Lung cancer fag here, I went back and saw a new doctor today as I'm sitll highly concerned despite the clear x-ray if but he wouldn't refer me for a chest Ct scan on the NHS, and I can't afford to go private. He said I don't fit the criteria even though I have a persistent pleghmy throat now on top the loss of appetite for 7 months. He said he didn't believe I could have a loss of appetite as I have put on some weight (but this is only due to inactivity and binge eating on junk food out of depression over the way I'm feeling) and the X-ray was clear, he wanted to prescribe me antibiotics, I don't know what to do now, I'm still getting headaches too. I feel like I'm going to have to feign more severe symptoms or family history to get investigated.
Lung cancer fag here...
>binge eating
>loss of appetite
Food still tastes good
You don't have cancer you fucking idiot.
Jesus Christ you are a fucking idiot, it's beyond belief.
>Appetite is the desire to eat food, sometimes due to hunger. Appealing foods can stimulate appetite even when hunger is absent.
dude imagine if the guy actually has lung cancer and dies
op can you instruct a relative to come here and tell us if you happen to die of cancer
it'll be the ultimate 'i told you so'
he's been shitposting the exact same symptoms here for ages with no progression
nigga'd be dead long ago if he actually had cancer
you know he'll probably have like 5 years ahead of him to tell us himself, when he does in fact get cancer. Btw I'm a doctor and I could easily lift up your anxiety op, but I won't because that's just how I am
Okay what you need to do is give us information, maybe we can solve your problem, whats your age? ethnicity? since when everything began and how did it evolve? More information is needed, how about you greentext?
You're lucky he hasn't had you involuntarily committed yet.
Dont even consider yourself a doctor then, such a disgrace to medicine and Hippocrate
Dude, shut the fuck up
my stamp doesn't seem to care
medical definition of loss of appetite really means loss of hunger. which is what i have. eating is still something i enjoy doing but i have no hunger
>lost my appetite like 7 months ago, cough came on about a month ago along with headaches.
>have symptoms of depression
>admit to having depression
>likely doesn't get therapy for depression and blame it on imaginary diseases instead
it's actually easier to treat cancer than this
doctors have already given me anti-depressants. they havn't done shit. i know i have lung cancer i just can't get anyone to actually diagnose me
I said therapy, not medication. medication alone ain't worth shit. And no, you don't have anything in your lungs and if even random people on the internet can figure that out, that should tell you something about yourself
You really should invest your time and energy into going to a psychotherapist to talk through your delusions though. I honestly think it's a serious mental illness that should be treated. The sooner you realize this, the better. Fantasizing about having cancer all day is not exactly something anyone should do. And I'm pretty sure you secretly know you are fantasizing these things.
Losing your appetite and thinking you have cancer is silly. I'm a practicing radiologist of almost 10 years(i'm on vacation right now). If that is the actual x-ray that was taken at a reasonable radiation dose, you don't have lung cancer. There is absolutely nothing on that image that looks like cancer. You're a hypochondriac and need to accept that and see a psychologist or get over it. All you're really doing is increasing your risk of cancer through all of these x-rays, although a very small increase that is barely worth mentioning at all.
that isn't it's just a image of google. I have no copy of my x-ray, just a report saying 'no obvious focal lesions', the wording doesn't fill me with a lot of confidence, desu
yeah cause talking to some condescending twat is going to make my cough go away
When I get nervous I start coughing. You might be having the same problem. And seriously you probably just caught a cold.
hey, you're the one who's obsessing over meaningless stuff
i've had it for a month
We word reports like that because even with our expertise, it is possible that we miss something, but the chance of that is extremely low, and a lung cancer screening is absolutely not one of those areas where we make mistakes anyway. The term "obvious" in that note is just saying that your symptoms are not congruent with such a diagnosis.
Having a cough != lung cancer
Just as in the other thread about x-rays/CT scans and cancer risk, getting a CT scan or x-rays != cancer
We have loads of things that make us cough, and lung cancer is just the most romantic one out of all of them, seeing people in movies (Gran Torino) or television shows(Breaking Bad) coughing up blood in every other scene. It's dramatic and heart breaking, but it's almost never from having lung cancer.
This is not to mention that cancer in a male from 18-28 is rarer than just about any time in any one lifespan.
So loss of appetite and a somewhat persistent cough is enough reason for you to assume you have fucking lung cancer? There are a million reasons to have those symptoms man. In particular, psychosomatic reasons which I''m pretty sure applies to your case.
Honestly, why do you come here and make the same threads over and over? Nobody here takes you seriously, everybody has seen your threads a million times already. Seek actual help, at least try to work out your problems. Nobody is going to give you a reason to be miserable, so stop hoping for fucking cancer.
it's the cough on top of everything else that is the issue i.e the long standing loss of hunger. i never thought about my lungs months ago because of the lack of respiratory symptoms, but now i do have a cough. and i know it's extremely rare, but at university i used to pretty much chain smoke when drunk(and i was drunk a lot like any college students), and well, i'm concerned. studies i have seen online prove that x-ray isnt particularly good for lung cancer, overall. i would have thought that someone who has had symptoms for 6 months any lung cancer would show up on x-ray, but you cant discount the possibility of the interpreter having an 'off-day'. i really would like a ct scan to put my mind at rest but doctors just won't budge
>i know i have lung cancer i just can't get anyone to actually diagnose me
this is now a bait thread
we're honestly talking about a physical lack of hunger here. i would call that a cancer redflag. if i was a dog, for example, i would have died months ago from malnutrition simply because of the lack of instinctive food seeking that i have. i'm a human so i know better , and may just indulge in eating for the 'hell of it because it tastes nice', like i have been. but all in all i'm not really sure what else could cause such a state of being apart from cancer, i doubt i have an infection or any chronic hormonal condition.
You clearly don't understand what a loss of appetite means.
>i would call that a cancer redflag
I'm a doctor and I would call that having anxiety/depression. You have no reason to believe that you have cancer.
medical 'loss of appetite'=medical anorexia. which means loss of hunger. i can still enjoy the taste of food, doctors in the uk are generally so clueless and they just dont understand this, which is why they're not taking me seriously
>we're honestly talking about a physical lack of hunger here.
We are honestly not. You literally got fatter for Christ's sake. You don't binge eat when you have a "physical lack of hunger". It doesn't matter whether food tastes good to you or not. When you feel no hunger any longer, you don't feel like eating. If you think about food and feel like eating some, than that is literally appetite. You should make up better symptoms that are hard to objectively measure.
i said earlier i'm on SSRIs, which doctors have given me as they written me off as a headcase. i still have no feeling of hunger. ever. hence i know there is a phsyical cause. and from there i know it's very unlikely to be anything except cancer
>and from there i know it's very unlikely to be anything except cancer
What exactly is the extent of your knowledge of biology?
yes, because i'm fucking bored and depressed about my condition, my life isn't moving forward, i i still enjoy eating to take my mind off it, so what.
i refer you to this
bodyweight change is a poor indicator of one's physical 'appetite'
You should really stop thinking you have cancer. You're wasting your time pretending to know more than doctors.
loss of appetite is a sign of depression, which you don't have since you've put on weight. You can't know you lack hunger if you're stuffing your face all day. Loss of appetite is only pathological if it causes unvoluntary loss of weight, otherwise it's just called satiety
It's your understanding that is lacking. You simply have no idea.
better than average. i'm not medically trained but i probbaly know more about cancer than a standard british doctor just from reading. what else could possibly be wrong with me?
confirmed troll. sage goes in all fields
>better than average.
I want facts, not vagaries. Better than average is still shit. What is the extent of your biology education past Biology 101 in uni?
there's literally nothing stopping someone with a 'loss of appetite'from eating. i use the analogy of eating desert after a big meal, you still will eat that desert and enjoy it and have an 'appetite' for it without being hungry, and that describes my relationship food in its entirety over the last 7 months
You're simply wrong.
>still feeding this troll
If he was fun, I could see it, but it's the current year, come on!
kill yourself
again, you're referring to the sense of satiety, not appetite. In any case if you can't understand how silly this whole argument is, there's no helping you
Hey OP, have you managed to get your hands on any kind of proof that you're actually seeing doctors since a few weeks ago?
Because I still aren't convinced you're not making this whole story up, symptoms and doctor visits included.
what exactly do you mean?
i'm in constant state of 'satiety' , i eat recreationally without ever doing so to satisfy a biological craving. the kind of biological craving that led our ancestors to risk our lives hunting large mammals. i simply feel none of that. because i am phsyically ill
Can you assholes stop replying to this troll? I've got a REAL problem here:
>have 3.9 GPA and scores above the 95th percentile in the GRE
>Everything is on track, but my gf of 3 years just got pregnant and wants to keep the baby
>I tell her I can't deal with raising a kid while I'm in grad school, and she needs to have an abortion
>She is hesitant
>Now it's the third trimester. I'm still pushing for abortion but she says that now the fetus can feel pain and it would be unethical
>I tell her that's bullshit, I'm a biologist, I should know
What do you think I should do? How can I convince my girlfriend to do the right thing?
i simply made this thread looking for advice of what to do when your (((NHS))) doc won't take you seriously and you legitimately have real health concerns, and cant afford to go private
You should man up and take responsibility for your actions.
Also abortion is murder.
You're a fucking troll. I've got an actual real-life problem and you're pretending to be a hypocondriac for (you)s.
Give me proof you went to see a doctor.
go on jerry springer
get her boyfriend to take responsibility for the child
I AM her primary boyfriend (emotional bf). Her sexual bf is currently doing a postdoc at Duke.
ok, here is proof of the colonscopy that i had months ago near after all this started, i went privately then when i could afford it. i coincidentally had constipation then along with the loss of appetite so thats why i was looking at colon cancer, i certainly dont have that now but the lack of appetite persists, and now i have a cough and headache (brain mets from lung cancer)
this is all the 'proof' i have
better 'proof'
fake your death and assume a new identity. shouldn't be too hard for a biofag
lol, you can't make this shit up
But I like my current identity. I don't want to start over after investing all this time into my studies.
Oh wow, you're actually a legit hypochondriac. Don't post your personal correspondences on Veeky Forums, dude. Also go read a hypochondria self-help book or something.
>posting your address
No way this isn't b8
Do you see the pattern here, fuckwit?
i've moved house since then it's fine
His hypochondria passed the limit to full blown psychosis a long time ago.
what do you mean by that?
none of your fears or worries have any merit. you're healthy
>i enjoy eating but i dont want to eat, the food is forcing its way through my mouth
Is this the first time you've believed you had cancer? Have you ever thought you had cancer in another part of your body, only to find out there was no cancer?
i have known i have had cancer for 7 months.
First, take this shit to You believe that women run on logic. They run on emotions, especially when they're pregnant. Also, how does being a biologist qualify you to be an expert on pregnancy? The right thing to do would be to accept responsibility for getting your girlfriend pregnant. Get a paternity test to make sure it's yours. You wanting her to get an abortion and her wanting to keep the baby is going to cause a huge rift between you. If you manage to stay together, she'll tell your kid that you wanted to abort it because you were selfish.
>I have a persistent pleghmy throat
>cough came on about a month ago
Gee I wonder why you might be coughing
it's your heart chakra dude. it's either blocked or just severely understimulated.
coughs, trouble breathing, lack of physical endurance as well as loss of appetite and general depression are all symptoms of problems with your heart chakra. it is also associated with disturbances with the phlegmatic humour, which you report issues with.
the main thing that causes issues with your heart chakra is not having enough love in your life, whether through your parents, friends, a partner or anyone else in your life, if you don't really have anyone, it can be hard to improve on as your best cure is to work on loving others, try to open yourself up, and work on being able to express your love for the people you care about.
other things that can help are looking up heart chakra yoga routines or meditations, wearing green and surrounding yourself with green colors and objects, spending some time in nature in a green place, and eating green foods and drinks such as broccoli, kale, apple juice, and olives or olive oil, you should also think about the people in your life that you care about, and try to put into words how you feel about them and how you truly appreciate them whether to actually tell them or just for yourself.
of course none of this is traditional science but you're the one ignoring trained professionals telling you you don't have cancer.
What is the extent of your formal training in Biology?
How long will you have to not die before you acknowledge that you aren't dying?
You obviously can't simply have untreated lung cancer forever and not die from it. Many people would have already been dead after 7 months of progression of the disease.
he did a colonoscopy to check for colon cancer
you literally can't make this shit up
In America a paranoid nut like you would be sent for at least 10 more tests so they could milk your insurance company. And people wonder why healthcare is so expensive here.
Not OP, but I think I might be a legitimate hypochondriac as well.
Short greentext
>drink lots of caffeine, start losing sleep
>cut back on caffeine and get a migraine one day, 4 weeks ago
>get vertigo, ice pick pain and confusion
>next day, super out of it
>go back to normal caffeine doses (like 6-700mg)
>have several panic attacks when symptoms done disappear, think I have brain tumor, stroke
>in a haze for 4 weeks, some days better than others, but constant neck pain and vertigo
At first I thought it was a stroke or brain tumor, but I got top scores on midterms while this was going on and I thought if I had a problem in my brain, I wouldn't have done so well on my Ochem and math midterms.
But the vertigo and dizziness is persistent so I wondered if it was my heart, but yesterday I deadlifted 405x5x5 and rowed 5000m in 20 minutes and felt AMAZING so it probably isn't a heart problem.
In between this, also thought it was reactive hypoglycemia, but my sugar levels are fine, slightly high, but still below prediabetic.
And I'm constantly googling my symptoms and moving on to a new disease hypothesis when something doesn't fit. I've been to the doctor several times and they found nothing wrong but they just listened to my heart and had me stand on one foot and assessed my optic nerves for inflammation.
So basically, I'm still dizzy and nauseas but I have no idea what's causing it. I think it's anxiety, but can anxiety really be so powerful as to create physical symptoms?
that is literally a good question
i guess if we're going to be hypothetical. just supposing i am in good health(which i wont be) a year after all this started then we can say i was wrong. so august 2017
Zach, I think you suffer hyperchondria and may need to see a therapist.
He will probably just keep moving on to new diseases or eventually fall into a deep depression and kill himself
>just supposing i am in good health
This isn't what you were asked jackass. You can weasel around this literally forever because not only is "good health" subjective it's perfectly possible to live your entire life sick.
The question is if you are not _stone fucking dead_ after X months will you realize that cancer would 100% have killed you by then
holy shit i hate hypochondriacs. check yourself into a mental hospital
erm listen sweetie
non small cell lung cancer (which is what i have) kills slowly, me being ill for 7 months by no way proves i dont have it
So what length of time without death will prove you don't have it?
Nobody can even make you shut the fuck up about your cancer when the time comes around, I don't know why you're so adamant on dodging the question
i'm not a hypochondriac
i'm a physically ill person looking for advice on what to do when my (((national health service))) won't take me seriously simply because i don't meet the age requirements that they work by
i already told you
its purely hypothetical, but if im still able to type like this (which i wont be) in 5 months then i will concede defeat. you were right all along, its 'al in my head'
They don't take you seriously because you are an obvious nutjob. There is very evidently absolutely nothing wrong with you physically.
I really hope you actually get cancer, because that's what you deserve for being an ungrateful piece of shit. You are in good health and have a life ahead of you. I suggest you do something with it. First step: Look for a therapist and listen to what people tell for once instead of blaming the fucking jews.
>but if im still able to type like this (which i wont be) in 5 months then i will concede defeat.
eh it's not death but it's concrete enough
You'll still be making threads in August but at least you'll have admitted you're retarded
>you are an obvious nutjob.
lol its almost like the more worried i am about my ailments the more it works against me. honestly first respone human doctors were a mistake, and in twenty years time when i'm dead and we have robot GPs looking back on this thread you'll realize i was right
no i wont i'll be nearly dead by then
i had a friend who got diagnosed with lung cancer and was given a few months to live, after 30,000 dollars worth of test turned out it was a bad infection
Just stop with caffeine and handle the withdraw symptoms for some weeks you goddamn faggot
>Subjectively perceived 'loss of hunger', still gained weight due to binge attacks
>Immune to advice, simply denies every attempt to diagnosis (except his own of course)
>Posts threads on an anonymous image boards for months and months asking for attention even though everybody tells him he's full of shit
>Has a cough for a while
Yeah, I'm sure the robot GPs will guess it's fucking lung cancer. Or maybe gastric cancer, or pancreatic cancer, you don't really mind, right?
well im the opposite of that
literally guys what do i do when my ((doctors)) wont take me seriously?
this is going to be one of those GP horror stories you read about on i.e i was ill but they kept brushing me off
i dont believe you're truly pancreatic/lung cancer user, he never used to use echo quotes
How is this thread still up, what the fuck are the mods doing?
Delete this retarded blog bullshit
He's actively looking for excuses, so he fits the demographic of people using those.