a million - tell the whole math community to piss off, disappear into the wastes of Russia, and ascend to the level of legend.
I'd pay a million dollars to be as smart as him.
if only a was smart enough to make a million dollars.
that's the funny thing isn't it
not even a billion zillion dollars will make you as smart as him
Alright bro, I'm just gonna come out and say what everyone is thinking...you are a douche.
Physics cool enough
Worry about finding a gf
Cool enough maybe, but pretty dull in reality when compared to maths.
Too ugly for gf, 5'9", manlet too, can't work out due to permanent injury, and I wouldn't be able to learn maths because of the lack of time
haha i see your ruse your trying to con me -1/12 million dollars
im trying to get you to con yourself out of 2^n million dollars
Yes, because I don't want to be harassed and run out of town by math-politicians.
>tfw capitalist finance
>publish incomplete proof, hold off just enough information
>5 million!
>fellow expert in your field reads paper and fills in hole
>he gets $1 million while you get nothing
nice try goldstein
dUMB brainlet I'd never be stupid enough to give enough information that someone could solve it
user's not wrong...
Which is summable to -1
I wouldn't but if I meant I had to put my solution on arXiv then I would.
Jesus, who the fuck is this nigga lol? just checked, and saw that he has a fuckton of papers on arxiv, many of them on different subjects from a wide variety of fields
A free million? Sure why not. less time I have to spend kissing ass and can actually do my own research.
Depends on what I believe the true value is of the thing is that I'm being offered a million dollars for.
I don't think I'd turn down a million dollars if someone was asking for a piece of paper with basic addition on it, no.
>worry about finding a gf
truer words ain't spoken
as interesting as pure maths and schizophrenia sound, having children and knowing love will always be better
i would be obliged to use it to help the poor
why do that? do you think they would truly appreciate your efforts? what do you gain from it? do you think they'd do the same for you if they could?
helping other people is like subjugating to your altruistic instincts, you're acting like an animal
How would you plan to help the poor with that money? In a long term sense.
I already did.
A friend and I were having lunch one day when he asked me, "How would you like to make $1,000,000 in ten years?"
I said, "No, thanks."
And that is how I avoided a MLM spiel.
found the uncon/sci/ous imposter
you just den't geddit, m8